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The Mandalorian Episode 2 S3 BREAKDOWN – IT EXISTS!!


As they walk through the mines, Mando picks up a dusty Mandalorian helmet, when he’s captured by a large cyborg with a general grievous looking organic eye. Super cool concept whoever came up with this and then got it approved did a great job. I loved this, had some old revenge of the sith concept art vibes. He moves like Grievous, and is literally just a brain with one eye, the rest is mecahnical. Whatever this creature is, he has some very high end cybernetics, akin to Grievous’s.

Grogu tries to free mando with the force but fails and so Din tells Baby Yoda to go get Bo Katan. Now some people in the live stream chat were wondering why he didn’t say go get Boba Fett, but I would say because there’s less explanation needed with Bo Katan and the fact that Bo knows Mandalore well.
As Baby Yoda grabs her attention by landing, they head in her ship, the Gauntlet Starfighter.
Landing back on Mandalore, she tells Grogu it didn’t always look like this you know, as they land down and go find Mando, heading deep into the mines. Taking her helmet off as she stares at what has become of Mandalore. She says this once was a beautiful city, and that her family laid claim to it all…now it’s just a tomb. She’s quite aware of her surroundings as she pushes Grogu aside and blasts down some Allamites. We see how proficient she is as a fighter and mandalorian as she makes quick work of them without the dark saber at her side.

Heading into the general grievous 2.0’s lair where mando is being held, she fights him and then summons the dark saber as she ignites it and moves so smooth and swiftly around unlike Din Djarin who wields it like it’s Thor’s heavy hammer and he’s unworthy as heck.
Bo beats the creature twice, once in his grievous form, and then again in his mecha warrior suit. The Dark saber is rumored to be more powerful than a lightsaber blade, but who knows for sure in canon.

She seems inspired or perhaps has a nefarious plan behind this but tells Din she’ll take him to the springs he seeks for atonement. Grogu pfffts which tells me he doesn’t trust Bo, he can probably feel her nefarious feelings perhaps.

She says the empire set out to punish them to wipe away their memory of their glorious planet. Bo says what’s painful is not that the empire destroyed them, but rather the civil wars they endured for centuries, leading to the weakness for the Empire to break them.
Bo admits as a child she went to the springs to play but as her royal family would have her do, she would publicly recite the mandalorian tenets infront of large crowds. Mandalorian people loved to see their princess do so. The Mandalorian tenets, also known as the Resol’nare, are a set of core principles that define what it means to be a Mandalorian. The six tenets include: wearing armor, speaking the language of Mandoa, defending oneself and family, raising children as Mandalorians, contributing to the clan’s welfare, and answering the call to action from the Mandalore.

Mando tells her he wishes to have met her father, and that he died defending mandalore. Mando pauses and says this is the way. She realizes how patriotic Mando is, and she seems to like it. I think there’s a bit of a chemistry here perhaps, but a love hate relationship perhaps.

They arrive at the living waters, and it’s a dark dungy looking place now. She reads the plaque and it states that this is the place of the great mythosaur, that mandalore the great was able to tame the mythical beast. It is said that if a mandalorian rides a mythosaur, they control all mandalore and mandalorians. I think it even goes beyond the authority of the dark saber. Personally, I think Mandalore the great is just the new canon version of mandalore the ultimate. Mandalore the Great was an ancient Mandalorian ruler who led the Mandalorians in a series of conflicts against the Jedi Order.
As Din walks into the water and recites his vow as a mandalorian and the creed, Bo looks on in admiration of his loyalty and passion for Mandalorians. She seems like she really respects it, as he recites and walks further, he drops like a sack of bricks in the water all the way to the bottom surface where Bo grabs him and as she blasts back up to the surface with Mando, she passes a GIANT creature, a mythosaur thought to be extinct!

So the Mythosaur still exists. This means rule over Mandalore is still possible if one is to tame the creature, which is exactly what I think Bo Katan will do. She may tame the beast, use it to defeat Din and take the dark saber for herself.

A funny theory is if Grogu uses beast control to tame the beast, making him the leader of Mandalore, or perhaps Din if he tells the Mythosaur to answer to him.

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Bardy Copeland 2023.03.09 - 9:27 am

Bro got clapped the entire episode 🤣

Christian Krieger 2023.03.09 - 9:27 am

Boba Fett is on Tattoine still is he not? Bo Katan is literally on a moon of Mandalore. He very obviously said to get her because she was so close. Grogu was probably gone and back in hours or even quicker.

Ian 2023.03.09 - 9:28 am

They established that Bo was on a nearby planet so they went to her because she was closer. Pretty simple really

Алексей 545 2023.03.09 - 9:30 am

Well…Bo Katan was near, in the same system, while Boba was on Tatuin

Cooper Mcgeary 2023.03.09 - 9:30 am

Season 3 👍

bob frode 2023.03.09 - 9:32 am

I absolutely loved this episode…Grogu is so funny and smart 🙂
Bo Katan was badass without being ridicilous and Din cool as ever!!

