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Make Your Specific Person Fall in Love With You | WITHIN A DAY | Neville Goddard


Make Your Specific Person Fall in Love With You | WITHIN A DAY | Neville Goddard

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Davin Lindt 2023.02.22 - 7:52 pm

The last 5 days it almost seemed as if everything worked against me but I think I’ll start again and forget anything negative that happend in the past 5 days

Staypositive77 2023.02.22 - 7:57 pm

coaches are not really scientist. I am not sure if they themselves know if quantum physics exist. Theory are just theory. Great motivational talk though. Telling us we have different version of ourselves in the different reality are theory based on reports and articles because coaches don't even experience that various realities themselves . For example.. if someone loses his leg in this reality.. no matter how they manifest.. the lost leg won't come back.. u can only imagine and think it exist in your mind. coaches should stop using qutaum jump or quantum reality in the multiverse blah blah blah as teachings.

Lincoln 2023.02.22 - 8:17 pm

Another brilliant video. Btw I tried it based on your videos and refused to believe in 3D world and was telling myself, that in my reality I have this outcome and it worked. It just really worked!

Dane Barnes 2023.02.22 - 8:31 pm

Thank you, Robert! I've been following your videos and meditating with many of the Law of Assumption practices outlined by Neville Goddard in sync with much of my own Christian faith and practice.

I have experienced results that at one time, I never thought I would, but now realize, was always meant to be. I was the only limiting factor and I had to address these unconscious blockages and redirect my sense of self.

I've learned so much about God and myself in this journey – not just my special person. But I think, if I had to sum up one lesson which is more important than all the others, it's namely this:

Love that survives the tests and obstacles of the physical world, is love that has passed the test. Love comes from God, and so for us to love another in this way means coming closer to possessing and imitating the unconditional love God has for us. Therefor when we have unconditional love for another human being, it is an imitation of the divine, and proof that God wants that love also because He loved us first and planted it within us. It is hard for those who practice humility to realize – but what we desire, God and the universe, also desires. More than that, God seeks to perfect our petition and desire. He isn't a genie that grants monkey paw wishes we come to regret – God will answer our prayers through the most benevolent, salutory, and beneficial means possible. But even as God is not above his own Law – this often means that physical results must comply with the dictates of physics. So if we just remember that all we desire has already been achieved in the astral plane, then all is before us! God merely asks that we have patience, and persistence in self-awareness. The Lord God is truly good indeed.

Unconditional love comes to those who love uncondtionally. And the obstacles we face are nothing more than the physical world testing that commitment with conditions and alternatives. Always keep your eye on the prize…and always keep vision directed inward on your own heart.

It isn't enough to collect what we desire – the true test is in the right action, and when we manifest it in the right way.

TJ Wichman 2023.02.22 - 8:38 pm

💯 this has been my mentality the last few weeks. This message affirms this! Thankyou my friend 🙏🏽❤️

Ainno Hyacinthum 2023.02.22 - 9:24 pm

Robert, please, upload your majestic meditations 💙

Cher cher 2023.02.22 - 9:27 pm

Robert do some videos on manifesting dream job and moving to foreign land with good job!!

Nature healers 2023.02.22 - 9:36 pm

WOW! Makes so much sense and I understand now! 💖

アナ 2023.02.22 - 11:52 pm

your 5 step free book was so inspirational i loved it , and it encouraged me to meditate right now and ground myself because i started feeling in a down mindset about my situation but this gave me hope, thank you for making it accessible to everyone (:

Wonder Girl 2023.02.23 - 1:15 am

This man is amazing

Regina 2023.02.23 - 1:21 am

I love this video. I know he desires me. He calls me and tells me how much fun he has with me. Admits his feelings. But he scared.

Melvin f. Benson 2023.02.23 - 2:33 am

Cool video, My relationship of 5 years ended a month ago. The love of my life decided to leave me, I really love her so much I can’t stop thinking about her, I’ve tried my very best to get her back in my life, but to no avail, I’m frustrated, I don’t see my life with anyone else. I’ve done my best to get rid of the thoughts of her, but I can’t, I don’t know why I’m saying this here, I really miss her and just can’t stop thinking about her

ma famille 2023.02.23 - 2:37 am

Hi Robert , can we do all these manifestations all at once in one day or shall we try one at a time , looks like I become obsessed lately

fernandasupercat 2023.02.23 - 4:22 am

Where is the 11 min thing? Tk u 🙂

Alexa Laur 2023.02.23 - 5:14 am

I visualized my SP telling me that he was wrong and that he does love me and wants to be with me. I saw and heard it so clearly that I got such a strong feeling in my heart and the emotions I felt were so powerful.

