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VINLAND SAGA | Season 2 Episode 9 | “Oath”




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Credit: Backround Music | Arranged & Orchestrated by Samuel Kim

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Fish Blobington 2023.03.15 - 11:30 pm


Thor Anuth 2023.03.15 - 11:31 pm

One of the best character development episodes in any show in my opinion.

Mr. Quatermain 2023.03.15 - 11:40 pm

Getting to see Thorfinn and Eren within the same weekend both say “I’m sorry” while tears were streaming down their faces was a crazy experience. I love Vinland Saga it is a wonderful story, Thorfinn deserves to be happy. Askeladd always knew Thorfinn could do it and become a True Warrior, like Thors.

mario cruz 2023.03.15 - 11:43 pm

so glad gay freddy mercury does not do too many reactions anymore… can't stand his face…..i don't like this dont like that… good dont react dude

DivineKai 2023.03.15 - 11:44 pm

A masterpiece of an episode to me, honestly one of the best directed anime episodes i've seen in a minute, so good.

Denji & Pochita 2023.03.15 - 11:48 pm

Both "I'm sorry" scenes from Eren and Thorfinn airing in the same week with different context in nothing but it screams PEAK Television. Unreal masterpieces.

TheSixthRaikage 2023.03.15 - 11:50 pm

Spirit step-dad ftw😅🙌

Nick Dzink 2023.03.15 - 11:52 pm

I very much love this "Valhalla". So damn poetic while still being kinda accurate to the religious lore ESPECIALLY if you consider that Odin is an Usurper God of Berserker Rage and not a true Skyfather hence why he's called All-Father instead.

Markuu Bystander 2023.03.16 - 12:14 am

Needed progression for development, still in slow pacing but everything worth it bring the fullest to the second half of farmland arc

vzgamer 2023.03.16 - 12:20 am

If you are liking the voice acting you should check ReZero out. You have the two GOATs of the Seyu industry there. Arguably.

Hunter Horse Helmsley 2023.03.16 - 12:23 am

I really love your editing style, normal reactors just leave the picture in the middle. It makes you so unique and cool

sacha 2023.03.16 - 12:32 am

The similar themes of the wheat field getting destroyed and Thorfinn’s descent into the abyss is stunning. Just like it’s easier to destroy than to create, it’s easier to fall than to climb. To create and to climb takes work. Soo much patience and work. To fill up your emptiness left behind by destruction not just physical but mental you need to be productive and take those first steps into building yourself back up again. Just like Sverkel told him in ‘An Empty Man’ to work and in ‘Oath’ Askeladd told him to keep climbing. To recover from trauma, from ptsd, to atone this is road that Thorfinn must take. Thorfinn faced his worst fears and now he is on the literal road with Einar by his side to improve himself. Yukimura you are a god among men and I adore you!

Also I really do believe that while the visuals, the directon, the music etc was stunning the real MVP for me this episode was Uemura Yuuto. His portrayal of Thorfinn has already been amazing but this episode he went through the absolute ringer. His voice sounding so bright at the beginning, then desperation and sorrow, then genuine fear as he fell, then absolute pain and heartbreak, then that roar of sheer determination and lastly how alive he sounded as he came back to reality. That’s such a dream as an actor to have an episode like this and he really truly is the perfect Thorfinn.

Petty Speedy 2023.03.16 - 12:37 am

Fun ep

Abid Yogaswara 2023.03.16 - 2:33 am

Askeladd is the X factor for Thorfinn, meaning with all the truth he's spitting on him raw facts is a make or break whether he will forever be a lifeless nihilist or get up and grow himself to be better while sadly Thors trying to put him to the right way of thinking but sadly taken away from him too early hits me so hard like Truck-kun to isekai protags

lam1991hahaha 2023.03.16 - 2:35 am

The Thors “I smelled blood” part reminds me of the story of Cain and Abel, where god asked Cain where his brother is.

Geralt of Arabia 2023.03.16 - 3:00 am

This episode means so much on a rewatch. Damn.

木星 2023.03.16 - 8:30 am

I feel Yukimura got an inspiration from the Buddhist concept 修羅道 (Asura realm) for this "Valhalla". The Asura realm is one of the Six Realms of Saṃsāra (cycle of existence), the world where warlike demi-gods called Asura dwell and suffering and anger are endless due to constant wars.

Reks Foleur 2023.03.16 - 8:30 am

This is why Vinland Saga is much closer to my heart that AoT.
I really like what the author is trying to do and to tell.
AoT is a good show, but something is missing for me.

King of Heroes 2023.03.16 - 8:31 am

Peakland Saga

Mitchell Hall 2023.03.16 - 10:42 am

eren and thorfinn are both favs of mine but let it be known vinland came first ;). But seriously there are so many similar themes in both shows and i know the aot author has spoken out about being a fan of vinland. So its nice seeing both of them being loved by the viewers.

Trashthlete 2023.03.16 - 2:55 pm

If it helps, its definitely Thorfinn's subconscious. Despite feats of strength, Vinland isn't a supernatural manga.

Also, remember Thorfinn revealed in Ep. 8 he no longer hates Askeladd, so his perception of him is probably a lot clearer.

Ok, so another thing, those he killed aren't exclusively warriors. When Thorfinn has to "carry the ones he killed," it basically means that his redemption doesn't wipe away his sins. Anyone who is recovering from PTSD knows that carrying the weight of the trauma is a lifelong struggle.

Patrick 2023.03.16 - 6:53 pm

The most important moment in the all series, no doubt. All of you, open wide your eyes and see the true story of a man

Thing (assembly) 2023.03.16 - 7:58 pm

I love all the themes coming together. Obviously Thorfinn's gonna be fighting an uphill battle, but at least he's on the right path.

"Somebody has to do it, not a god, not a hero, but somebody…" – Askellad

Thing (assembly) 2023.03.16 - 8:05 pm

It's heavily implied that the dream sequence is a dream (still life changing for Thorfinn though). I like the little things like Askellad being almost a caricature of himself (Thorfinn's perception of him), the ravine he falls into looks a lot like where his dad died, and Askellad sitting on the Roman ruins from episode 10. There's probably a ton more details.

Tyler Clear 2023.03.16 - 8:22 pm

I like how Thors is at the top of the ravine but he still has the "dead" clinging onto him. Even though he managed to climb out of that life he still has that burden.

Thing (assembly) 2023.03.16 - 8:38 pm

47:06 Musashi was beating the breaks off of people with those sticks MENACE

I record with a phone 2023.03.16 - 8:42 pm

23:00 Actors absolutely do this for very complex roles. Especially for voice actors as they have to personify much of the character with only their voice. The voice actor for the main character of Re:Zero for example has stated on several occasions he actually cried in the recording booth from the weight of his lines and those are the cuts they used in the show several times. He said he drew from his own life and the character but he really felt everything the character felt, and won an award for it which was well deserved. I think Yuki Kaji (Eren's VA) has done similar things like he's said he's cried reading the script before I believe

mikhail persad 2023.03.17 - 2:09 am


LolixHunter 2023.03.18 - 8:40 am


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