2023冬Anime (No cut) TRIGUN STAMPEDE – 3D digital billboard in Shinjuku Tokyo. by MOEPP 2023.01.06 2023.01.06 187 I shot a video of a 3D signboard in Shinjuku Tokyo. It is a commercial for an Japanese TV animation “TRIGUN STAMPEDE”. It is a rare 3D advertisement for TV animation. TV animation “TRIGUN STAMPEDE”‘s web sight → https://trigun-anime.com/ 2023 Winter2023年冬Anime3D4-tyoumeALTA sideamusementAnimationAnimeartbillboardbusinesscalicocatconditionCross Shinjuku Visionculturcustomcutcutedigitaleast sideexplorexplorerfavorfeaturegardengroundinspectinterestjapanjapanesejourneylandlandmarknationalnonotedobservoutdoorparkplacepleasurepopularproductpublicrecreationresortsceneryseeingShinjukusightsitespecialspotstampedestrollthemaTokyotourtourismtravelTRIGUNTRIGUN STAMPEDEtriptvviewvisitwalkweightlessYoutube You may also like 【ニーア 17話】ヨルハ二号(A2)の辛すぎる過去…この思い、この名前を絶対忘れない『NieR:Automata Ver1.1a 第2クール』第17話反応集&個人的感想【反応/感想/アニメ/X/考察】 『#ツルネ -風舞高校弓道部-/-つながりの一射-』Huluで配信中🏹|胸アツスポーツアニメ特集|Hulu 🥋「もういっぽん!」🥋Huluで配信中|胸アツスポーツアニメ特集|Hulu 1 comment Japanese scenery 2023.01.06 - 3:17 pm I shot a video of a 3D signboard in Shinjuku Tokyo. It is a commercial for an Japanese TV animation "TRIGUN STAMPEDE". It is a rare 3D advertisement for TV animation. TV animation "TRIGUN STAMPEDE"'s web sight → https://trigun-anime.com/ Log in to Reply Leave a CommentYou must be logged in to post a comment.
1 comment
I shot a video of a 3D signboard in Shinjuku Tokyo.
It is a commercial for an Japanese TV animation "TRIGUN STAMPEDE".
It is a rare 3D advertisement for TV animation.
TV animation "TRIGUN STAMPEDE"'s web sight → https://trigun-anime.com/