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Why you WON'T HATE the new Trigun | Trigun Stampede First Impressions


What are your thoughts on the new Trigun Stampede series? I personally think it’ll be pretty cool, albeit very different from the OG. I LOOOOVE the OG Trigun, the art style, the world, the characters, the MUSIC (THE MUSIC), and I hope I can love this new iteration as well. Yeah, sure, I’m nervous too, but from what I’ve seen of the animation, and what’s to come from those trailers…. we in for some HEATTTTTTTTTTT. A lot of people online are straight up GOBBLINNNNNGGGG, but hey, I understand if people aren’t liking it.

Did y’all watch the OG Trigun? What are your thoughts on the new show, I think I’m going to read the manga at some point soon to get the full scoop on such an amazing story.

Don’t forget to Like this video, and subscribe to the channel as well. 2023 is gonna be a great year for us!


0:00 – Intro
0:47 – First Impressions
3:50 – Why don’t people like it?
7:06 – What we like about Stampede
9:36 – What I’m looking forward to

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Mo Dakka Git Plugga 2023.01.27 - 3:33 pm

I actually like this reeboot aside from the new look of Vash and dropping of Stun-gun Milly, but 22lr is still a terrible move

For the type of stuff Vash needs to do with his gun 45 colt really did fit the bill. Bit wide to be safe, but he has rubber bullets and the powder loads can vary wildly to take the ft/lbs from 380 acp levels all the way up to low-end 44 magnum loads

380 acp would probably be what Vash would really use if he was trying to just have clean pass throughs, or at least 22 magnum or 5.7×28. .22 lr is too likely to bounce off bone and definitely not hot enough to do what he did with those missles and that rock

Episode 2 was great. I did like the expansion that the doc's character got to make him more likable.

It's great as it's own thing and that's how I'm approaching it, but the original series was pure gold, and has to be watched first to truly appreciate the characters we're seeing redesigned.

I miss the philosophy in a tea cup bits after that came with the previews for the next episode on the original series. Trigun was always a great anime for morality, heck just the episode with Frank Marlo alone is huge for explaining John Locke and James Madison's views on self-defense and the necessity or arms that could protect private individuals

Just love the whole lone ranger approach to gun fighting that Vash has taken and how it's more realistic that he's got gnarly battle scars from neck to toe for his approach. Grounds it all.

Jesus Christ is King Forever 2023.01.27 - 6:35 pm

I don't hate this iteration, but I'm jus not feeling the new Vash design tbh

RisenArtStudios 2023.01.27 - 7:04 pm

The bounty went up because inflation😝
I'm an OG fan but I have a separate stomach for cake and ice cream. I can accept and enjoy this show for what it is. As long as the creators put their hearts into it and stay faithful to the vision and spirit of the series. I think we ought to be grateful to Nightow for honoring the Trigun fans in America this way after all these years. So far they are really putting effort into this.

Alexander Schluter 2023.01.27 - 11:50 pm

I cant man, the whole point of a remake is to improve upon something, ofcourse Im gonna compare it to the original!
How can I pretend this is a stand alone series
Tbh I just cant dig Vash new look, the old one is too iconic, its like changing Mario look to adapt to the art direction of the current time, thats just straight up illegal, I just wish thats the only thing they dint touch.

But I will keep watching just for Vash personality, which imo is always the highlight of Trigun.

Huntsman9 2023.01.28 - 3:00 am

Some stuff I liked for the Animation and a lot of stuff I didn't like for the Animation I would probably watch it if I was board.

pol Tirol 2023.01.28 - 1:19 pm

People hating on this and saying the grafix looks like ps2, are just wearing their nostalgia glasses.

Lilian Ismail 2023.01.28 - 9:02 pm

Ok…if you hate it, don't watch it then.. Why to punish yourself..

Supa Koopa Troopa 64 2023.01.29 - 3:25 am

I'm a 3D artist, and when I first started modeling characters, I took a lot of inspiration from the OG Trigun. When I heard there was gonna be a 3D Trigun I was very exited. In the back of my mind I was hoping in was gonna be in a similar style to my own, but I knew that was unlikely.

