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The New Trigun Stampede Anime Is Here… Let’s Talk About The Controversy Surrounding This New Adaptation!

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originalcrash 2023.01.12 - 10:31 am

orange continue with houseki no kuni best anime with 100% cg

YohSou 2023.01.12 - 10:42 am

It was just a good episode and the production value on it was amazing. I really enjoyed it, definitely a new retelling taking out some of the mystery for a more cinematic experience.

Thomas Brooks Jr 2023.01.12 - 10:43 am

I hate all remakes.. let the originals be.. unless its like a remaster like berserk where they dont change anything just the art style a little..

E Snyder 2023.01.12 - 10:48 am

I am a trigun OG as well. Studio Orange has somehow pulled off what I can only describe as Japanese studio Disney animation with anime aesthetics. I am here for the ride!

Raquel Lucas 2023.01.12 - 11:52 am

I liked it, the humor, the action sequence, the storyline, the direction they going with Knives.

Vincent Marduk 2023.01.12 - 11:53 am

I didn't see the new anime, but the classic is a MASTER PIECE the animation! the music!… This is the equivalent of when Hollywood do those pointless and bad remakes…

Doctor IX 2023.01.12 - 12:40 pm

Sorry, no Millie no watch for me

MADNESS_NH_97 2023.01.12 - 12:54 pm

6:45 Nope, it would be way less percent of the overall mystery surrounding the world of Trigun. This new series is adapting the manga, it has nothing to do with the old anime, that was forced to create plenty of original content because the manga was already 3 volumes in, when the first anime started. So all those things about this being a different planet than Earth, about Vash & Knives being brothers, crashing onto to that planet because of Knives, Vash's arm etc. etc. All that was revealed within the first 20 chapters of the Trigun manga, that followed 100+ more chapters. They barely scratched the surface. The old anime barely even got to tell why Knives is "evil". In the old anime he and Vash where bullied by one intolerant crew member, and from there he shifted and did all this evil shit, yet in the manga something very traumatic happened to both him and Vash, and that caused all of it. It nearly caused Vash himself to shift into doing something really vile as well, but unlike his brother he broke out of it. I won't say what, for those that didn't read the manga, but that part alone way more depth than what Madhouse did in their backstory of Vash & Knives. And then there are certain characters that are much better in the manga. Zazie The Beast for example, he was just a kid that happened to be part of the Gung-Ho-Guns, which got killed off to create conflict between Vash & Wolfwood. But in the manga, Zazie is amongst the most interesting and "mysterious" characters there is, playing a WAY bigger role to the story but also the overall world of Trigun. And then there is a character like Livio The Double Fang, who was shown in the trailers and ended up being basically on par with Vash & Wolfwood in the manga. And though they are reimagining it, Studio Orange has the potential to bring a character to live that this community will love just as much as they do Vash & Knives. And, then there are even things that even manga readers don't know about, that have been shown in the trailers, such as that little blonde girl that kinda looks like Vash & Knives when they were younger. Manga readers might be able to speculate who it could be, or who Knives wants her to be, but that wouldn't really match up with the timelines at all, so there's that. And obviously the elephant in the room, Milly Thompson. People want mystery, yet they don't have the patience to wait for her potential arrival at some point in this new alternative version of Trigun. So I really don't get how folks clamoring for "mystery" seemingly rather want the illusion of that, by getting retold the same stuff, in the same way, like in the old anime that has absolutely nothing to do with this new project, instead of just focusing on all this new stuff that leaves so much room for speculation.

N0b0dy 2023.01.12 - 1:59 pm

To be honest when I heard about this show I thought it was going to be a continuation, it wasn't until I saw this video that I found out it was a remake. But I am still going to have hope that it will be great, however I will wait and see if it gets an English dub, that's just what feels right for me when I watch Trigun. No I am not a dub elitist, I watch whatever I can find first as long as I can understand it, but some shows I prefer dubed, it's a matter of the voices.

George C 2023.01.12 - 2:06 pm

First let me say i love your channel and respect your opinion, Regarding this remake ugh i will agree the 3d cgi was fire like i had my doubts as well but omg it was great , now that being said kinda disappointed that they may have gotten rid of two of my favorite characters from the OG show and this could be the nostalgia so definitely being bias , now regarding the first episode feel like they could have split it into 2 episode vs all pack into a 1 episode if the first episode was longer maybe a 45 min yes i think i would be great start but i felt a bit rush like they were trying to get rid of all the mystery from the OG right away so they can start there own adaptation but that my major critic from the first episode i hope it does get better but still a bit in a fence if it going to be good series

Starshine Stranger 2023.01.12 - 2:23 pm

As someone who has loved the OG Trigun anime and Vash the Stampede for a long, long time, I am 100% fine with all the changes they made here (well, except for the absence of Milly, I am sore about that, but I hold out hope that she'll appear later and they're just keeping her in reserve for now). People forget that the first anime was made using only about 3 volumes' worth of manga, and they had to construct a ton of the story out of whole cloth, because the manga didn't conclude until 2007. Plot twists like Vash having a twin brother or the series taking place on an alien planet instead of Earth or the whole deal with Vash's backstory weren't plot twists in the manga, they were told to the audience pretty early on, because Nightow had other plans for where to take the story and characters.

