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Trigun: Old VS New


Comparing the first episodes of the original and new adaptations of Trigun. I had some mixed feelings on the subject and in this video, I’ll tell you why.

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FULLMETAL BRO 2023.01.14 - 3:20 pm

It's all original. This anime not adapt manga. Studio are creating there own story. Original anime is faithful to manga.

Mad Mouse 2023.01.14 - 4:23 pm

My only problem is Vash's character design and the removal of Milly Thomson .

Ultra Overlord X 2023.01.14 - 5:18 pm

Personally I think so far it’s a solid anime, although some of the changes are unnecessary for me especially with Vash and Meryl’s new design and the biggest sin for me was. The removal of Milly like come on how could the studio and the writers remove the best girl from the original? That right there is a major crime.

Overall I agree it’s not bad and on its own is solid and I agree I also prefer how Vash’s backstory was handled in the original anime same goes for the manga where it felt like a mystery slowly being unfolded which was better.

R0-83-RT 2023.01.14 - 5:19 pm

I do like how the Anime has its own unique vision separate from both the previous anime and manga. I thought the CGI looked pretty good, for what it is. At certain times it can look akward, but at others it can be visually impressive.

RainbowChikkin 2023.01.14 - 5:21 pm

Another pointless remake… CGI isn't bad, but original just potraied everything a lot better then this version.

Slayer9568 2023.01.14 - 6:08 pm

I agree with what you said mostly the CGI didn't bother me at all partially because studio Orange who did it also did the animation for Houseki no Kuni and that was beautifully animated so going into Trigun Stampede i knew that it would look good i also found it strange how Vash fired another bullet he didn't have but whatever i don't care about Trigun enough to deeply analyze it i do agree with what you said about Meryl Stryfe's personalty however appearance wise i think she looks cuter in Stampede i really wish that Milly wasn't cut she was one of the best things about Trigun last thing Yoshitsugu Matsuoka as Vash is so interesting

AnimeWolf7 2023.01.14 - 8:03 pm

Originally I thought Stampede was going to be a prequel that showed how Vash earned his reputation as the Humanoid Typhoon , that said though I'm fine with Stampede having it's own continuity rather then it being part of the original series that way it gives the anime team the freedom to do what they want, though hopefully it sticks the landing when the the final episode comes out. On the plus side Johnny Young Bosch is returning to play Vash again for the dub of Stampede which I was so glad to hear that.

Auxcide 2023.01.14 - 9:45 pm

I love the originial Trigun anime (havent read the manga all the way), has always been in the top 10 of anime for me personally. I was very dishartened by the art style and character designs when I first saw this, but I've acclimated to it, and I actually think it looks really good at times, from what we've seen so far. I do agree with what you said about the characters though. Meryl and the other guy that replaced milly do seem pretty 1 dimensional, but they have the most potential to grow and become better characters throughout the rest of the show, I think. but vash…… idk, putting the backstory and his nature to not want to kill anyone up front like this seems like a bad decision to me, but maybe they'll take the character into a new "refreshing" direction, its to early to really know.

Sherry Rose 2023.01.15 - 12:17 pm

My biggest disappointment with the first episode is no building was destroyed, because Vash maybe a good guy but he no perfection

Frozzy Tango 2023.01.16 - 8:14 am

It just rubbed me the wrong way. Im skipping this anime.

nozrep 2023.01.16 - 11:25 am

garsh, i wanted to watch this review so bad. Didn’t even know there was a new Trigun. I realize that I am karening here, but for the love of pete please talk at a slower pace in future videos, it will help your channel growth and increase views. E.g., speak or narrate at about the same speaking pace as your local tv news anchors. TV news anchors are great examples to emulate because they are specifically trained to speak like that for tv news anchoring purposes. Again, my apology for being “that guy”. Good luck on your channel. Speak slower!

alberico 2023.01.16 - 4:30 pm

The animation looks gorgeous. People need to relax it's just a cartoon. Appreciate the art

frostgod 2023.01.17 - 10:06 pm

i hate it. i hate the animation i hate the new styles i hate it all

ArtaSky 2023.01.18 - 2:43 am

Can't wait to see wolfwood die again 💀💀💀💀💀

Br Uh 2023.01.18 - 9:32 pm

The chances of Trigun maximum's adaptation are completely gone rn.

