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Answer the Call – New Ship, Same Problems – The MIRAI FURY



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Craig Hillas 2023.05.14 - 8:56 pm

The fury like most things will become a passing fad. If they price it up around 50 then for a small stretch more you could get an actual fighter that while short range will be serviceable.

As great as this thing looks, it lacks the surrounding mechanics to make it enjoyable, it'll ultimately be busywork for the first couple of weeks until people get smoked on it…or realize the busywork to carry it around in PvE contexts will quickly become annoying.

There ain't much to talk about because like all recent things, it looks good…but is as shallow as a puddle of water. No depth to it.

KingGrizzly 2023.05.14 - 8:58 pm

The Mirai Fury reminds me a little like Babylon 5 MK2 Starfury.

J J 2023.05.14 - 9:05 pm

You said it, they're pulling straws 💯. The new ship looks like a light bulb 💡

Frozen Knight 2023.05.14 - 9:06 pm

We don't know how master modes will take effect. So, saying these will be useless is saying nothing now. Heck they don't even know how they are going to fit in ships without QT yet. So, this doesn't say much of anything just yet.

Worst case these become a upgrade token later. Best case you can stuff one of these into your cargo, and in case of attack go full power to shields and fly out to smash your enemies. This giving you a fighting chance.

Despite how open CIG has been, they have been highly tight lipped when it comes to game play plans. So sure it may all go to **** or it may be so awesome we will loose our grip on reality.

Theorizing about this now doesn't make much sense.

Personally if I were them, I'd make AA guns, guns which fire explosive rounds which detonate at a distance. The damage would be lower than a direct hit so they would not be very effective against larger ships, but fighters would avoid them because they could not tank the damage. I'd make this only available in larger sized variants. This would counter the fighter threat against larger ships. I'd also give smaller ships a better ability to target systems on larger ships. So, that both sides would have to consider their options when preping for a large assault or defense.

If you want oo knowbhowbid handle this. I would also give most transport vehicles a shield boost. (1 size larger.) To make them a lower priority target. And give shields an damage absorbing property, for example a s3 shield would be almost immune to s3 and lower guns. But s5's would bypass a lot of that. (This would vary based upon the type of shield installed and the damage type of the weapon.)

My opinion is that a snub fighter should not be able to easily take out an 890j and the like. If they do they would have to be an ACE pilot.

VoidingNixx 2023.05.14 - 9:43 pm

I just PvP'd the other night. Accidentally shot a guard doing a bunker mission and figured I would embrace my new crimestat. A bounty hunter came after me and I was willing to take them on. They were 17km in distance, so I stopped my ship waiting to see their next move. Next thing I know, my shields are gone and my hull starts going into the red. I went down after that. Turns out, he had two other friends fighting me. The desync was so bad, I thought it was a 1v1 fight because the other two I could not see. It was actually a 1v3, which if I would have known, I would have fought differently. Anyways, the servers cannot handle PvP with the lag and desync. It is very problematic.

*edit: Also, my thoughts on combat and running. I agree you should have to make a quick decision to do one or the other. Once you fire your weapons, you should be locked to SCM speeds for combat and have QT disabled. If someone doesn't want to fight back and would rather run, as long as they do not fire their weapons, they should be able to escape at full speed. If both sides are in combat and do gain enough distance or a shot hasn't been fired within a set period of time, then full speed and QT would be restored as combat would be waived off.

marlboro9tibike 2023.05.14 - 10:07 pm

SalteMike has the voice of a person who meets you in the gates of heaven not to welcome you but to tell you that you never hit that save button so, you know, bad luck, it happens all the time, man, but you need to go.

LittleTed2 2023.05.14 - 10:38 pm

New furry microphone? lol :o)

TheDadCasual 2023.05.14 - 10:45 pm

Imagine 15-20 people flying these and swarming other players haha

Uncomfortable Penguin 2023.05.14 - 11:05 pm

Ugh, man, I hate it. I'm so sick of the lack of variety in fights. It seems CIG is completely uninterested in creating a dynamic and interesting PvP experience. Why do we have to have one meta ship? Why can't we just balance all the light fighters? So infuriating.

vorpalrobot 2023.05.14 - 11:11 pm

A few lucky hits on this thing and it'll be spinning in circles. Yeah it has HP on the other snubs, but how much of that is in the detachable looking parts that are both the weapons and maneuvering?

Lisa Simpson Liberal 2023.05.14 - 11:28 pm

5 thousand

Joseph Johnson 2023.05.14 - 11:32 pm

The speed an maneuverability is the purpose of the small ships they can be one hit, just about.

IMobius_1I 2023.05.15 - 1:30 am

Yeah it would most likely be as pesky as the other snubs. With the dps of some light fighters, if you can avoid being hit then it would be a force to reckon with…..until the nerf comes.😅

SupaSneak 2023.05.15 - 1:32 am

P-72 variants: "Am I a joke to you?"

