Home » Anime » 2023冬Anime » Star Fox Armada: Retro's Wii U Game That Never Was Ft. @BoundaryBreak

Star Fox Armada: Retro's Wii U Game That Never Was Ft. @BoundaryBreak


In this video, Did You Know Gaming takes a look at Star Fox Armada. This game was pitched internally at Retro Studios, which if successful would have released on the Nintendo Wii U. Unfortunately the Armada pitch was unsuccessful, with the game joining the legions of other Nintendo games that were rejected, cancelled, or lost.

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Research/Writing by Dr Lava
Video Editing by TheCartoonGamer
Voiceover by Shesez of Boundary Break

Sources/Further Reading:
DYKG Interview with Eric Kozlowsky

#StarFox #Nintendo #WiiU

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Thembill 2023.02.05 - 9:02 pm

It sounds like a cool blend of Star Fox, Mass effect, and wing commander. This needs to happen.

TID-bit RETRO 2023.02.05 - 9:03 pm

I hope whoever said no to this no longer has their job.

Pikmin 4! 2023.02.05 - 9:04 pm

wouldve been awesome

RobbyMac64 2023.02.05 - 9:05 pm

I mean sure that may sound good on paper, but why waste money and resources on all that bull, when we can get Star Fox 64 for a 4th time? Am I right or am I right? Who's with me?

Strykerx31 2023.02.05 - 9:05 pm


Dai Nobu 2023.02.05 - 9:10 pm

It's a shame it never got approved. The idea of putting bounties on other squads on Miiverse sounds like an amazing idea.

Damn you StarDucks!

comog 2023.02.05 - 9:11 pm

Cus boundary break is awesome!🤘

Gioia Colli 2023.02.05 - 9:12 pm

i love this concept so much

Liam Robertson - Game History Guy 2023.02.05 - 9:13 pm

This actually sounds really fun 😢

Aaron Chaska 2023.02.05 - 9:13 pm

Man… it sucks that Star Fox fell off, that pitch was honestly awesome. It feels like it's mostly due to Adventures, which I think is a good enough game, but it should never have been forced to be SF in the first place. Maybe then Assault would have seen better sales, and it's a shame because it took everything 64 did and only improved it, and then some. I did play Command, even got all the endings, but that was probably the only SF that actually missed the mark. Even Zero is great, but "muh motion controls" turned people away before they even gave it a chance. Personally I found being able to steer in one direction while simultaneously aiming in another was not only cool but immersive and effective gameplay-wise. And I never found myself looking down at the gamepad to do it, it was a completely intuitive feature to me.

You would think Miyamoto wouldn't have been so careless (to force it on Rare like that) with a franchise based on something so close to him. idk.

Frodo Fraggins Gaming 2023.02.05 - 9:14 pm

But is it better than Star Fox adventures? 😛

Cheesehead302 2023.02.05 - 9:17 pm

Idk whether the most interesting thing about this is how cool this pitch sounds or that we have confirmation that retro worked on SOMETHING and it got canned. I'm so damn curious as to what they were doing between the release of Tropical Freeze and now.

IZU 2023.02.05 - 9:18 pm

I still think the problem was never Fox leaving the ship, but the gameplay sucking.
Like, Kid icarus literally showed that it can work lol

Amir Moradi 2023.02.05 - 9:19 pm

Sounds a lot better than what we got on the WiiU. I bought the wiiU version and never played past the second mission. The game was too much of a headache to learn.

Solaris 32 2023.02.05 - 9:19 pm

Nintendo is so dumb.

KBroly 2023.02.05 - 9:22 pm

It's easy, with hindsight, to see why this didn't make it up the chain. This is a lot more interesting than Zero, at least. But I doubt a bit of its' functionality would've made it into the game.

Byte Scientist 2023.02.05 - 9:23 pm

i wish i couldve ran a group named Star Capybara.

X X 2023.02.05 - 9:29 pm

1:38 That's because it wasn't a Star Fox game. It was an original IP with the Star Fox label slapped onto it.

Literal Orchestra 2023.02.05 - 9:29 pm

Why? Just why Nintendo?

Shiggity Diggity 2023.02.05 - 9:30 pm

I'm pretty pissed we got Zero over this. That's some bullshit.

Shoopidy Doopidy 2023.02.05 - 9:30 pm

Man, that's too bad! That sounds like such a cool idea!

Paul Bowen 2023.02.05 - 9:30 pm

goddammit Retro, this would have been great–better than what Platinum gave us. What is going on over there?

ZeoBishop 2023.02.05 - 9:37 pm

love video like this please keep it up

Fyrmer 2023.02.05 - 9:38 pm

"Invaded by dark spirit StarLlama!"

TheApacheNinja 2023.02.05 - 9:39 pm

An idea like this could still do great on the Switch, but MAN did the Miiverse integration sound exciting! What a shame we never got this game. Hopefully we get something for Star Fox in the future.

bryan Kidd 2023.02.05 - 9:40 pm

Let Ubisoft have a crack at starfox… yes starlink was a flop but the ideal was there for a open world starfox game just don't focus on the toys to life thing

Jojobizad 2023.02.05 - 9:41 pm

You should've had Armada narrate this. Nice tongue twister for ya

Maestro Drake 2023.02.05 - 9:41 pm

How will Nintendo remember Starfox?

Probably Mario Kart 8 DLC.

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