Home » Anime » 2023冬Anime » When it’s your first day as a scam caller

When it’s your first day as a scam caller


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Zach Star Himself 2023.06.24 - 1:01 pm

The "Beam me up" shirt is available here! https://inviz.tv/collections/zach-star

Cozy 2023.06.25 - 7:08 pm

Oh shit, this reminds me, I haven’t vaccinated my computer yet

DrSpectaculaIshan 2023.06.25 - 7:10 pm

As an Indian i Can confirm that us scammers are like this😂😂

Sovian 2023.06.25 - 8:51 pm

Gtg gotta vaccinate my computer

Chicken Tenders 2023.06.25 - 9:00 pm

“I’m from Cleveland, no there’s not”

Truer words have never been spoken.

Dylan Madej 2023.06.25 - 9:51 pm

At least cleveland is cannon now

Bimmer Won 2023.06.25 - 11:45 pm

As an American Indian I approve of your cultural appropriation of my fellow Indian brethren.

Mehar Brar 2023.06.26 - 12:28 am

scam call companies : employs Indians because there’s so darn many of us

MrMan 2023.06.26 - 1:41 am

yooo zach is the goat comedian no cap so glad he blew up I been here since day one, ok not rlly but Ive been here since zach wasnt cracking 100k on his vids tho

Firoz Ahammed 2023.06.26 - 3:13 am

the Indian voice part was so realistic bro🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Icy Fox 2023.06.26 - 6:29 am

Congrats on 420K subs.

Gospel Bearer 2023.06.26 - 6:44 am

I’ve memorized some Hindi and Gujarati for when they call…

muhammad akbar 2023.06.26 - 6:52 am


JEE 2023.06.26 - 7:02 am

you really took the risk with this one dude. This is funny as an Indian but it is the same thing as saying jelly belly americans with an ar15 up their ass making onlyfans and shooting up schools with a room temperature IQ. JUST AN OBSERVATION, NOT RACISM!! maybe you should make a video on that one too.

Matthew Talbot-Paine 2023.06.26 - 1:17 pm

I had a call the other day that was a scammer and I thought I'd keep them busy for as long as I could and I couldn't understand her because her accent was so thick and I am not good with accents so I'm trying my best to understand her and she just got fed up with me asking what she just said so she hung up on me. Never been so insulted in my life. I do feel sorry for anyone Indian who actually works for a cell phone company or a local tax authority because they probably get people hanging up on them non stop because not all scammers are Indian but god damn most of the ones that phone you are.

Kevin B 2023.06.26 - 1:58 pm

“Have you ever used online banking or Amazon?
Yea that’s a problem and now your network has been the hacked!”

Akhill Dhilipkumar Kalaiyarasi 2023.06.26 - 5:57 pm

even indians hate scammers

Julia Anderson 2023.06.26 - 8:24 pm

bro i joined a call center they said it was a investing company (they even scam you when they hire) didn't took me long to realize it was a scam call center. I Just kept telling everyone i call it was a scam call and to tell everyone they know till they fired me lol

H̴̑̀ǝart̸l̵e̵ssⱯngel 2023.06.26 - 9:22 pm

2:09 dammit was really hoping he would say "Linux Tech support" in that line too lmao

Kim Romero 2023.06.26 - 9:41 pm

So I'm in hr right… a lady with an Indian accent called me saying that she wanted to verify my business. I asked who she worked with and she said Google… I laughed in her face, legit thought it was a scam call center… let's just say I'm currently in trouble with my boss… Google outsources their employees to India, and they may just randomly call you to verify your business… I really messed up 😅

Hez 2023.06.26 - 9:52 pm

1st call as a scammer and the call is from Kit Boga….

WWZenaDo 2023.06.26 - 11:47 pm

I avoid all of this sh1t by answering the phone, "City Morgue" or "County Petting Zoo"…

Lucasarsenalpro 2023.06.27 - 12:58 am

How to speak in an “accent” is replace the t with d

Team Of One 2023.06.27 - 1:18 am

It’s not racist if it’s true.

Michał Sokołowski 2023.06.27 - 2:37 am

I really recommend you to look how the ethopian king is titled.

Brilliant_Suns_Gaming 2023.06.27 - 1:53 pm

No one picked up the Dr. Gupta reference? rofl

Shinigami Realm 2023.06.27 - 4:26 pm

Golden opportunity missed to use "hot chicks with dicks in your area", callback to the porn subscription video🥲

Hop-Skip-Ouch 2023.06.27 - 9:19 pm

Didn't have an Indian accent so flipped the script and called himself Dr. Gupta.

