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Novak Djokovic: Ukraine Calls For The Star's Dad To Be Banned From Aus Open Following Incident


Ukraine Ambassador to Australia, Vasyl Myroshnychenko, has called for Novak Djokovic’s father to be banned from the Australian Open after he posed with supporters of Russian president Vladimir Putin outside Melbourne Park. Myroshnychenko joins us.
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Ангелина Николова January 27, 2023 - 8:41 am

Watch video again….he doesn't say anything at rushan or mention Rusia….whay spread lies???

Ангелина Николова January 27, 2023 - 8:46 am

Sport is political 🙄 what….you saying Djokovic support Russia….when he said that….The Djokovic family have to Sud the Ukrainian embassy in Australia for spreading lies!!!!

Dr PK January 27, 2023 - 8:52 am

Hate his son anyway
Dont forget the genocide the Serbians did and are still proud of it.

Lee Alan January 27, 2023 - 9:03 am

Novak had made good in my opinion. I am pro vaccination, but respect those who decide it is not for them. Novak did not handle himself well at the last Aus Open.
He made incredible headway with his obvious personality winning through. Then he shows what he really is. I held my judgement with a forgiving heart, but now I see that to many Serbians are blinded by the idea that Putin is a good future.. Novak is again, out of my sight.

morgan madison January 27, 2023 - 9:17 am

You have no right to ban people from watching a sport for their political views. This idea is totalitarianism.

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