So far I've been really enjoying it. I still think the original looks better, but I would be surprised if I saw anything that came close to the original. Also, I think this series takes place before Milly was born. I think the woman who owns the bar is supposed to be her mom, as they look a lot alike. That would make Meryl a lot older than Milly, but it's a new series, things can change.

Mark Lewis 2023.01.29 - 12:57 pm

I love the new designs, but it feels weird in the setting.

All the clothes are so clean for being in a rough desert.

Pipsqueak 2023.01.29 - 2:31 pm

They replace Milly with roberto

Luke Amparo 2023.01.29 - 11:33 pm

It’s weird Meryl wouldn’t recognize Vash is they met earlier.

Chris Manaloe 2023.01.29 - 11:53 pm



Sigefreadthebulmunk 2023.01.30 - 1:42 pm

I just can't get with the 3d art style. It's not even limited to Trigun. I dont know why it just looks bad to me.

Which is fully a "me" thing. Cause there are a lot of shows that I know I would like. But the low frame rate vtuber avataresque asthetic just kills my interest

Gobo Kinje 2023.01.30 - 11:58 pm

Why did they change what Rem says to Vash. "Our time was the best of my life" w/e, vs "Vash. Take care of Knives"
How did Vash lose his arm. July isn't destroyed, Knives hasn't been blown away, so when/how did Vash lose his arm.
Who is the Plant Child that shows up with the mech, given the Earth hasn't sent ships yet, obviously.
why did a plant have two seeds.
And why in the ever loving FUCK did they SHRINK GOFSEF

Petar Son 2023.01.31 - 8:15 am

This Trigun was supposed to be what Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood was! A story that follows the MANGA completely! So that we would see the complete manga story in anime format, and everyone would be satisfied. New fans would watch a freshly animated cool story that they've only heard rumors about until now, and the old fans would be even more pleased to watch it. But NO!!! Japan said: Fuck all of you fans of the original manga story, and 2D animation! Here you go a re-imagined universe with things from the original mixed in with designs that don't even resemble the original material and CGI animation.

Jose Lopez 2023.01.31 - 10:19 pm

The Ballard of Vash the Stampede. That is what it was… a Ballard, a play, a short play that can never be topped, like Shakespeare. It didn't need a remake, it was a show made by Japanese that had an idea of the western cowboy gunslinger story. With some future space in there. There were a lot of anime like this back in the day. With Outlaw star and cowboy bebop, along with old Trigun. It was an idea of how earth would be after it is no longer the main story of the universe. Where it is just a wasteland for outlaws and bandits. I will probably never watch the new one only because of the CGI there is not a lot of anime that can do thay well. If I really miss the show that much I will just watch the original.

It is good to see people still care about these old story but at the same time some of them seem more like Disney trying to bank on nostalgia with they live remakes. And less to do with trying to tell the same story with more info, like with HunterXHunter or Jojo bizarre adventures. These studios should really try to remake stories that won't finished because of lack or money or time or interest. There are a lot out there.

theKlaw 2023.02.01 - 12:48 pm

Bruh, you preachin' truth in this vid. I shit all over the trailers for this being an OG Trigun fan. I've only seen the first two episodes dubbed 'cus I wanted to see if Johnny Yong Bosch would save it…

THE DUB IS A DEVIOUS LICK THE LIKES OF WHICH NOBODY WILL EVER SEE AGAIN. Oh my god! This is a surprise treat any Trigun fan can enjoy if they liked the dub. They're killing it.

Jake Simpson 2023.02.01 - 3:18 pm

I like it a lot so far, it definitely seems like something that can be enjoyed alongside the original, just as a different interpretation of the world and the characters. I’m honestly glad it’s doing what its doing, seeing different interpretations has just as much potential to be good as a one to one adaptation of the original does.

Easy Yo 2023.02.03 - 12:48 am

i watched the old trigun and i love it. from the new one, its different, but i wonna give it a try. but damn, wheres Milly?

