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How I fell out of love with Haida as a love interest.

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Artist: Causmic
Title: Much Higher
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Sarcastic Chorus 2023.02.18 - 12:53 am

Tsunoda X Feneko still top tier

Ladybug 16 2023.02.18 - 4:48 pm

So, I guess they got married?

bioblitzer 2023.02.18 - 4:49 pm

I stopped watching cause of hyda

Jhonny Loves You 2023.02.18 - 4:52 pm

Living for the fact that Helluva Boss is CONSTANTLY your go-to of how: “here’s how to do it right, tho!”
We love our gay demon dumpster fire dynamic!! 😹😻

Shantari 2023.02.18 - 4:54 pm

It's the typical RossxRachel black hole of lovestory writing. Have one character really into the other, never actually tell the other, because then there could be a resolution, and then instead having half the rest of the cast push for them to get together. Having insecurity feed into jealous paranoia and horrible decisions in the actual relationship just cements it further. The one thing missing for the completion bonus, is if the whole "projecting your actual desires on to another person" hadn't already happened in the first relationship. Kind of tired of the general vibe that just having feelings for someone, means that they "owe" you a relationship or something.

Sailor Polaris 2023.02.18 - 5:13 pm

Why couldn't they have just had Retsuko and Haida get together at the end of the first season? We have hundreds of shows that end right as the main characters become a couple. Why not have one that has them get together early on in the story and explores how their relationship works?

Tristan Hogan 2023.02.18 - 5:24 pm

Inui and Haida was the one I wanted to try and hated it wasting time

Red's Corner 2023.02.18 - 5:27 pm

Listening to this summary, makes this ship feel a lot like Ross and Rachel with Haida being a bit less toxic. Slow burn relationships can be good when the characters both grow and come together in a more natural way, kinda like Nick and Jess from New Girl. I was very invested in their friendship growing into attraction and genuine romantic love for each other.

ネーナ・トリニティ 2023.02.18 - 5:41 pm

I love this show 🤩

EvilestDeath 2023.02.18 - 5:54 pm

First guy had a name. It was “Space Cadet.”

Wistarium 2023.02.18 - 5:57 pm

I actually really liked Haida in the earlier seasons. At first, his crush on Retsuko was kinda cute. But for some reason the show refused to give him any kind of development at all, and it just started getting creepy in seasons 3 and 4. I feel like the writers screwed him over so bad that by now he's almost irredeemable. He's better in season 5, and he even admits that he screwed up, but him and Retsuko's relationship felt really off and it had me going "Wait, they're together now?" It really seemed like the writers got them together just to wrap up the show.

The Number One Princesses In The World 2023.02.18 - 6:19 pm

I wish Tadano and Retsuko had been together, but in a more casual daring while she still find what she wants. Especially since Tadano actually cared about her wants, exouraged her, and was actually supportive in ways she needed.

Miara Hoble 2023.02.18 - 6:56 pm

Imagine if Haida and Retsuko just break up in 6th season, and they just move on to healthy relationships.

ms. catstache 2023.02.18 - 7:08 pm

12:06 tbh I don't agree with this part, yeah she needs time to recover but she also needs people there for her, shutting down and isolating yourself is a really bad option. I mean, up to this point she never talked to anyone about her feeling and issues just bottled them up and forced a smile, which from experience, is a hell of a toll to carry. Maybe yelling in her face until there was a reaction wasn't the best option but in the end it showed her that there is someone there for her at her worst. Or idk I haven't watched the show 🤷

Oriaxel Knight 2023.02.18 - 8:06 pm

Tadano x Haida 👀

O P 2023.02.18 - 8:09 pm
Isaac Jordan 2023.02.18 - 8:35 pm

I seriously wish him and Shikabane would've worked. I feel like helping her find the hope in life would've helped him grow too

Brilchan 2023.02.18 - 8:49 pm

You forget one crucial thing THEY ARE JAPANESE XD Still thanks for the video

Laid-Back Kaín 2023.02.18 - 8:56 pm

Season 4 really destroid any good will the romance they had, like season 3 did most of the work

FeBurg 2023.02.18 - 8:58 pm

well as of season 5 the newest season they are married so i mean he did it they ended up together

AlphaPizzadog 2023.02.18 - 9:20 pm

im just wondering what happened in season 5 where they ended up moving in together? also, they have haida still umemployed and aggretsuko getting forced to be a politician, when HAIDA COULDVE BEEN THE ONE RUN AGAINST HIS BROTHER. we missed the biggest opportunity for the haida rage arc like this man has been repressing his emotions for 5 years and youre telling me it had to be aggretsuko? GIVE ME A BREAK THIS MAN HAS DONE NOTHING

Misha Rogerson 2023.02.18 - 9:35 pm

I literally find Haida insufferable, he's my least favourite part of Aggretsuko by far. His behaviour annoys me so much 😭

Squicade 2023.02.18 - 9:49 pm

I'm honestly more into Tadano x Haida, bromance or more, it's way more interesting to me then whatever is going on romantically with him and Aggretsuko, who feel like they're lacking on the friend dynamic because Haida is so wish washy in love it taints a lot of really sweet interactions they could have as friends into, "Is he just doing this because he wants her to like him romantically?"

