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is Trigun Stampede Really THAT BAD?


SeaTactics checks out Trigun Stampede and talks about how this new remake of Trigun has a lot of potential. Comment below, what did you think about Trigun Stampede Episode 1 and Trigun Stampede Episode 2? If you enjoyed my Trigun Stampede Episode 1 Reaction, then give this video a like. Also remember to subscribe and ring the bell to never miss a Trigun Stampede video. Thanks for watching!

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Watch forever 2023.01.14 - 2:01 pm

So far the first episode is decent in my opinion and the CGI is pretty good

Watch forever 2023.01.14 - 2:02 pm

Hope you feel better seastatics

Animesrk 2023.01.14 - 2:03 pm

Nice video bro 👌

Watch forever 2023.01.14 - 2:05 pm

I remember the original feeling sci fi and more a western I think I might enjoy this more

Watch forever 2023.01.14 - 2:07 pm

I didn’t care about Millie in the original too much she wasn’t a bad character she didn’t feel too important to me so her being taken out didn’t bother me

Juan Carlos Acevedo Vallejo 2023.01.14 - 2:09 pm

vash looks good, but not afan of knives desing i think the problem desing is not as western for his world but anyway not bad at all the anime so far

ALWAYNE 2023.01.14 - 2:14 pm

YellinInMyEar 2023.01.14 - 2:28 pm

CGI isn't bad per se, but the skills of the people using it can be bad or good. It'd be like saying paint is bad, or inking is bad. They are simply tools.

Kalidenza 2023.01.14 - 2:32 pm

EMBRACE THE NEW! CGI is the future

Kalidenza 2023.01.14 - 2:47 pm

Like FMA, it feels like this one will be a better ending since I found the originals good but over done and not very deep.

MrJCarter8 2023.01.14 - 2:59 pm

I haven’t watched the original Trigun, do I need to watch that one before this?

Johnny Light 2023.01.14 - 6:14 pm

Hey Fortnite!

Vash skin when?!

Bohdan Chernovol 2023.01.14 - 6:37 pm

I will give a chance for this anime, a lot of moments look really good, but… I don't like they tell almost everything about this world and characters right in the first episode. Original Trigun was interesting because every episode you got know something new about the characters, about the world, about motivation, etc… And it starts as a little comedy, but finished as a big drama. I really liked how it felt.

Lucky Owl 2023.01.14 - 10:03 pm

haven't seen the original trigun and this one is amazing, expected from Studio Orange, they are the GOATs of full CGI anime, tho I hope they do Land of Lustrous Season 2 sometime in the future

Kody Tiffany 2023.01.15 - 4:43 am

Hate the character design… just to Apple seed for my taste.
I am however reserving judgement on story changes until S1 is done.
Long story short I fear for Wolfwood's treatment but am not sold on Vashes new character either.
I think its to early to say straight forward worse or better than OG. But I am leaning towards worse… They simply have changed to much and my girl Mili Thompson is gone which is unforgivable.
Also the lack of the black cat each episode is noticed and not appreciated.
To serious.
Despite my complaints I am watching with the mind set of purposefully not comparing since its a reboot basically.

Kody Tiffany 2023.01.15 - 4:54 am

I am just not liking the GGI models… not in beaststars either. At least in beaststars they were not human so I minded the weird glossyness less.
Honestly its the coloring.
PS1 cut scenes is what it reminds me of… so looks outdated by a few decades. No to me its just Ugly.
I like the effect on everything not human just not the humans.
i am most concerned with characters tho. The personalities and the smaller things like how crazy Vash was in a wacky way.
Like how there were some "humans" that were house size or weirdly colored or shaped… but hey the Nebraskas are almost the same… I liked the making of son into a person vs a thing like in the OG.
Very mixed feelings currently which is why I am giving it this season to sell me.

Kody Tiffany 2023.01.15 - 5:01 am

Milli was very important to the emotion of the OG… Merol not so much.
Milli was like a modern day Rem and we all know how important Rem was to Vash.
Merols denial makes sense also.
Vash is supposed to be a monster and our donut loving madman is no monster. She kept seeing him as unfortunately sharing a name.

Kody Tiffany 2023.01.15 - 5:08 am

He is not nearly 1v1 like the OG.
His arm is supposed to look human. His hair points in the wrong direction. He does not joke enough. His voice is off. His movements are the wrong kind of Janky (to stiff not fluid enough). Glasses are colored wronged. Vest to soft a red. Worse one-liners… list goes on. Clearly not the same person just very similar.

Kody Tiffany 2023.01.15 - 5:14 am

The Manga explained the Plants pretty much right off the bat so in that sense this version is more like the manga. Like the new design for the plants.
Seem less human so its easier to get why people treat them like slaves.
In case you forgot the OG vash and Knives are either plants themselves or at least partially like plants which explained their Angel Cannons power I think.
I wonder if they changed that?

Double Hit 2023.01.15 - 8:04 pm

please, fist look at ep1 of the original, than see this ep again. i'm pretty sure you will find it immensily worse then the original. as for the seires as a whole, i'll keep watching all the episodes of course.

TheXXIJackpot 2023.01.17 - 8:47 pm

It's a good anime, being cgi, it has less "details"(For now, there's no bullet holes or blood, for example), but you can do more "cool shoots"(like the chase scene).

An this is a different anime than the "original".

Sometimes less is more and the original having not that much material to work with made the anime more about the people and the "environment"(social, political, etc?) outside the plants.
Vash was a mistery and unraveling more of "The Humanoid Typhoon" was really interesting aside from every other character.

Here there's no much mistery and because there's no build up, the impact it's not the same. But having 20139094034 animes of isekai pc mc, this is a "fresh" thing.

For me, Vash's arm (in the original) served as another mistery, because not only he lose his arm, but his entire body was a mess.
Idk what they would show us about his arm in this anime, so we can only wait.

PD: Also, I may be stupid, but what was the poit of firing the cluster bombs? If everyone was running for their life (and they weren't even close).. what about the one who fired? He and Vash where certainly close enough to die together., so what exactly his plan? suicide?

Weldernick 2023.01.19 - 3:51 am

The only issues I personally have with the series is no Millie and the almost force feeding of the lore… the almost build up to vash’s back story and how the constant guessing kind of made the payoff so good! Other then that I’m not mad at the show! Trigun is one my first anime back in the day and still one of my favorites! I will watch this through but so far it’s a solid 7.8/10 very acceptable IMO (so far after 2 episodes)

Atahualpa Tobar 2023.01.19 - 10:30 am

In terms of pacing, its too forced. It throws everything up front without reason. Its like going a first date and your date telling proposing to you. But I guess people are into that kind of stuff.

Brent Z 2023.01.19 - 3:42 pm

The animation looks really good, but I am hating the new design of Vash and I miss Millie. The more serious tone is fine by me but it doesn't feel Trigun

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