ViiLE 2023.02.03 - 5:04 am

Im sorry but Vash's character design is the thing that is pissing me off. They are kinda missing out on his goofiness, but his character design is so ass, it's the only reason I wont watch it. They also did wolfwood dirty for replacing his ciggy.

Nicholas Rizzuto 2023.02.03 - 8:18 am

Shows good. Just don't like vash mgk.

Charlie E. Geraldi 2023.02.04 - 2:25 am

Orange studios is known for making sissy/teenie stuff, they gave my boi a 22 💀💀💀, they should rename the studio to femboy land studios

Magnus Error 2023.02.04 - 6:28 am

I do hate it, its cg isnt wowing me. So many bad changes just make no sense to make. Its just fan fiction, and bad fan fic at that.

Its pretty much the same opinion I have on Fullmetal Alchemist season 1. It was so far away from what the story is that it leaps into unwatchable trash.

Aaron Horowitz 2023.02.04 - 8:07 am

I'm a little iffy on Trigun Stampede. I feel that if I had never seen the original anime I'd like it a lot more. I can't help but to compare characters and scenes to the original and I feel like it brings down my perception of the new series. Character personalities feel either flattened out or just altogether off to me. Vash, for example, feels less like the goofball internalizing his sadness and regret that the character originally was, and more like a lunatic with depression. Part of that might be due to the animation. The 2D animation in the original was a great tool to exaggerate facial expressions, stances, etc. to visualize character personalities. While the 3D animation makes some of the action scenes look great, I think it comes at the cost of that personality visualization that I'd much rather see in a story that's a lot more about the characters than the action.

I was really excited for this series because I thought Trigun was getting the FMA Brotherhood treatment where the original anime was made before that manga wrapped up and ended up going a different direction than the author was taking it and the reboot was going to largely be a "comic accurate" version. So far, I feel like there's been an unnecessary amount of originality and deviation from the original story that hasn't really benefitted the new story in any way. For a lot of things, I wouldn't necessarily mind this. If this were it's own original story, then all of that uniqueness would be warranted. But the Trigun manga freakin slaps and deserved an accurate animated retelling.

All this said, if I had never heard of Trigun before watching what has come out of Stampede thus far, I feel like I'd like it a lot more than I do, having nothing to compare it to. It's not necessarily bad, just kind of disappointing on a lot of fronts when thinking about what it could be.

Optimus Prime 2023.02.04 - 1:48 pm

I’m not gonna lie I wasn’t a fan of how they rebooted Trigun at first but after watching four episodes, I really like it

Nosk 2023.02.04 - 2:18 pm

Calling this trigun liberal is dumb. They litterally removed the strong female character. Lol

Nosk 2023.02.04 - 2:25 pm

The main thing i dont get is why so many people seem to want this show to fail. Like do they not realize if this show fails, trigun will probably be gone for good?

Ricardo Power 2023.02.04 - 6:48 pm

Man after episode 3 , jesus, shit got real.

Steve Hagen 2023.02.04 - 7:52 pm

It looks like decided to go with a different theme from the original, not exploring Vash’s and Knives’ morals, but going right to the hard stuff, Knives is the monster they have to fight right away

Lynx Raven Raide 2023.02.05 - 8:02 am

This is obviously coming a couple of weeks after this coming up, but I am actually liking this new version. I did love the original, and there are a couple of remakes recently (Orphen for one) that I haven't really gotten into, but it does seem good so far.
I do have 2 nitpicks though:
1. Way to early for Knives. Felt the same with the live action Bebop (which I did enjoy until a point), but unless they are just going to run it for a 1 cour series I feel this is a big mistake revealing Knives so early, and, spoiler alert, dropping Wolfwood's connection in his first episode. Longtime fans know its coming, and those that spoil themselves, but I still feel both should have been held off until crucial points instead of dropped so early.
2. The changes to Meryl. Didn't mind Millie but she was more comic relief so her absence with the tone shift is understandable. On the other hand, Meryl was more of a bad ass herself in the original, with the nickname Derringer Meryl, but here… I don't get those vibes from her. I do like this one, and like her new design, but they should have kept her attitude

Give me Your kneecaps 2023.02.05 - 7:59 pm

you hate it? don't watch it. problem solved

Voncho1 2023.02.06 - 4:34 pm

Milly is gone replaced by grizzly reporter guy, merryl is a dead cardboard cutout.