MademoiselleRed 2023.02.18 - 9:49 pm

I can't say I watch this show but it reminds me of similar issues I have with male love interests in somo Shoujo or even josei stories. Vampire Knight's Zero and Chihayafuru's Taichi been the main examples for me. I wouldn't say they're exactly the same, cause maybe there isn't a lack of action on their side, but it's the overemphasis on only the female crush, the borderline masochistic tendencies, the narrative making it so obvious who it wants you to root for but making a questionable job at actually selling it.

xCarnage3 2023.02.18 - 10:18 pm

Aren't male hyenas naturally submissive though?

Eden S. Lucf 2023.02.18 - 11:09 pm

I'm reminded of my first Ex which made me regret calling him my boyfriend as he ghosted me and started wanting to cheat on him for leaving me behind for a year. He was my friend who I'd always hung out with before that after meeting in camp. Without any emotionally shit, it was a waste of time I could've spent on people I didn't know yet.

Dan 2023.02.18 - 11:40 pm

4:30 this send me to the afterlife with how much i laughed but also same

K REAL [yes it is] BETA 創造的な 2023.02.18 - 11:57 pm

Resasuke was the 1st one's name.

Blueroses 2023.02.19 - 12:01 am

"Then we have Haida."
[Ad for BetterHelp plays]
… facts.

Beanie Bean 2023.02.19 - 12:16 am

Haida completely fumbled the bag with Inui (and Tadano)

reyfan011 2023.02.19 - 12:18 am

See this one sided romance is why I hesitated watching this show. I always feel so bad for the person pining after someone who has no clue and they’re moving into relationships at the same time we see the pining admirer suffering in the background. When Inui came, I thought this was his out. His person, he can move on. But he still pines and loses the girl who was sooo into him to still crush on his crush. Season 4 made me confused cuz I wasn’t sure if retsuko and Haida were together or not or if they broke up at the end. But maybe it’s just fatigue for me, but finally seeing the trigger being pulled on them, I’m ok. Way too long, too drawn out, but glad they did it and it’s done. Miraculous still did this worse. The love square, and the secondary love interests, to the point you wanna say, ‘DO IT or NOT’.

Coranort 2023.02.19 - 12:26 am

I feel like you all forget this show is not only about their characters and their jobs, is the characters and their jobs IN JAPAN.
The pressure that the characters face are globally understandable, but more so if you consider them a reflection of the population of Japan. Retsuko suffered what any 20-something in Japan suffers, her anxiety and anger, as well as her idealistic view on romantic life.
With Haida is the same, he's a nobody and suffers from it, he constantly escapes his past and his family because he doesn't feel like he fits in…
Until Retsuko shows up.
Yes, they don't show any clear advantages until S4, but after that, the show makes us assume things that happens behind curtains, which may turns some off, but is not something that the show hasn't done before. Most people tend to forget that the act that made them click is the scene where they sing together, because all characters that become close with Retsuko accepted her rage induced metal karaoke, and we can see that comparison when he sings to Resasuke and Tadano: One didn't care, the other was plainly afraid and taken aback, but Haida? He took it fully, accepted her calling her trash and that he just idealized her, and allowed her to defend herself after calling her coward (which he did precisely to make her able to defend herself, because he knew she had this spunk to her persona).
After that scene happen, they were pretty much settled going forward, they became closer friends, they dated, they had fights (Retsuko saying that he wants Haida to tell her about his problems because she wants to support him and that he has to trust her, even if that means stop being so complacent with him is a scene that no one seems to mention) and ultimately, married willingly.
I understand if this is not everyone's cup of tea, but it makes sense in the logic of the show, it was always there, you just refuse to see it.

Syronade 2023.02.19 - 12:39 am

their relationship is starting to be like rent a boyfriend now

Colin Brown 2023.02.19 - 1:17 am

At least tadano was an adorkable donk .

FrickinFrick 2023.02.19 - 1:23 am

I really hope they subvert this expectation and make her end up with someone else. If you turn down every advance from your crush and avoid being genuine with them at every opportunity you just don’t deserve them.

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