2:39 the big guy appears later on maximum.

Cross X 2023.01.19 - 1:36 pm

I didnt watch the old trigun but i do like her design more then her original counterpart

Vesstig 2023.01.20 - 12:22 am

Same issue Berserk CGI had but not as bad, hand drawn would have been better

The Devil-Joe 2023.01.20 - 12:14 pm

I kinda compare the artstyles of Both Trigun shows to the artstyle of both eras of Guilty Gear games the Original Trigun looks like the OG guilty gears with an artstyle that I would never trade for anything for while Trigun Stampede looks like the newer Guilty Gear titles with the 3D style and character redesign

Day Off 2023.01.21 - 6:10 am

Haven’t seen it yet but I’m not gonna lie I don’t like Vashs new design…he looks…just off, kinda like a college woke guy; just doesn’t look like Vash. Not a big deal and I’m excited to watch it but I just can’t get with his new look…he doesn’t look anywhere near as charismatic, badass, and iconic as his OG design, he looks bland now lol

Redd Gambit 2023.01.21 - 12:54 pm

I mean as a die hard fan of the original i was actually really pleased with stamped so far, the animation style by orange was a genuine surprise to me as before i thought i was just some random animation company that were doing it and i was beginning to have berserk 2016 flashbacks 💀, after looking at their work on LOTL tho i was so happy to hear they were the ones doing it, and i was surprisingly satisfied, however i agree with what your saying, vash, is a bit off, but i can deal with it, old guy? Literally don't remember his name and the fact they replaced mille is criminal, knives, so far, like the original is woefully underdeveloped and hell they managed to build even less on him in stamped with is impressive in a twisted sorta way, and meryl, jesus christ they just killed off everything i like about her so far, comes off as such a cliché anime teen with a heart of gold bs its so dumb. Finally, pace yeah i didn't agree with that either, i loved the plot twist in the original as to vashes origins with seeds and the fact they established that right away is a serious miss of good story beats, but at the same time, i respect a ton of people watching this are original fans and know already so i guess in that perspective, i can let it slide.

J F 2023.01.21 - 11:21 pm

One thing I know for a fact will be superior to the original Trigun would be the English dub because, if im being honest, the original anime's dub is…. kinda terrible looking back. Seriously, me and a lot of other people only remember that dub because of Johnny Yong Bosch, who is reprising his role for this series, but they never mention how every other actor was just some rando they pulled off the street.

2bleachfans 2023.01.21 - 11:31 pm

Spoilers : Seeing how episode 3 came out and the reveal of Knives I think they changed too much of the story from the source material and they changed Vash's character. In the original and the remake Vash already has his bounty the difference is that in the original he seems to also have the experience to come with it the new one Vash seem's inexperienced. Vash in the original series had to go through a mental growth to defeat Knives from the way the remake is going it seems like Vash has to go through a physical growth to defeat Knives. Honestly other than the fact that they have the same character names the shows seem completely different because they changed the characters abilities and their mentality as well has the changing the plot.

breakerxblandino 2023.01.22 - 4:09 am

I can't wait to hear ur thoughts on episodes 2 and 3. I feel like they are rushing a bunch of element's tht made the original pretty good. Already we know knives is in the background so wat will the big twist or big bad be at the end? And the way the first episode played I thought for sure this was earlier in his career as a gunman rather than the same person. I think it is cuz but a bunch of characters and dialog suggest it's the same. Also i miss the spiked hair and old gun. This gun is easy too chunky if you ask me