However, because the anime writers weren't privy to those plans, they had to work with what they had, hence why they decided to shroud so much of the first half of the anime in mystery and make the story all about uncovering those mysteries. And it works for the anime, absolutely, but to expect that they'd do the exact same thing in a reboot is… frankly, idk what people were really thinking? It's been 25 years since the first anime, of course they'd want to go in a different direction now that the entire manga is out and they can better structure the narrative to tell the story they want to tell, be it in a way that's more faithful to the manga or just doing their own thing. But somehow people are outraged that Stampede isn't just a retread of the first anime (the amount of whinging I've seen in the last few days just about the type of bullets Vash uses now is comical; it's a story about a pacifist plant alien beating up dudes in the desert, it's not that DEEP, fam), and I just don't understand that mentality.

I don't WANT a rehash of the first anime, that show is untouchable and should be left to be its own thing. I'd rather that Stampede also do its own thing and attempt to carve out a unique identity of its own. And it's still just the first episode; remember how long the first anime took to really get going and bring in the main plot? People forget that Nightow is a part of the team as a consultant, too, and he's done fanart for it and talked about how excited he is for it. So if the actual creator of Trigun is on board with this new show and has given it his official stamp of approval, well. That says a lot right there. So just give it a chance and give it some time. I for one am really excited to see what Orange and the writers have in store for us.

Paco Lemus 2023.01.12 - 2:38 pm

Our fear 🤣🤣 you where the only fearing that

Justin 2023.01.12 - 3:33 pm

Bro they turned his 45 gun to a 22 gun wtf

Michael Lamerique 2023.01.12 - 4:07 pm

I thought the same thing about the story changes, but I think this gives us, the watchers more time to look into the deeper mysteries.

The One a.k.a the Invincible Incarnation of Power! 2023.01.12 - 4:29 pm

Honestly the SD7 was fine too. I am pleasantly suprised with most recent cgi animes

jr4chargers 2023.01.12 - 5:25 pm

Loved the original, and this one is seems great so far! No complaints from me 🤷🏻‍♂️

SG Waris 2023.01.12 - 6:34 pm

Will also want to see the legendary blue vash eyes 👀 at some point

Rezon Shinde 2023.01.12 - 7:09 pm

Tbh, Vash's design was already ahead of its time so it didn't need to be changed, but I am all ears for a new way of telling his story as long as it seems as passionate of a project as it did in the 1st episode. Meryl's partner is a guy instead of the huge goofball female she hangs out with, we are yet to see the priest too. I think I will see this to the end to have a stance on this one

Phatch 2023.01.12 - 7:20 pm

I never listen to people online anymore after what went down with avatar 2

Jon-Paul Kennedy 2023.01.12 - 7:38 pm

Don’t forget Arcane, that is hands down best 3D TV show

Marshulartz 2023.01.12 - 7:47 pm

LETS GOOO. This was straight fire bro. I was throughly surprised about how good it was!😊

MrInuhanyou123 2023.01.12 - 10:13 pm

I love that the manga, original anime and CGI series are all completely different with different things to offer, but still the same basic fundamentals. My only issue is no Millie..

PIXEL - 2023.01.12 - 10:44 pm

People saying they ruined the mystery are fake fans bruh, the only reason his brother was a mystery in the 98 anime was because the anime was made when there was barely any of the manga out meaning they had to stretch what little of the story they had to work off of. That entire seeds ship backstory scene is directly in the first few chapters of the manga. 😐

Nataša 2023.01.12 - 11:46 pm

I think that people who already know the story have the illusion that too much has been revealed in the first episode and I simply think it's not true. If you put yourself in the shoes of a new viewer, the only thing you'd be able to get from the first ep is that there has been some spaceship, some woman named Rem died and apparently Vash's brother Knives is responsible for that and he's evil. But you don't know anything else besides that. What's the story behind the spaceship, who is this Rem woman, why did Knives crash it, what's the big secret behind Vash and Knives etc. You don't know any of that yet. There's still so much more to uncover. People are just overreacting.

TheChosen1 2023.01.12 - 11:52 pm

Studio orange prob the only studio I trust with CG cus I like beastars

sojiro xx 2023.01.13 - 6:23 am

I’ve never seen the original but so far I like it

TheGeakShow 2023.01.13 - 7:59 am

I was waiting to hear what you to say on this one. I agree this is one if not the best cg anime I've seen. Proably the thing that bothers me is the absence of Milly. Feels like she could be in but hell who know's she might! I still need to see more but I don't dislike it always liked Trigun and this not too far from the og

REDtheBEAST 2023.01.13 - 8:12 am

I have many grips with the changes of flow and designs of the source materials but i will give it a shot but one thing i cant get behind is that god awful glass skeleton arm(source was camouflaged to hide the fact that it was prosthetic) It sticks out like a sore thumb.

Kevin Jones 2023.01.13 - 10:24 pm

Trigun is my favorite anime of all of time. I have low expectations for this remake but I’ll still give them a chance

Christian Valentin 2023.01.14 - 12:06 am

on point review.

Toni Copeland 2023.01.14 - 6:36 am

Die hard OG fan. No complaints about the look (even though I still miss Vash's spikey hair) of the show. The first episode was good enough to warrant watching episode 2, hopefully no one drops the ball along the way.

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