Zim Zimmerman 2023.05.15 - 3:37 am

I definately see the power creep here, but when was the last time you got attacked by a snub? I feel like not having a q-drive makes it kind of a non-issue, but perhaps not I guess

Edward Morley 2023.05.15 - 3:46 am

Who's flying ships at 1200 to 1300 m/s? That's the max. velocity for a few ships and well above for others, and combat tends to be done at much slower speeds. Didn't they just make it so your shields are disabled if you exceed 200 m/s or around? Also, atmosphere completely chokes the ships velocity; most ships are barely functional in atmo. Regardless, this thing is basically a turret, so I don't think it matters too much how fast it goes; it's likely going to be able to hold targets better than most ships.

ewizzle1978 2023.05.15 - 4:36 am

I started SC for PVP and flight combat, but have pretty much given up until 4.0 or what ever. Currently it is boring and tedious. Either I get wreckt by sweats cheesing shit, I get an easy kill, or if fairly equal, the battle is a protracted log ass circle and fall back fight. Unless your sparing partner agrees to no shield charging, it just not interesting

Paweł 2023.05.15 - 5:01 am

Low effort content vs high effort content is very problematic to assess. To me it usually ties back to progression. Let me put it this way. How can I consider anything to be high effort content without having things to plan for. The risks, costs and potential gains.

Someone can say that battle for Orison is example of high effort content. They made whole map, filled it with regular enemies, even bosses. They added a little bit of story and so on. It's very cool. Even performance problems aside, even if it worked perfectly. How could I consider it an actual high effort content if it doesn't tie back to my gameplay, my personal progression in any meaningful way? It just becomes an empty shallow attraction at the circus. Thing you see and say to yourself "wow that's cool, I wonder how it would look like in the future" and then move on.

Sevil Natas 2023.05.15 - 5:43 am

I really do not vibe with the PVP mentallity. As being a person that is both dogsh!t at combat (be it in the air or on the ground) I have been hearing all this rhetoric from PVPers and pirates about how people just have to accept that getting your ass blew up, outta the blue, for no good reason, is just part of the game. That they aren't being asshOles when they attack you in your big lumbering cargo ship and we just need to "be good". Well, OK, I have accepted that, not likedit, but accepted it. But as a non-PVPer or pirate (I just can't bring myself to be that kinda dick) I find it hillarious to hear them complain about a particular ship, its load out or a fighting style that is just "unfair" or "not cool". Tears are welling up in my eyes for them, really, I swear. In reality, what I hear is, I gotta carry a Gladius with me and I need to get good at swooping in, emptying my capacitors and swooping out to let my shields charge. Thanks for heads up, I got some practicing to do. I guess it's time to "get good".

Ralf Gartner 2023.05.15 - 5:52 am

I boght the ships that i can use them now. How knows when it launches.

Kyle King 2023.05.15 - 6:09 am

No quantum, S2's. THIS SHIP SUCKS. dead in end water for the average player.

Kyle King 2023.05.15 - 6:12 am

TIE fighters went toe to toe with x wings. The scorpius(x wing) has quantum. This is a tin can with nothing special.

Azzzkikr 2023.05.15 - 6:29 am

i doubt it's gonna be good, i did a bounty in a buccaneer recently, the enemy ship had ballistic weapons and i died to a torso injury with full shields as i approached, that glass ball is gonna get shredded

S 2023.05.15 - 9:12 am

There should be a small carrier with a bunch of these….like 6 or so…..

Rudi Strydom 2023.05.15 - 10:56 am

Pokecon, gotta catch em all!

Kyle 2023.05.15 - 11:19 am

"They have an idea what they are designing for."


You sweet, sweet, summer child.

OmegaOmTV 2023.05.15 - 12:41 pm

Forgive me, I an a noob dog fighter, but you are complaining about someone shields down and them running. How do you counter when another player takes your shields down with some device right away then kills you. Do you think thats fair?

Vitae 2023.05.15 - 1:22 pm

6k hp vs 9k hp is actually a difference of 50%. So it's not "kind of the same". However, that also depends on the damage of weapons and the hp of expected enemies. If the damage output of weapons is like 20k, then yeah, it doesn't matter if a ship has 6k or 9k hp. In that case mobility and agility is way more important. Same with hp. if hp of expected enemies is like 40k, then 6k or 9k is just a bug (and a slightly bigger bug) that needs to squashed.

R Rickowsky 2023.05.15 - 1:54 pm

There is always some "piece of tech" that is going to "revolutionize and fix everything". Then it arrives, and it doesn't.

