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Ghana President silence Journalist call for LGTB law during Kamala Harris visit


Ghana President silence Journalist call for LGTB law during Kamala Harris visit. During a news conference, Kamala Harris was asked if she planned to promote LGBT rights during her upcoming tour, particularly in Ghana where a bill is currently under consideration that would significantly limit those rights. Kamala Harris replied that she had raised this issue and felt very strongly about supporting freedom and equality for all people, and that LGBT rights were a matter of human rights.
The proposed bill in Ghana would criminalize being gay, bisexual, or transgender, with existing laws already punishing gay sex with up to three years in prison, though no one has been prosecuted in years. The new bill would extend prison sentences and require people to undergo “conversion therapy” to change their sexual orientation. While public hearings on the bill began in 2021, it is uncertain when it will be put to a vote.
When questioned about the bill, Akufo-Addo clarified that it was not official government policy but had been proposed by lawmakers acting in a private capacity. He added that the country’s attorney-general had submitted views on the constitutionality of various provisions in the bill to a parliamentary committee examining it. He expressed confidence that Ghana’s parliament would demonstrate sensitivity to human rights issues and the feelings of its population and respond responsibly to the proposed legislation, as it had done in the past.
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stringer 2295 2023.04.04 - 3:40 pm

The way the Western world has developed the continental of Africa and accepted its people into their lands, by civilising them.

Peter Kooreman 2023.04.04 - 3:48 pm

Respect for Uganda! Who does our country think they are to judge Ugandans for their values and beliefs??? No respect for Kamala Harris, Biden, or democrats.

Red_spy007 2023.04.04 - 4:27 pm

Why is America promoting homosexuality??

Michael Perkins 2023.04.04 - 4:40 pm

And next, allowing orgies and Caligula style freedoms?
Democrats already support child rapists, murder in the womb, ALL of the Alphabet community and all to the destruction of God's word and beliefs.
I applauded them for sticking to their beliefs.
Tell Kamala to shove it.

John Linares 2023.04.04 - 5:06 pm

What a disaster that Kamala's visit has been.

RiDiMiC 2 OuToP 2023.04.04 - 5:29 pm

Lol Title of the video says LGTB😁

Russell 2023.04.04 - 5:35 pm

GANA First. The President of GANA serves his country, his people his God. Not Kamala Harris or Joe Biden and the socialist in America. Be careful Me. Presidente, the US may send in the CIA to help you change your mind. It's good to see a man who put HIS COUNTRY FIRST and not the UN or America.

Drexel Rivers 2023.04.04 - 6:46 pm

why are ya'll so pressed about what they do in their country? with all the things going on in the world why y'all concerned about ghana?

scottjulie27 2023.04.04 - 6:55 pm

I’m sure that the Ghana President found the cackling and cheating Vice President “impressive”.

Mwarami Rashidi 2023.04.04 - 7:02 pm

Nonesence lgtb

Oscar Geronimo 2023.04.04 - 7:13 pm

Didn't AIDS raveged through African countries when it startend and is still somehow negatively impacting the region?
And wouldn't that affect the public perception and desire to support or not proposals with LGTB conerns considering the fact that the disease's transmission is amplified in the population engaged in gay intimate activities? And wouldn't it be affected also by the fact that african societies are more conservative in values than societies in the Western countries?
Somehow these factors are not discussed… nor the fact that if the population don't want to support "progressive" agendas from other societies they should have the right to do so, they are the ones that will rip the consequences after all.

Count Cerrone D. Bonds 2023.04.04 - 7:14 pm

if you go against GOD YOU WILL BURN 2TIMES

Joshua Lomotey 2023.04.04 - 7:16 pm

Why aren't they going to tell Saudi Arabia, China,Singapore,Japan,etc to approve gay rights? Why are you disturbing us on African soil?

indigenous warrior_187 2023.04.04 - 7:18 pm

Hmm, so, lets see now! Now that Biden & Kamala are being used by the LGBTQ (Jewish/democratic) community, out of nowhere, socalled terrorist are now in Ghana!
In other words, the U S military, which was MISTAKENLY allowed to take root in Ghana, can now be utilized by the LGBTQ community to seek out and destroy anti-LGBTQ adversaries. keep in mind, any group of people, men in particular, who are against their govts' rulings, are deemed "terrorist" by the U S govt.

Wow, looks like I am the only one who can see this TRUTH!!!!

Antonio James 2023.04.04 - 7:35 pm

Ghana this is not what you want. We are at the point now in the USA that we can't even define what a woman and Gender Identity is priority in our schools instead of STEM

Saunee 81 2023.04.04 - 8:13 pm

Kamala needs to go back to her VP home and continue to hide from people. America had nothing to offer.

jodelhole 2023.04.04 - 8:22 pm

We Americans need to keep our demented perversions within our own borders. Hopefully, it will be dealt with here within the next generations. Leave Ghanaian s to govern as THEY determine.

Prof Maruf Islam PHD 2023.04.04 - 8:33 pm

Stick to your roots Africans

Micah Kirn 2023.04.04 - 8:48 pm

As an American half of us are very disappointed with our current administration which seeks to reform our traditions and values. Major respect for Africa for taking a stand. Dont be pressured by woke bullies!

a k 2023.04.04 - 8:52 pm

As an American she is a disgrace. We do not all believe like her that men can marry men. Some of us believe the Bible. She Doesn't represent the U.S.A.

henry de jager 2023.04.04 - 9:10 pm

I support Ghana.

Digital Axiom PRO 2023.04.04 - 9:23 pm

Keep your dirty pervert mental illness in america and europe . This is africa,we are Africans who refuse to move to ur shiteholes because we have our values our lands our religion we dont need your advices nor suppoet 💪🏾

Driving the streets of Fresno, California 2023.04.04 - 9:34 pm

That’s a joke, America violated my human rights as a so black man America still has not made it right with us , so shut your mouth trying to tell some other about human rights.

ruuoxi 2023.04.04 - 9:46 pm

Great decision! Protect your citizen, protect your children. Look at america what have become allowing those things to happened.

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