They revealed knives and spoiled the whole Space theme too early. At least it was from Vash's perspective. They might show it from knives later to show how the crash happened.

Wolfwoods allegiance was also spoiled in this. You aren't supposed to know about his link to knives organisation till later on.
The List goes on.

Vash's 3d model is definitely good, but at the expense of cheating out other characters.
We get to see other members of the gung-ho guns play a more central role, earlier. Possibly might get more backstory.

I've read both the manga and seen the original anime. I believe the anime > manga, even thou the manga had more to the story to it. The anime didn't follow the manga and I'm glad it didn't. It was its own beast.

This adaptation is trash, at least so far. I'm still watching it for nostalgia sake.

Sa Ku 2023.02.07 - 2:22 am

As a newer and perhaps younger(?) fan, the style really adapts to the trends now and actually made me want to watch it. I am now watching the old one as well while waiting for stampede's new episodes and I love it as much. I'm seeing both as a different way of telling the story and it's still pretty solid imo. Just wish Milly is present in the newer one.

Maude Paradinight 2023.02.08 - 7:53 pm

THEY WHAT HIS WHAT? "Sissified" is my favourite new adjective. My vocabulary has been enhanced.

Kevin J 2023.02.09 - 4:23 am

Vash looks like a K-pop fanboy: he has a hoodie for crying out loud. But worse still is his gun… 22lr?!?! WTF is that bs?

I tried 2 episodes and all it did was annoy me.

Alex Tarven 2023.02.10 - 2:41 am

I'm not feeling it, the more I see. The more I'm sure I'm stepping away from it.

I'll say this. The character designs make for great figma figures if they release any.

John Doe 2023.02.10 - 9:12 am

It's been a long time when I watched the og Trigun but I don't remember Vash being this soooo not into confrontation that prefers talk-no-jutsu even if he's in an eminent danger.

Kinch 2023.02.10 - 10:16 am

I prefer the pacing and feel of the original, but I'm still watching the new anime. It's best to just watch it as its own thing entirely.

I was just hoping that Trigun Maximum would get an anime adaptation.

Bela 2023.02.10 - 8:41 pm

Don’t mind 3D anime but it’s not blended well and looks cheap can’t quite explain it.

Kidneystone 2023.02.11 - 2:48 am

trigun is known for being veery straight to the edge in terms a of gender, but never crosses the line (except for that night that milly got really drunk) but in the end it stayed pretty clean, but starting the new series with that shot of that ship 😆oh boy, maybe Orange is doing everything they could not in Beaststars without ending in furry territory

OverRandom28 2023.02.12 - 5:29 am

the only thing that i think makes this one bad is that the total revisions of characters, sure the animations looks sick but the design of vash is totally different, his hair is all up hence the nickname of "needle head", and also this was in the manga that both vash and his brother made different hairstyle to tell who is who, but the stampede they just up and made his hair down and almost similar to his brother, also that priest who was eating lolipop, idk if it will be on the whole show, but this reminds me if the censorship of one piece where sanji was smoking in jap ver but in american ver he was smoking lolipop….also i dont care if they change the profession of milly, but out of all why a reporter?, she was one of the insurance from manga and old trigun, and her job was making sure vash doesnt destroy or cause a ruckus, but if she is a reporter then does that mean she's following vash for scoops?

Alexander Delgado 2023.02.12 - 8:33 am

I hate the new designs, but just Vash dodging bullets like he did to that water baron and taking out the cluster bomb with the rock shot. This show lands 3D, they Got Johnny back for the dub, fights are looking good. I have learn to accept series changing, but I will not stand trash. This isn't trash, its still quality just different. I hope we get Milly later tho.

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