Natalie Morales 2023.06.28 - 12:31 am

What people dont know is the people who work there are promised a real job with real pay and end up being scammed

The fascinated Christian 2023.06.28 - 2:09 am

Hi there! If anyone wants to talk about religion or their problems with christianity or wants to learn about Jesus, just hit me up. Thank you! (Attached is a copy of the core Gospel): Well I’ll get straight to the point: do you think you are a good person? You might have thought about it before, or you might have not. But your answer is probably yes. Now the rest of this might get personal, but remember, I can’t see-or hear you reading this, so don’t worry. Now let’s have a look at the Ten Commandments. You don’t have to believe in the Bible to take this quiz:

Have you ever stolen something? Yes no

Have you ever looked with lust? Yes no

Have you ever used the Lord/Jesus/Christ/God’s Name as a swear word? Yes no

Have you ever told a lie? Yes no

You probably answered Yes to, at least, two of those. There are six more. A bit of math would tell you that (10 divided by 2 =5) , out of the Ten Commandments, on average you probably answered Yes to five of them. Do you still think you are a good person? Now I’m doing this because I care about you. You could die at any moment. Your heart may stop right now. And I’d like to see all of you in Heaven. I don’t want you to go to…to…to…to…what was it again? Was it perhaps hell? We have all sinned. Nobody is perfect or worthy in God’s sight. In fact, the only way our sins could be forgiven, was if a perfect something died for us. We all sin every day. We look with lust, we lie, we blaspheme, we swear and we steal without giving it a second thought. Imagine all those sin and guilt offerings we would have to offer… but we don’t have to. Because God sent His one and only Son Jesus, to die for us on the cross as THE sin offering so that whoever BELIEVES in Him will be forgiven and have eternal life. He paid the price; i.e. He’s the Person who paid the fine for the stack of offences on the Judges(God’s) desk, so He could let you go. That is how great His Love and Mercy for you is. He has no reason to spare you, apart from His abounding Love and Mercy. You just have to accept His forgiveness, repent, get baptised and turn to Him. It doesn’t matter how much “good” you’ve done in this life, it doesn’t change that you’re a sinner, you still will be judged for the bad you’ve done. If this has moved your heart, and you wish to be saved, why not do so right now?














Ps: your life-span on this earth is nothing compared to eternity. Just remember that. Is your soul safe…?

PPS: Let the Lord sanctify you. And read a Bible at least once a day, even if it’s just one chapter.

BigHeadClan 2023.06.28 - 2:25 am

I love how he is inadvertently coaching the rookie by just letting him throw out ideas to see what sticks.

Vaibhav Shewale 2023.06.28 - 7:06 am

i dont get this "Indian Accent" thiny, none of us have that goofy as shit accent here

Kenan Von Kaiser 2023.06.28 - 7:41 am


JC Denton 2023.06.28 - 8:28 am

These scammers give us indians a really bad reputations. The majority of us are good people and we hate these scammers as much as you guys do.

Shinkai Atsuya 2023.06.28 - 5:47 pm

If its a hot day in Cleveland then the hot single girl wouldn't be a lie.

BalloonDagger0 2023.06.28 - 6:56 pm

Haha, I literally got a spam call while watching this video😂😂😂 I didn’t answer it, I never do

demolitionist can 2023.06.28 - 9:46 pm

I just rewatched the video and also just realized you roasted Cleveland with that joke

Michael Anella 2023.06.28 - 11:10 pm

12 seconds in… oh this is gonna be good🍿

ComposedBySam 2023.06.29 - 6:59 am

Think about the shit indians working in actual tech support go through

Rachel 2023.06.29 - 12:26 pm

Jarl of… i instinctively said Winterhold!

Fred07 2023.06.29 - 4:12 pm

What’s the headset in the video btw? It looks mad comfortable; is it good?

Gatik Chopra 2023.06.29 - 4:32 pm

well of course he has a perfect indian accent. guys an engineer after all
as an indian, I approve

Jack Adams 2023.06.30 - 3:41 am

sad part is you have to be at least a little racist to survive these fuckers. has anyone ever had a phone conversation with one of those accents where the other guy wasnt trying to steal your dead grandmother's cremation money?

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