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Why this Episode CONFUSED OG Clone Wars Fans So Much [The Bad Batch]


Meatbags malding

Why this Episode of the Bad Batch Made OG Clone Wars Fans SO CONFUSED Why Star Wars Fans

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🎬Video Credits:
Narrators – Cam
Editor – Giorgi
Writers – Sean

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0:00 Intro
1:09 Holdouts
2:56 The Separatist Cause
6:08 A Desert Called Peace
8:44 Outro

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Momo Dophug Drakpa 2023.02.01 - 9:13 am

Did Will Smith actually comment? I’ve been looking through your old videos but can’t find it. Somebody please direct me in the right way 😭

Kernow Pictures 2023.02.01 - 9:13 am

“ We’re fighting for freedom.” “And freedom and peace require fear and death? We colonised assistant to bring science from your wretched war you’re only destroy a small amount of peace which is left in the galaxy“

anna white 2023.02.01 - 9:18 am

always said they messed up makin the clone wars, wish they would have shown angles where the droids could have been good guys,should been hard pickin a side, instead they said it a few times, but only show droid army and dooku betrayin everyone and enslaving every planet, think this is a big misstake, the droids should have, and was suppose to be the beginning of the rebels, but instead kinda other way around, clone wars could been the civil war, but instead seppies are just evil enslavers that need to be killed off, and then when the republic was becomin the empire some of the republic stayed, to fight off the empire and started a civil war, even hinted at in cw s5, could been hidden stories and plots where seppies became the rebels like talked about even in andor, but just isn't so really

anna white 2023.02.01 - 9:20 am

know what would made this ineresting, vader helpin the clones, with larger threat to fight, or a rogue jedi helping the droids, with larger empire threat

anna white 2023.02.01 - 9:23 am

seems more about that one woman with child, was even shown in trailer pretty good, and prolly served its purpose, heavily rumored and theories about who she was, but could there be more, also- this look like could be the planet where ahsoka is durin last ep of tales of jedi

Unswimming Fish 2023.02.01 - 9:26 am

In a lot of cases, there just is no actual good guy. You have slaves, greedy and power-mad ruling people, and idealists who often believe in lies or people who are secretly the bad guys. Most of the better characters when looking for an objectively good one would be regular people subjected to crappy lives, and clusters of other people who group up and fight against much stronger enemies, frequently losing. There really aren't a lot of time periods in which living in the SW galaxy could offer anyone a good life, unless they're lucky or willing to do immoral things and exploit other people to improve their own situations.

anna white 2023.02.01 - 9:27 am

would love see this battle that bonterri talks about where clones killed her husband in cold blood, guessing this is just a lie, but short answer is the sep's was never good guys on any level, out side they seem to know the empire was coming, but all they ever did is fund a killing everyone army, long answer would still lead to pure villains, but with a twist perhaps, but the main goal of the clones was to fight back against the droid army, the bit more secret mission might been to relaim most of the republic planets, the pure secret was to weaken the galaxy and jedi forces, for the sucker punch

anna white 2023.02.01 - 9:35 am

think some of dooku secrets of the chip programmin might have something to with, some of the rogue clones we see who talk about this subject in cw, and after this ep directly, might shed some light of some arcs like the one back in season 2 i think it was, were the clone says they slaves, even when bariss defects she said along with the clones the jedi became a army workin for the dark side, and it is true, the jedi made the empire possible

Kernow Pictures 2023.02.01 - 9:37 am

The reason it was seen of the claims being protagonists because it was pro-republic/imperial propaganda

KryZehkGFX 2023.02.01 - 9:45 am

Tbh I think the part of TCW where you really sympathyse with the Republic's ideology is 1: the positive bias towards Jedi and 2: the Separatist military leaders are genuinely evil (Ventress, Grievous). We also didn't get to see a lot of the CIS' politics or life. Same happens in the real world: We know our systems are rotten, unfair, destructive, but most people can't see/won't fight concepts such as supposed "Democracy", "Human rights" and a lot of those concepts we hear every day, but never really see. (Sorry for the political rant)

But yeah, I agree with the point of the video.

Rexila 2023.02.01 - 10:11 am

Na fam die for the brothers! Put those clankers down

Matteo .Bellesi 2023.02.01 - 10:14 am

What's the misconception from us viewers, watching most of war movies is that one faction soldiers are good and the other are not, the thing we rarely conceive is that a soldier act blindly following orders (like a battledroid 😉) and could do a nice thing, like protecting harmless people or evacuating them from a danger zone and immediatly after executing them all if ordered to, so the Clone Wars example fits perfectly to make us understand what a soldier really is.

Matt 2023.02.01 - 10:16 am

Wish all the bad batch episodes were of this quality instead of the filler episodes that don't really add anything

CG Studios 2023.02.01 - 10:16 am

I always liked droids the most but most ppl dont like them for some reason :/

Luftwaffe JG1 2023.02.01 - 10:27 am

I hold to the opinion that, same as on earth, a soldier can be a hero without his cause being heroic. War is an art and a science; those who perfect it may paint the ground with blood but the painting itself is masterfully made. Germans, Japanese and Russians in WWII, often portrayed as just mindless hordes or scheming rats, could be just as heroic in battle and their actions just as justifiable as those of some of their American, British, Australian and Canadian counterparts. In space it is no different; the cause a soldier is fighting for may be dishonorable, but serving that cause with honor and prowess can indeed be worthy of praise.

Terrarian 2023.02.01 - 10:32 am

The Droid army wasn’t evil, just often under the control of the wrong people. Battle droids were very much a symbol of hope for many.

Terrarian 2023.02.01 - 10:34 am

I want to see another sep holdout in canon, but on a larger scale. I think we deserve to see Gizor Delso canonized. I wanna see an AT-AT ripped in half by a Homing Spider Droid on Geonosis. We know in canon the Geonosians are wiped out by the Empire, so why not have them go down fighting?

ghillieguy52 2023.02.01 - 10:50 am

feels like the episode was a setup for some juicy stories to come

Readyor Knot 2023.02.01 - 11:02 am

You are correct and it was always something that caused me anxiety, I'm glad you spelt it out again for me

Philipp3022 2023.02.01 - 11:30 am

The Prequel especially CW subtle message was always that the Empire existed and rised before Sidious declared it official in the Senate.
The Military Bills, the spending Bills, the nationalizing of the Banking Clan, the decoupling of the Jedi from their true purpose etc – it all happened before the Empire "officially" existed.
in short: democracy doesnt die within 1 day – with 1 declaration – it dies when youre for to long not paying attention how the inner workings get captured and fail to realize who is capturing it.
And at some point this will always lead to insurgency and violence.

The CIS was always on the right side – but run by the villains
The Republic was always on the wrong side – but run by the heros
"All for the greater cause"

Stephen's Universe 2023.02.01 - 11:34 am

I always thought the most interesting thing is how the Separatist “the bad side” chose to use a droid army rather than sacrificing thousands of lives with a humanoid army like the Republic “the good guys” did

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