Home » Anime » 2023冬Anime » Mikayla Nogueira LIED about EVERYTHING… (called out by EVERY beauty guru)

Mikayla Nogueira LIED about EVERYTHING… (called out by EVERY beauty guru)


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Sassy 2023.01.27 - 11:07 pm

"Feel like I'm gonna regret posting this" so why post it lol …. IF those are false lashes they look horrible and now I know which ones not to buy.

Maravilla 2023.01.27 - 11:36 pm

Never heard of her but her voice is 😬

Evans Black 2023.01.27 - 11:43 pm

I hated her ever since i saw her:

Lupita90 2023.01.28 - 12:04 am

People are getting killed and being actually bad people and you all are pressed about lashes??

alisson :D 2023.01.28 - 12:08 am

I knew something was off about her I never like her to begin with she didn’t seems genuine to me and looks like a crackhead or maybe it’s just her big lips that makes it seems that way.

Manajemen Bank Unair 15 2023.01.28 - 12:12 am

Never heard of her before becausr im not on tiktok but she looks like a florida woman

Miyeon is a queen 2023.01.28 - 12:18 am

Okay you can say whatever you want about Jeffrey star but he was the only beauty influencer who told the truth! If the product was bad he would just say it! And also if it was sponsored he would also say it!

kellmoh 2023.01.28 - 12:21 am

idk who this scummy influencer is, but her voice is yuck! not cute. who would wanna listen to her talk about makeup ? her voice is the complete opposite of glam/feminine. she also sounds uneducated and insincere lol

Chelle Eve 2023.01.28 - 12:52 am

She made a mistake on a sponsor post get over it they always lied to us on them and these influencers jumping on the bandwagon to promote themselves is just shady 🙄 I don’t care about this mikayla is a good person

Chet Michael Shoemaker 2023.01.28 - 1:05 am

I mean… I think maybe individual lashes, but I don't think it's the Ardell whispies… I do however think something shady is going on… if it IS just the mascara, then it's more like 4 or 5 coats. I mean you can get a better look than this just by combing through the mascara with a clean dry disposable wand after the application, waiting for it to dry and adding another layer, repeat 4 times. She chose to leave it uneven with tiny globs here and there… something is up here I'm just not entirely sure exactly what it is.

Mandy 2023.01.28 - 1:16 am

This is hilarious 🤣😅 you guys, she’s an influencer. She gets paid to sell products, and that’s her job lol

Broomstick Betty 2023.01.28 - 1:31 am

I don't believe the majority of "influencers" these days tbh
I've bought things in the past from "recommendations" from big YouTubers and they've been crap. I don't have the spare money for this shit.
I'm more likely to believe someone with 100 followers who genuinely reviews makeup they bought with thier own money over these people.

Kelly 2023.01.28 - 1:48 am

She is harsh. Like she had a tough upbringing. I think she does amazing makeup, this mascara builds like benefit mascara … if she did anything, maybe she primed her eyelashes ?? But I don’t think really think she lied!

Kat .K 2023.01.28 - 2:06 am

I can't trust someone whose face doesn't move.. why does her face look so plastic is that a filter or something?

JB 2023.01.28 - 2:08 am

Why don’t you talk about her accent in these videos?

Frine Kristia 2023.01.28 - 2:21 am

She’s like 65 and 30 at the same time. And she looks like that one annoying Aunty that nobody hopes for coming.

greeneyed Lilpup74 2023.01.28 - 2:26 am

Went from reg lashes to crappy lashes

Cecania CC 2023.01.28 - 2:28 am

On the second coat her eyelash suddenly becomes Naruto with those clones of lashes

Try again 2023.01.28 - 2:42 am

People aren't dumb. There are MORE hairs than what she has. No mascara is gonna give that much volume, separation, dimension, AND feathery productless look. The only one I've tried was milk kush, and it never looked that productless and feathery and separated enough to see individual lashes like her "after."
She is, overall, a fraud. Accent, expressions, filters, and reviews are either faked or exaggerated.

ANITA RIOS 2023.01.28 - 2:59 am

I'm sorry but she looks like a weird bird. Beautiful weird looking bird once all the filters and make up goes on. But she did lie 😞

Cheryl Ann Webb 2023.01.28 - 3:14 am

How is “lashgate” worthy enough to finally post about, but Mikayla using Roe v. Wade overturning as a cash grab and then lying about donating any proceeds to charity not…? Unfathomable how anyone still trusted her after that.

NekoGrace 79 2023.01.28 - 3:18 am

I’m not excusing anything she may of lied about I don’t follow her. But I noticed the L’Oréal Partner before the narrator said anything about it.

