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Answer the Call – Star Citizen’s BIGGEST Ship Sale is Back




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@FrazzleCat 2023.11.20 - 12:09 am

Okay hear me out, this is going to seem crazy at first. I think that they should actually drop the price of entry to maybe $35. This gets a person a ground vehicle, like a Cyclone or a bike or whatever. The tutorial starts the player in an instance (to avoid immediate ganking of brand new players) of a settlement where performance (FPS) is better, and they can still learn to use the ship terminal to summon their vehicle. They're sent on either an FPS (shooter), mining, or search mission, or can even be asked which they'd prefer. Regardless, this mission ends with them discovering today's version of, say, an Aurora or other starting ship, but it's an abandoned (by choice or otherwise) out-of-production junker. They're told to use a tool and some RMC to patch it up, teaching the player how to slot a cannister into the relevant tool & how to do some basic repairs. Once it's running, they're given the mission objective to fly from point-to-point in the air to ensure that the ship is flight worthy. From there, they're given the mission objective to fly to a space station to get the ship properly repaired. This tutorial could be voiced in small amounts like some of the current missions. Once arrived, they're told to "reclaim" their ground vehicle at their new location (or to leave it, this could be an optional objective), told how to repair their junker ship, and that's how they start the game proper. If you want the new-and-improved "Starter" ships, you pay the higher price, and as they do today your purchased ships become available once the tutorial is finished. Otherwise, this is what you get and you work your way up.

@kaisersolo76 2023.11.20 - 12:11 am

Also Right Now My New Player ship Or Start is the cutter it has way more going for it than most others. And it has legs

@Volf1916 2023.11.20 - 2:15 am

Until CIG can get the actual gaming environment on the PU useable after the patch has been on the PTU and ePTU for weeks if not months to be somewhat functional, not spending a penny on ships.
I have also advocated to others that the alpha is not in a state that warrants them to spend any money on the project, not even at a basic starter package. After showing them game session recording from not only my time but several others, they agreed.
Massive ship availability is really just another FOMO scheme for the die hards. Without the underlying tech and functionality at even basic level of stability there is no justification for financing it with any more purchases.

@congs5192 2023.11.20 - 3:39 am

Here’s what we do for the Aurora MK2 – take the Zeus MK2 cockpit, shrink it down to accommodate just one person, and add habitation into the back. Basically shrink the Zeus down to a solo size. Remove the extras obviously, no docking collar, maybe just one suit locker. A little dorito like you’d get in those snack size bags lol

@Funkiyy 2023.11.20 - 3:51 am

Fantastic patch. Most ship tractor beams placement can't even be used and the ore that's in SCU boxes can't even be sold Stellar update.

@3556df44 2023.11.20 - 3:57 am

Im sorry but starter ships do need to run out of fuel more often. They are essentially a citizens car to navigate around their planet and local moons only. They are limited to their local planetary objects and would require a stop off location to rest and refuel before progressing to the next planet and repeating the same pattern of gameplay….

@rixxy9204 2023.11.20 - 5:16 am

SC was brutal today. New Babbage was a laggy mess and walls, trains & elevators weren't spawning properly. I think I'll need to shelve the game for a while again.

@viking9000 2023.11.20 - 5:43 am

i want the genesis

@Bareus 2023.11.20 - 6:10 am

Valkyrie has side doors close enough

@tlove21 2023.11.20 - 9:06 am

The things that will take some time from SCL are not necessarily difficult unless they touch a lot of systems. For example, pouches, touch a lot of systems, for they will add to your inventory, etc. So difficulty in implementation for things like looting may not be as difficult for that is a new UI, but the connections for the UI would increase. They could just physicalize the armour and weapons, so the UI remains simple for small items.

@tomsmarkovs1946 2023.11.20 - 10:00 am

25:43 I disagree with this statement . . There is nothing wrong with the aurora and the mustang
Adding new reworks don't make sense because those ships are still amazing.

If you're suggesting Aurora mark II to be a different ship and the aurora is still available, then I have no problems with that statement.

@sleepfishl 2023.11.20 - 1:42 pm

I would prefer the Nomad over the Syulen. … But the Nomad has such an embarrassingly small Quantum fuel tank. … which makes the name "Nomad" into a Joke 🙁

@chrismcdonald5775 2023.11.20 - 1:51 pm

Is it me or does the funt look identical to a tractor beam attachment?

@sharxbyte 2023.11.20 - 2:18 pm

The syulen is super forgiving AS LONG AS YOUR LANDING GEAR IS DOWN

@thomasinlondon2849 2023.11.20 - 2:45 pm

New patch seems good. But almost unplayable as the selling cargo bug is terrible. Even cargo purchased from a mining station, untouched by tractor beam can fail to sell at Loreville. Even if you try to sell in small chunks its even worse now, as you try to sell a couple of SCU and the whole cargo type vanishes from your cargo hold. RSI council says its fixed. Gutted.

@BealBega 2023.11.20 - 4:05 pm

Speaking on the point at 19:35 I've been doing The repel raids missions on my own and they have been so brutal because the AI actually pays attention to me, but the big thing is that they were shooting my ship a lot. I don't think I've had that type of interaction as much where I'll have six NPCs just raining on my ship while I'm flying around and trying to land. Now imagine they had rail guns or some sort of AA to actually incentivize going on foot from a distance.

@congs5192 2023.11.20 - 4:07 pm

Also, boring > tacky (referring to paints)

@MooneShadow 2023.11.20 - 4:27 pm

Hello hot Ship Love line, what's been your experience with AIE?
Phone caller: Hello Mike I have been cheating on my MSR with the new penile shaped C1!

@MooneShadow 2023.11.20 - 4:39 pm

" Stop the crime Burrito time" 🌯 😅

@Nmyoutube821 2023.11.20 - 8:52 pm

200% disagree with your starter ships. As a pirate these small inconspicuous ships are vital to working salvage yards. A c2 will blow up a titan but will ignore a c8 loaded with ballistics. A more expensive mark2 version is acceptable is they hold the old ones.

@FieldHoodGaming 2023.11.21 - 12:15 am

This show needs to be longer, or have a part 2 of some type 😉

@Darnelj1 2023.11.21 - 2:45 pm

I'm with Croncy regarding maintaining the current lowest tier ships in their current state and price point. We don't need to reduce the ease of entry by increasing prices. Not all ships in a single 'tier' need to be made equal. For example.. We don't need static ship price tiers for 90$ entry, 250$ mid, 600$ Large, 1200$ XL-CAP, etc… There can exist low, mid, and top tier of these categories where people find their desired ship. And if there ever is a change to upgrade a ship in the future, anyone who already owns those ships should 100% be grandfathered in without even a discussion. Early supporter's risk paid for that. And in NO WORLD do we want to even HINT to game devs that they can retroactively increase the price of pre-purchased game assets. That is a catalyst for an era of gaming worst than the Mobile cash grab, DLC on launch, Microtransaction hell, and excessive P2W models all combined! Imagine having to repay for your LoL character every time they push out 'significant' reworks. That Pandora's box would never close.

@sauntor 2023.11.22 - 9:43 am

Good show. Will try to catch the next one live.

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