Dianne Ciresi 2023.02.23 - 5:41 am

Lmfao.. How can that be if they're already in love with a Barbie type & are done with u…

Lolita Sun 2023.02.23 - 6:05 am

Thank you Robert for all of your videos 💕

Oski Haddad 2023.02.23 - 6:20 am

Love you Robert

Celia Escalante 2023.02.23 - 7:20 am

I got a vibe today that he was anxious about me. I wish I knew if this means I need to do something about it. I guess watching this video is how I'm doing something about it. 🤔

Sandra Scott 2023.02.23 - 8:34 am

Can you please make a video on manifesting love when you don't have a specific person? I try to manifest but my thoughts get clogged by an ex or an image of someone I don't like appears and destroys my manifestation etc.

Cadaverous Vixen 2023.02.23 - 8:41 am

Can you do a video about dreams too? Like the dreams that relate to your sp/dp/ex? I watched other youtubers saying certain things about it but I would like to hear what you say about them and their meanings, especially the bad dreams. For example, if you manifest and believe you already have something but you have a dream or two where it's the opposite of your desire.

Arul MM 2023.02.23 - 9:03 am

Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️

Anahita A 2023.02.23 - 9:05 am

You’re truly the best!! 🙏

Noa'man Patel 2023.02.23 - 10:33 am

Where do I download the book?

Debora Beltrano 2023.02.23 - 11:21 am

I pray to find the right partner and I am starting to do your new meditation to attract what I want.Thank you

dardan Dardan pllana 2023.02.23 - 1:37 pm

Made my day ,thank you❤I believe we all can have what we desire❤️💪☀️❤️

Sachita Yadav 2023.02.23 - 10:41 pm

Why do I attract positive results when I'm scared and think negative?

Santosh 2023.02.24 - 5:39 am

Affirmed, Manifested and claimed – we are already together 🙌💖

Jesse I. Santra (Daswani) 2023.02.24 - 6:35 pm

"When you pray, BELIEVE you have received, and you shall receive. When a man prays successfully, he BELIEVES he is that which he desires to be. Therefore, he cannot continue desiring to be that which he is already CONSCIOUS of being. In that moment of satisfaction, physical and psychological, something goes out, which in time bears witness to man's CREATIVE power." — Neville Goddard

Mobill 2023.02.25 - 12:31 am

I have feelings for a friend habe for awhile never told her she left her bf of 5 yrs but only 2 months later got back with her toxic ex gf before she even told me about her and her bf ending so really am i even on her mind …ugh bothers me especially since we talk daily

Mobill 2023.02.25 - 12:39 am

I love how you always say high flyers ❤️

A p h r ♡ d i t e 2023.02.25 - 4:48 am

Absolute certainty is the key 🗝️

Paloma Blanca 2023.02.25 - 2:56 pm

This is what everyone wants to hear, but in real life is not happening. Your choice what you want to believe.

Ben Wood 2023.02.25 - 3:28 pm

The 3D has no power over me, as my inner reality is my only reality.

Anonymous 2023.02.25 - 4:58 pm

Can this work with people we know only online?

Spooky Boo Rhodes 2023.02.25 - 8:57 pm

He already is but would never admit it. lol

Nini 2023.02.26 - 12:54 am

Dear Robert, Could you send us the link where we can find your free book with the 5 measures you mentioned? Thank you so much and keep on doing your great work 🍀✨

lazyokay 2023.02.26 - 7:13 am

Liked this video right away! Thank you Robert!

Valerie 2023.02.26 - 11:01 am

You're so amazing, Robert. Every time I need to feel better or more positive, I come straight to your channel. Thank you for everything you do ❤️

Priscilla Chambers 2023.02.26 - 5:36 pm

Steve craves me . He loves me. He wants me so much.He has a burning desire . I don't even believe the 3d world.

pdwrocks 1 2023.02.27 - 1:00 am

I have to ask sir, are you growing younger? It certainly looks like you did…💪💪

Duana Janis 2023.02.27 - 5:18 am

I say I am getting married to my Mi Amor

Nora Sanchez 2023.02.27 - 8:46 pm

no wonder my sister n her husband keep having issues 😂😂😂 lol that makes alot of sense Robert thanks !!

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