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Credit card debt hits record high $986 billion as inflation weighs on consumer


Lisa Ellis, SVB MoffettNathanson analyst, joins ‘Squawk on the Street’ to discuss the state of credit debt, American Express’ recent performance, and how to judge the other credit companies.

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Lazy Way 2023.02.17 - 4:12 pm

I just noticed the mail my 21 yr old niece got in the mail. It was from one of them debt consolidation places. I bet she ran her cards up.

Boris Badenov 2023.02.17 - 4:13 pm

But unemployment is really low HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

David Kennedy 2023.02.17 - 4:18 pm

What a false smile she has, just for the camera!!

michael myers 2023.02.17 - 4:20 pm

Credit cards are the path to your own destruction.

Ben Fox 2023.02.17 - 4:22 pm

So let me guess this straight…consumer debt is a record high and delinquencies are up but somehow we are still healthy…that’s like noticing you kinda have a headache, throat feels a lil dry and have a slight cough but think you’re not getting sick.

Handsome_Hero 2023.02.17 - 4:26 pm

She never forgets to smile for the camera

Handsome_Hero 2023.02.17 - 4:27 pm

'They took advantage of the plandemic' – they weren't the only ones. Fauci, Gates et al much a lot of money mandating faulty vakseens to the world

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