Алексей 545 2023.03.09 - 9:35 am

Also, just in case – Bo Katan is 15-20 years older then Din jarin

The Grey Turtle Entertainment 2023.03.09 - 9:39 am

I loved seeing Bo Katan go from being very dismissive to Mandalorian traditions, to respecting Din's commitment to the beliefs, to finally a "holy shite" moment when the Mythosaur appeared, I pray that it isn't the redemption arc – I don't like Bo and really feel she should remain good, but still antagonistic to the various other Mandalorian factions- but if a little of her hard edge and chip on her shoulder is shaved off, to show respect to Mandalorian traditions, I'll accept it.

Since if a deep down distain for the pomp of Mandalorian ways during her youth is what drove her to deathwatch, and then the Nite Owls, it would make sense for her to respect being proven that the core of Mandalorian culture was still real.

TheFiskerlars 2023.03.09 - 9:39 am

You know, that droid with one eye, reminds me so much of poggle the lesser from star wars Attack of the clones movie.
Maybe he got hold of General Grievous tech and survived all this time.

squaresided 2023.03.09 - 9:40 am

LEGO just lost a ton of potential money with retiring the Bo Katan set before Season 3.. 💀

obxnice 2023.03.09 - 9:43 am

Oh this episode def got me hooked rt now. Really the might Mythosaur, any respectful boba fett, mandolarian fan knows of this great creature. Come on Star Wars Zoila beast is back in bad batch thru cloning and now the Mythosaur in this. And just like the Zillo beast in the clone wars thought to be extinct but comes back to from long hibernation by the republics electrical bomb so has the Mythosaur from the bombardment from the empire. Granted now in bad batch the Zillo beast is cloned. But seems that emperor palpatine loves to re awaken old mighty things from the past thought to be long gone or dead. Wait is that how the Palpatine came back to life in rise of skywalker. Some one bombed somewhere and and he woke up from his long sleep. Forget the cloning idea. Is that why we need thrawn and Ezra back…lol. Just kidding at end. Since seems mighty beast seem to be awoken with explosions

kimmi_the_beat 2023.03.09 - 9:45 am

Bo Katan definitely has a hidden agenda. When Grogu came to ask for help, she was basically really for some ass-whoopin when she saw the fighter land.
However, I think she's conflicted after the following events. I'm excited to see what will happen next, because I'm sure she still hasen't taken her eyes off the saber, but she surely respects Din. Grogu being skeptical is a big deal here.

chzypai 2023.03.09 - 9:52 am

My theory is that Bo Katan wants to kill Mando, but only in a way that is fair and honourable thus granting her the right to wield the dark saber. Having him die to some unfortunate beast wouldn't cut it for her, or drown, be eaten, etc. She needs him to be in a healthy condition so there is no challenger to her.

I think there's going to be internal conflict with her as she realises that Mando is possibly more worthy of ruling than she is. He is a true believer of the creed, wields the dark saber (although, not well enough to use it properly. Heavy is the crown) and I imagine he will somehow unwillingly tame the mythosaur, either with grogu's help or by complete accident. She will probably end up as the big bad this season.

Harry Dwyer 2023.03.09 - 9:55 am

Anyone think Boba will show up in this series?

Suzie Carmell 2023.03.09 - 9:56 am

Great video! I always look forward to your explanations. Definitely helpful understanding some things in the vast SW universe.

Elektric Oscar 2023.03.09 - 9:59 am

Really enjoyed this episode. Finally feels like Star Wars again. Just how George Lucas would have wanted it. Definitely was a 9/10 for me. Bo Katan was badass and love how Grogu is starting to develop a personality. Can’t wait to see where it goes next week!

9th Circle Productions by Frederick Lawson 2023.03.09 - 9:59 am

Come not between the dragon and his wrath!

Dear Mr. Iger,
Do not underestimate a mercurial audience’s, or some employees, capacity to take pleasure in watching those few sheltered in Olympus fall. Like watching a Hampton house teeter into the sea it warms a many onlookers knowing for out-of-touch visitors there it will no longer be. If a mischievous farmer knew someone wanted pig’s blood to douse Carrie White would that be a good sale? Remember if Jonah jumps the boat floats higher and you put wind back in your sails Mr. Iger.

After the second episode of Mando season 3 your fellows don’t seem intent on slaying dragons, I am. On the other hand you might consider tossing some water on a witch. You may see a bit more green on your path especially if you let the audience have a glimpse of her melting away.

Why don’t you hire a farm boy from the Midwest who believes in what Mr. Lucas built. If you hope better years are ahead for Lucasfilm then I have the stories you will need to discover a new hope. I’m waiting for a chance to pitch my ideas and doing so may be Disney’s chance to renew faith in an audience that has been lost.

If Disney wants Star Wars to have a heartbeat then I have the stories to serve as the defibrillator and Disney need only hire me to get Lucasfilm back on track. The cinema is where Star Wars belongs and then branches elsewhere.

May the Force be with you always.

Prairie Farmer 2023.03.09 - 10:00 am

There’s multiple things I absolutely loved about this episode. The attitude Grogu gave Bo a few times was hilarious. We get to see just how skilled Bo is. We learn more about Mandalore. And now there’s a Mythosaur alive, so a new age for Mandalorians is beginning. This was a 10/10 to me.

Beriliak 2023.03.09 - 10:02 am

I think the saber is now Bo katans, the creature defeated din and she defeated the monster

SithSabers 2023.03.09 - 10:02 am

Never noticed how hot bo katan was ..

Shrek Guy 2023.03.09 - 10:05 am

2 years of training? I thought it was a couple weeks

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