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Did You Know This About Buddy Daddies The Anime?


Did You Know This About Buddy Daddies The Anime?
music credit:
“Signal To Noise (CC-BY) by Scott Buckley” is under a Creative Commons ( cc-by ) license
Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: https://youtu.be/yePye8-D0zs

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アルベド 2023.01.11 - 7:21 am

But why is this a "did you know" when that is exactly what happens in the anime. And yes I did also happen to observe that the sky is blue on occasion.

I think it would be best to phrase this more energetically without the "did you know", if you are trying to advertise for this series? I mean I don't really know, but it didn't exactly pull my interest all that much aside from the context being inherently interesting.

AlliyaAndAnime 2023.01.11 - 7:26 am

This is a joke btw, I just found it funny how he went from looking like a moody teenager to old mafia boss just from changing his hair

Tommy Foster 2023.01.11 - 7:29 am

25 isn't that old and I'm 22 like I consider 50 middle age he's got like a good what a 5 years left

Ma'kiya Horne 2023.01.11 - 7:36 am

Where can I watch this?

Albinia 2023.01.11 - 11:45 am

I have an urge to straighten my hair and copy his hairstyle because wow it is so..

Koden X 2023.01.11 - 8:12 pm

Bruh he's literally the polar opposite of Loid outside of spy work

Taraun Google 2023.01.11 - 8:45 pm

I guess Clothes really do make the man.

Lunar eclipse 2023.01.13 - 10:22 am

Ah right 25yo are like basically 50

yiru 2023.01.15 - 3:28 am

no bc i legit thought that rei with his hair down was kazuki's moody teen at first 😭😭😭 he looks so different when his hair is up

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