Lazer-295 2023.05.15 - 2:14 pm

I'm concerned what it's capacitors are going to be like. Might be a great ship expect it can only shoot in .5 second bursts.

itsbadlol 2023.05.15 - 2:59 pm

theres not even vehicle armor in the game yet, so combat, right now, is meh to begin with

BroloPlays 2023.05.15 - 3:03 pm

I wonder if there is a chance the hull ship could carry these lol. Release the swarm

EKG Nomad 2023.05.15 - 3:14 pm

It's a filer ship

man 2023.05.15 - 3:16 pm

but mastermodes

Casey090 2023.05.15 - 3:33 pm

They will do a post-sale nerf, as usual. Mike, you have been here for years, you know that answer already. 😀

man 2023.05.15 - 3:36 pm

Its really funny how the scorpius has so much over the fury and how thats gonna look from now on, one has some white and accent orange paints and the fury has full reds and blacks.

Dareb Mowe 2023.05.15 - 3:41 pm

Honestly I think they made the Fury for one reason. Think about it what’s the one thing a lot of people want? A carrier. And the smallest “pocket” carrier is the Polaris which is a pretty big ship and you can only carry the one light fighter. So to get around the issue of having to work and release these much larger ships that really don’t have to much of a use yet “until multiple star systems are put in” is to instead just make a “fighter” that fits in everything.

Just Jim 2023.05.15 - 3:53 pm

I agree with Mike that the most interesting path is to buy a starter ship and earn everything. Except in one specific case. When time is a premium. I known I will never be able to fly the ships I want in game as I will likely have about 6 hours per week to actually play. So I went ahead and bought what I wanted to play for those 6 hours (likely there will be many weeks I don’t even have that). That being said I really want this game to be a reality so I keep finding it. I may be foolish to put so much capital in one game but honestly I have nothing else I really want to spend money on game wise. This shouldn’t be the way for most people though. Just by 1 ship and enjoy the game.

RavPower 2023.05.15 - 4:08 pm

14:09 No, we will not see the new flightmodel (master mode) this year. This was indirectly confirmed by Yogi Klatt at Con42. The reason is that they want to give us a finished package that will surprise us. The huds needs to be updated too. They don't think it's ready.

Shawn McCown 2023.05.15 - 5:36 pm

"The moment their Sheila's are out, they're gone."

That's how it would be in real life. If they're going going to implement harsher consequences for death then people are going to fly closer to real life. Nobody is going to stay in a loosing fight and are going to run if they are about to die.

We can't have it both ways. Either we have realistic consequences with realistic reactions. Or we have little to no consequences overall and have people push things to the limit. Dueling to the death is only fun if the death isn't painful. That's why people do things in games that they would rarely, if at all, do in real life.

Mr_J 2023.05.15 - 6:41 pm

@SaltEMike I'm upset about new ships because of Salvage gameplay. Ship components can't be taken out of all the old stuff. Just the weapons.

Jedi_Drifter 2023.05.16 - 12:14 am

It could make a good planetary scout ship. It will have a great view from the cockpit and easy to land practically anywhere. A first strike on ground forces is another use for small Orgs with 1 or 2 large/med ships. It would be nice if there is some compartment for a long rifle and ammo. The missile variant will raise hell on Novas etc.

Whowhowhowho Whowho 2023.05.16 - 8:08 am

This is the one answer the call I really really want it to be awake for. I guess my contribution will have to be on a spectrum only like always.

Mullins 2023.05.16 - 9:14 am

They need to heavily balance ships by size/roll. The current balance is crap as for this new ship they power creep or make things op just to make $$$

Diogenes 2023.05.16 - 5:20 pm

I cut myself off from spending real money in SC randomly. Now I treat it how we treat software dev in real; Once a milestone is hit, when CIG ships something I am excited about to the game, I then consider adding more money to the game as a reward to myself and CIG. No concepts ever unless I want the loaners.

Roebuck Payne 2023.05.17 - 11:40 am

These ships may be an issue but because they are reliant on carriers, it’ll still be pretty easy to side-step.
CIG could attach a MASSIVE penalty to shield regen for size 1 shield generators. If size0 remains the standard for ground vehicles, and size 2 is the standard for small ships, size1 shield generators could be used ONLY for snubs without a QT, making their shield regen time WAY longer. Forcing them to actually run, or at least, actually stay away for a few minutes vs a few seconds.

Winter X 2023.05.19 - 12:26 pm

A ridiculous trouble bubble, that will toss everything into the trash CIG's so called Master Modes has been said to be intended to achieve…

Rain 2023.05.22 - 5:36 am

It seems to me like they don’t really care much at all about ship metas right now, I think there balancing for how the ships are going to fly with the new flight model.
With the new flight model at buc will be meta in different scenarios. I’m so keen for it, I think we can see how every ship will have a place and an advantage over another ship in a scenario and I’m so keen!!!

TacticalBeard 2023.06.05 - 8:17 pm

I wonder if you would ever be able to swap out snub fighter types on the constellation andromeda class ships. Like a weapon module if I could swap the Merlin it comes with etc

TacticalBeard 2023.06.05 - 9:05 pm

Wait wait wait wait back it up…… I can put a fury into the back of my Nomad…….. I’m starting up the yehaw space force

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