MINI_MEW 2023.01.28 - 3:30 am

Ain't gonna believe anything she says any more. Especially after her tik tok friend said it's no big deal to lie to your followes

JL Kitz 2023.01.28 - 3:33 am

I don't use Tik Tok, or know anything about this girl. But the fact that she's SO filtered, plumped, and using a dodgy "accent" is enough 😐. These influencers are really just sad…

JL Kitz 2023.01.28 - 3:37 am

And I'll never be a J. S. fan… who's looking to him as some sort of role model 😐

Em L 2023.01.28 - 3:50 am

People are so overdramatic

Baylee G 2023.01.28 - 3:53 am

Second-hand embarassment just watching her lie about the mascara lol

CynLouWho 2023.01.28 - 4:06 am

Saying, "This..literally just changed my life.." is such BS! It's sad that so many of her young impressionable viewers fall for this!

Liv 2023.01.28 - 4:33 am

This is so dramatic r u joke. This is what ppl are worried ab 🥱🥱🥱

Kristina Savic 2023.01.28 - 5:02 am

Her voice is really annoying, how can you guys enjoy the content?

Jesse The Persian Kitty 2023.01.28 - 5:51 am

What is up with the over lined lips.

Jesse The Persian Kitty 2023.01.28 - 5:53 am

her face looks like a beaten favourite lol

Moni Oni 2023.01.28 - 6:49 am

wow i did not know all this stuff about her i only just recently saw her reels come up on my for u page on youtube and thought hey they look chill ill sub to them but oof wasn't prepared for this doozy

Latrice Taylor 2023.01.28 - 7:45 am

I love her channel but I really thought she was a man.

SunkissedMalice 2023.01.28 - 10:01 am

Wait, that's her actual voice? LMAO I thought it was just being edited for copyright purposes. 🤣

VeeMarieS 2023.01.28 - 10:09 am

Of course Jeffree Star wants to insert himself. He doesn’t know how to stay away from drama. Who f’ing cares anyway? Is it really that big of a deal?

Suzy Manville 2023.01.28 - 10:58 am

How hard would it be to say the mascara is great on it's own, but the Loreal mascara plus the Ardell demi wispies is fire??

arianna dshae 2023.01.28 - 11:10 am

i’m not surprised at all. most influencers lie about products they’re being paid to promote bc money > integrity in their world. i always try to take what they say with a grain of salt.

Diabla Beauty 2023.01.28 - 11:40 am

That’s really crazy😮 she lied about a mascara review when she was wearing lashes?

Idk who was here 2023.01.28 - 11:48 am

Y’all ain’t shit for this 😂😂😂😂😂 I’ve watched the girl a few times, I don’t care for her and I thought she was a man when I first caught sight of her a while back🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣…BUT….this shit ain’t that serious 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I can pretty much guess the age group who feels some type of way. The entire video sounded and looked like a parody….who fucking cares this much about this shit?? About to ruin what she has going on over some fucking “wispies” and not calling out her partnership 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Y’all not gonna last long in ya life cause for the most part y’all are way too serious, if you approach everything in life this way you’ll be miserable and afraid of every got damn thing in your life 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ And for the chick who was saying that she’s very honest and shaking from the controversy is just as looney as the folks coming after this woman 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️

ItsDalora✨ 2023.01.28 - 12:30 pm

I felt her energy and was over her lol! Didn’t even know bout the drama.. but this confirms it 🤣🤣

turnstyletouchbunny 2023.01.28 - 12:36 pm

This is great free advertising for the Ardell wispies 🤣

Aubree Chadek 2023.01.28 - 1:10 pm

I'm 100% shocked and heart broken that she would do this 💔😢

LonerStoner 2023.01.28 - 1:14 pm

Y’all aren’t tired of constantly being mad about stuff and constantly being negative and constantly talking about it

Ts Satrina 2023.01.28 - 1:18 pm

Why are we acting like Jeffar Fart coming back is a good thing. He isn't the lesser of two evils.. he's literally evil. The man is a racist and a narcissist, as if eating and selling his own pets wasn't bad enough lol. Miss girl is funny at times and honest WHEN SHE WANTS TO BE, but otherwise she's gross. An opportunist if there ever was one at that. Not interested.

Donna Johnson 2023.01.28 - 1:22 pm

Omg leave her alone .. gotta find fault in something cause everyone is jealous cause she’s loved. .. where r all the grown women at ?

Brittney JennyM 2023.01.28 - 2:42 pm

Never seen and heart of her until now lol

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