Ty Stewart 2023.01.22 - 7:46 am

I think it is alright I do not like the fact how Vash is redesign, his super saiyan spikey hair, his shades with the zigzag on the side and his long red coat is part of his identity. That is Vash the Stampede To me. This design is more of a teenage boy. It's not bad but I prefer his "original" look. And I noticed that the creators changed Vash's character, because the other one, the original, he was goofier and this one he is less funny. I also do not know why they did not have the other character, Milly which sucks. And what also IS MISSING is that iconic black cat? LOL SMH. I mean come on; they better not leave the black cat out of this one. The cat was iconic. LOL 😅🤦‍♀

warpinator 2023.01.22 - 1:07 pm

It's weird for some reason why is vash using a 22lr revolver rather than his magnum revolver 22lr can't shatter that rock😅 and i don't like how wolfwood look in this reimagination..

Flower x Child 2023.01.22 - 1:11 pm

You managed to summarize EVERY single issue I've had with Stampede so far comparatively to the original, and even as it's own new adaptation. Especially when you dissected the character representation and set up for Vash's character and story boarding. Amazing reflection in this video.

Carol Pulma 2023.01.22 - 5:40 pm

New one is a cash grabbing garbage ..

Pam Gonzales 2023.01.22 - 6:02 pm

stampede is very different from the manga and the original anime. I'm not a fan of the 3d/2d still. Its not that it is ugly, its just the character movements are too distracting and for some reason the funny super imposed expressions in funny situations do not happen. Also, i've noticed in this entire show so far the characters (especially Vash) don't feel very funny at all like their original counterparts. I guess it is fine and its a new direction and look for the show. But because of this Vash does not really feel like Vash to me. He comes off as just sad and depressed thus far. And yes he was that as well in the og manga/anime, but he hid it behind his humor and you saw him grow and slowly let people in through out the series. I do feel that it is good that this show is going in its own direction and feel. But at the same time, what is the point of remaking something that was already really good as it was instead of just coming up with new original content..

Primaryhoodies 2023.01.22 - 8:36 pm

I’m hoping that Milly shows up later. It really isn’t the same without her

Cpt. Murica1776 2023.01.23 - 5:01 am

Also, it’s small… but Vash doesn’t use a .22 he uses 45 longcolt.

sparrowhunter 1 2023.01.23 - 7:46 am

Why change his caliber of bullet? Why nerf him? Why make him seem less intelligent(he seemed intelligent with how he got out of situations in the original ie the straw and the "use the latrine" tactic)?

Nyx 2023.01.23 - 12:40 pm

Exactly what i wanted to say but in a video, how do i explain that i love you? 😭💕😂😂😂

BossIvan 2023.01.23 - 5:44 pm

Great video! You deserve WAY more views for this gem. The only thing left out that annoys me to no end is… Why the hell is he using a pathetic little .22 now? In the original, you can see he is using a .45 Long Colt. The OG gunslinger cartridge. In the remake, the feats that he performs and superhuman shots (like in the first episode) break the suspension of disbelief completely. That little soft round disintegrates the moment it hits something like a rock. It can't move any heavy object because of the lack of kinetic energy. Also, it looks stupid as hell.

mike Rio 2023.01.23 - 7:42 pm

YES, the story board literally exaggerated his goofiness, and using the bombs for no reason besides using them as style points.
Another thing that bothers me is in episode 3, when they introduce knives, in my opinion, they brought him out too early.

Nerdsouls 2023.01.23 - 8:42 pm

So you know nothing If you dont know the Manga

Pinot Noir 2023.01.24 - 1:03 am

the artstyle and animation on the new one is amazing, i love it but i kinda have a mixed feeling about the story. like i hate that they replace Milly with a generic drunk middle age man, and i don't really like the way they reveal Nebraska family and the way they ended. and they reveal Knives too early.. tbf i didn't read the manga, but the og anime is better for me because of how the story started..

Ronoq Zaman 2023.01.24 - 2:01 am

anime cool

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