Home » Anime » 2023冬Anime » Fate/strange Fake: Whispers of Dawn – Gilgamesh vs. Enkidu (11/16)

Fate/strange Fake: Whispers of Dawn – Gilgamesh vs. Enkidu (11/16)


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Amin Sensei 2023.07.05 - 7:20 pm

Finally a good anime released

FLAMEBERGE 2023.07.06 - 3:18 am

When FPS hackers 1v1 each other 😭😭

Makai Ridah 2023.07.06 - 7:26 am

The fact that some of GOB's weapons are being fired so fast it looks like a laser shows just how excited Gil is by this fight.
He is no only taking it seriously, he is loosening up and letting its Treasury go all out as he enjoys the spectacle

ゆきかぜにゃあ 2023.07.06 - 9:45 am


John Renwel Mauro 2023.07.06 - 10:12 am

Bruh when people say emiya solos Gil I show them this

Ichiruki better 2023.07.06 - 12:47 pm

Ahhh the lovers quarell that we loves

qwertyabcd 2023.07.06 - 5:52 pm

they are equal

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