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Expert panel discusses what the 'high-altitude object' in Alaska could be


CNN’s expert panel discusses what we know about the “high-altitude object” that was shot down in Alaska, and what they believe to be different from the suspected Chinese spy balloon. #CNN #News

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John Rocha 2023.02.13 - 3:49 pm

Looks like some expert panel 😂😂

ooigfgnnkhjjnc 2023.02.13 - 4:38 pm

Where is the proof? No footage.No pictures of the craft. Lies.

Petrean Tudor 2023.02.13 - 5:57 pm

globalist propaganda 🙃

bdel80 2023.02.13 - 6:13 pm

Joe Biden gave his approval to shoot it down. Are you sure he even knew what he was giving his approval to. Considering his obvious early signs of dementure

Stay away from mainstream 2023.02.13 - 7:19 pm

“Experts” ha

Al Yan 2023.02.13 - 11:22 pm

Not your average balloon

Raven Aerostar, a division of Raven Industries, produces the balloons. Raven said they consist of a flight control unit, powered by batteries that are charged using renewable solar panels. They also have a payload electronics package that controls flight safety, navigation and communications, Russell Van Der Werff, engineering director at Raven Aerostar, said in an interview.

gacj2010 2023.02.13 - 11:57 pm

This is ridiculous and a joke .. We wouldnt need people telling us what THEY THINK if our administration told us the truth … Who voted for this botched administration in the wh.oh MAN

Michael Lawrence 2023.02.14 - 12:07 am

LMAO!!!!! Fake news CNN. At least I know what it isn’t. There’s no truth in this.

Towtruck A 2023.02.14 - 12:43 am

Fake news CNN 🗞️🤕

Artus 2023.02.14 - 1:59 am

A false flag US operation to f'uk with China or some other country

Artus 2023.02.14 - 2:01 am

Why did you have to shoot ? Could you not have shown to the world what it was ?

Thunderbird McFly 2023.02.14 - 4:23 am

They have no clue WTF this is. They won't give any answers to the public. Accusations will keep going until people get tired of this subject

Henry Dozi 2023.02.14 - 7:07 am

If it's alien and humans could shoot it down, it means they aren't as advanced as we thought.

Packerfan1993 2023.02.14 - 9:03 am

I own 5 of those "UFOs" FBI, CIA, and pentagon, I am the proud owner of those aircraft. Please stop shooting them down, I haven't paid any of then off yet, and it's killing my credit score, thanks!

Becca Deen 2023.02.14 - 1:37 pm

Expert panel consist of. All socialist Democrats that hate the Constitution. and hate America!!!! FJB!!

Al-Paciyes 2023.02.14 - 4:10 pm

Next episode will feature Bigfoot experts

YEET 2023.02.14 - 7:22 pm

Looks like some sort of anti-gravity craft that uses the earth's magnetic field to hover in place, but looks like it couldn't control it's stability in air. rotating in random directions, as earth's magnetosphere interacts with the the craft's electromagnetic vacuum with too much force, hindering it's ability to maintain unidirectional stability.

The antigravity force of the vacuum is well known in Astronomical circles (Grδn, 1986, 2009; Magueijo/ 2003) . The state of stress in the vacuum is usually described with the analogy of two forces pulling in opposite directions and therefore generating a stress. As it is known, according to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, there are always electromagnetic waves being created and destroyed in the vacuum of space. These electromagnetic oscillations are always created by pairs in opposition, in such a way that the vacuum shows zero net energy.

F-22 raptor and F-16 falcon interceptor pilots noting the lack of observable exhaust produced by the craft on thermal imagery weapon sights may be because The vacuum looks like it doesn't have any energy because the electromagnetic waves that it generates are all phase cancelled by other waves in such a way that the final observable result is zero, *remaining no observable energy to see.* However, the vacuum possesses, at any time, an incredible quantity of electromagnetic fields in opposition and this is the source of its density and high stress or tension.

Americans have been researching, engineering, and building crafts utilizing this principal since before the cold war. This isn't a novel piece of technology, however, the one shot down isn't American, or Canadian, and is too amateur to be of an intelligent extraterrestrial life-form.

Jay Knight 2023.02.14 - 10:04 pm

A plane can descend 20,000 ft in under 2 MINUTES!!! How does what she said about the difference in altitude make ANY sense?!! A threat to civilians at 40,000 ft, but we're safe if it's coasting at 60,000!?? I call bullshit 💯😁

Chris Young 2023.02.14 - 10:20 pm

Intriguing, i always knew there was more to life and i have also been looking for a way to find not only protection but a way to be influential to the human society

mark endara 2023.02.14 - 10:48 pm

Why does your expert panel have 2 grown mens and 2 women in their 20s? come on!

Kathy Thomas 2023.02.14 - 11:01 pm

Well people, let us pause and think about this. I don't believe in coincidences. USA has done everything they could to provoke WWIII. All of a sudden, guess what, 4 downed Ufos, not extraterrestrial. No pictures? HMMM? The government knows how gullible most Americans are and take advantage of that.

Elvoray Bane of the Darkness 2023.02.15 - 1:51 am

It is very simple. All of these flying objects are ads for condoms. You know, I miss CNN without the on air "reporters" being glassy eyed, crying, angry, anti-white man. Has it finally changed or is this just a lull in the toilet flushing.

The Vortex Of Doom 2023.02.15 - 4:42 am

CNN needs a panel to tell you what new bullshit they have made up.

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