I’m getting so close
I’m getting so close
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I thought it was a good attempt. TF is a fun champ to watch being played, I think
I laughed out loud after Draven’s fail flash and pekin’s reaction
Really entertaining and educational video ❤
Call that the repeater. Pop flash wave still the same just come right back works very often
Oh my god, it's the first time I see him laughing. That was precious, he always looks so serious all the time
compared to other midlaners i always thought tf was kinda boring and lame but after trying him in aram and watching your vids he’s a pretty easy and useful champ.
Pekin is actually an insane player he should take a bit more risk and limit resting and he'll be top 1 the dude plays all champs
pekin god
I would have reported that Cami. People like that should be perma banned. Should be easy to detect troll selling/buying and punish them for that at the very least.
The quest for blue card one shots continues
7:15 love me some minion genocide ASMR
the haircut, hey hotty
"let's at least get his flash"
*draven faceplanks wall*
Lmao it was a good try at least. That missed flash was just hilarious to watch!
"Tf's a pretty crazy solo queue champion, that's for sure"
cries in low elo
Great video, good game, not so good bluecard tf 1shot video… Sorry pekin xD u need to keep grinding
two games in a row beating irelia mid?? 😍
Nice haircut!
asking pekin to play ap tris day 33
That Camille's username said he was a "LoL Coach" but I don't think I'd take advice from that guy.
Did Pekin paly Skarner mid? No.
Lose Streak: 462
TF that champ in general is TRASH! 99.9% of TF players i get on my team just feed hard, and help you lose matches!
Hey ev
Pekin I'll iron your shirts for you please man
Do more tf one shot in high elo, very entertaining and it seems like its a great build for him
I feel like they tf shouldnt have as much damage when hes a stunbot mage, they might nerf it soon, so play him while u still can OS with him
draven flash down