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This NEW Credit Card NEWS Is AWFUL News For MILLIONS Of People


This new credit card news is awful news for millions of people.

Recently, Wallet hub posted an article that features household credit card debt for people in the U.S.

The article broke down household credit card debt by city and also listed the total amount of credit card debt per city.

This new credit card news is awful news for millions of people as the lowest amount of credit card debt listed is still very high.

In this video, I review the article by Wallet hub and list the cities with the highest and lowest household credit card debt.

If you are someone who is currently in credit card debt, you need to watch this video.

I constantly try to provide a solution on ways to avoid credit card debt and being impacted by the high credit card debt in the U.S.

Where does your city rank in regard to household credit card debt?

#creditcard #creditcards #creditcardnews #creditcardadvice

Article referenced in the video: https://wallethub.com/edu/cities-with-the-highest-and-lowest-credit-card-debts/138569


Water Your Soil ® online course teaches you how credit scoring works. Click the link below to join the course:


My book ‘Strategies to Master Credit in E-Book Format:

Strategies to Master Credit (E-Book)

I have a book (Strategies to Master Credit) to assist you with improving your Credit Score:

Yes, the book is on Amazon as well | Strategies to Master Credit:


Also, be sure to check out the Water Your Soil ® community section for posts and polls regarding credit cards and credit:


Become a channel member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEt4WbIhr78k-gIaxmkxYMw/join


Disclaimer: The information provided is for informational purposes only. Content on this Water Your Soil ® channel is opinion based. Advice on this channel does not guarantee results. Please consult with a certified financial advisor or use your own discretion when making decisions regarding your credit report, credit score, and credit cards.

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@edwardlions4278 June 25, 2024 - 2:14 pm


@hellkatt June 25, 2024 - 2:22 pm

I live in Ohio, sounds about right. I’m not surprised Columbus Ohio isn’t in that low tier. Growing a lot and housing costs are getting ridiculous. But overall the cost of living in Ohio is pretty cheap by comparison.

@smithywethermangenson4940 June 25, 2024 - 2:39 pm

Ayeeee🔥 Wisconsin bBy!

@Maxine.Demian June 25, 2024 - 3:21 pm

Random but I love how you say in regard to (correct) instead of in regards to

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