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Miranda Lambert STOPS CONCERT to Call Out Fans Taking Selfies


Miranda Lambert stops mid-performance at her Vegas residency to call out fans taking selfies in the front row. Fans have mixed reactions to the incident: some defend Miranda’s actions while others call it a ‘tantrum.’

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None Ya 2023.07.21 - 5:45 pm

Lambert is a Dumbeeoch… fer sure… The audacity that she has to stop a concert like that because of the girls taking pictures of themselves unfn*real

Charlee152 2023.07.21 - 5:55 pm

They paid $800 for a ticket and you want to blast them for taking a selfie. I would've walked out.

J Harmon 2023.07.21 - 6:04 pm

Acts like a spoiled 2 year old at a family reunion when everybody is tired of the performance.

Doreen Huston 2023.07.21 - 6:05 pm

Miranda 3:20 has always been a bitch in my opinion. Those people paid to be there and have the right to do what they want as long as they are not breaking the law. They are not in this world to live up to her expectations.

AubeAIM 2021 2023.07.21 - 6:06 pm

What nerve you have ML- The girls yu berated PAY YOUR SALARY, the Gift is the Fans you have garnered over your career.
How ddo YOU know their circumstances?? They probably saved for months to come together for your concert and sit in what looks like VIP for a girls night!!
They probably have not seen each other for ever!!!
I would guess that they probably will never come to see you again.
How DARE YOU, they were not harming you, the were creating memories. If you dont want photos taken then announce it at the top of the show!!

maddymud 2023.07.21 - 6:53 pm

Ever been to a comedy show? Those lasses would have been ROASTED for 20 minutes

y 2023.07.21 - 7:00 pm

'm told Miranda has become very irritable and cranky lately as she is on an extremely strict diet to loose weight. She really has put on a lot of poundage . Really porked up.
They call it "hangry". Hungry + Angry".
Looks like her fans are going to learn to live with this for a while. No quick fix

Amanda O'hara 2023.07.21 - 7:05 pm

What a c u next tuesday! Smh.

Peggy Jackson 2023.07.21 - 7:11 pm

Sorry if it wasn't for fans no star singer ect would have the money they have its a selfie!! They weren't making noise so who cares. Ridiculous ! I'm glad folks walked put on her she deserves it

Jacqueline 2023.07.21 - 7:13 pm

ADELE Did the Same thing. She lectured the audience about filming. She was praised for it. She should be grateful for the audience but I know how annoying it must be. In general selfies are annoying. But I suppose you can't humiliate the fans like that. It's Vegas not the ballet. Nashville artists arent always that nice. I went to Nashville to write songs and met a lot of really rude artists and writers. Had nasty notes left on my car and everything.

MrJinga27 2023.07.21 - 7:14 pm

What a baby..we all take pics of our big milestones. These ladies may never get to see her again!!…Step down off that horse…my god!!

USA1 TRUMP 2020 2023.07.21 - 7:15 pm

Boo hoo

Jake Lane 2023.07.21 - 7:19 pm

Lol…giirrlll, you take yourself too seriously.

Airbreather333 2023.07.21 - 7:22 pm

Cheating is okay but selfies at her concert is the cut off 👌 glad we have our priorities straight

Justin Fones 2023.07.21 - 7:31 pm

I guarantee Blake Shelton is way happier in life.

Finding the Silver Lining 2023.07.21 - 7:56 pm

Celebrities are seriously out of control…. Check your ego!!!

john m 2023.07.21 - 8:06 pm

Waaa waaa, you made me mad because your taking pictures of yourself not me!!!

murrayelliot 2023.07.21 - 8:12 pm

Narcissists don't like it when they don't get 100% attention

Jag 2023.07.21 - 8:12 pm

What a total diva. I would have asked for my money back, those fans didn’t pay to be publicly embarrassed

Jag 2023.07.21 - 8:13 pm

People are cheering her on when she’s literally bullying fans

Dick Hurtz 2023.07.21 - 8:18 pm

People paid to see you, you *******. I would have been sleeping during her concert.

Peanut 2023.07.21 - 8:37 pm

Your lucky people are there at all. Let them take selfies to remember. You understand that multitasking is a thing. They can do both. How entitled can you be smh.

UltimateLifeFormJoseph 2023.07.21 - 8:45 pm

She's so narcissistic that she calls out those who don't idolize her.

She's more of a curse than a gift with that attitude…

Sassybanjo 2023.07.21 - 8:50 pm

Not seeing any support for what she did in these comments.
Those in the crowd who seemed to support what she did were probably intoxicated.

Amanda Klinkenborg 2023.07.21 - 8:57 pm

This pisses me off a little bit. Those photos are memories for those girls. My brother took me to my first concert and now that he's passed, I can't help but wish I had taken a photo with him. Jesus they paid for their tickets. You're getting paid for them being there. Chill out.

Yoda Kenco 2023.07.21 - 9:08 pm


Andy Fulenchek 2023.07.21 - 9:12 pm

How egotistical.

Cypress Walnuts 2023.07.21 - 9:13 pm

stupid reason to stop. they are trying to keep the moment with a selfie let the fans have fun as long as they arent interupting her.

Doug Ferguson 2023.07.21 - 9:15 pm

I think the crybabies mostly from a specific generation are taking this way too serious (like always). There is more of a positive message behind what she is conveying to the crowd (which to me seemed more in a light hearted joking manner) which was to live in the moment and appreciate the songs being sang which could potentially be missed out on by taking 1000s of obnoxious storys/tiktoks. I would also doubt she would have just said this if a few groups were doing this and probably had seen a large amount of people behaving this way. Some people got to learn manners while there at it.

I dont personally listen to her type of music, though i couldnt imagine being so obsessed with my self and brainless to attend an event to not even watch the show when there are fans who would appreciate being there and actually enjoy the concert living in the moment..

lonelydwightfrye 2023.07.21 - 9:16 pm

What an ego…."You MUST be paying attention to me 100% of the time!". She seems…..cool

blue_is_not_sad 2023.07.21 - 9:29 pm

What a See You Next Tuesday

AussieBleuu 2023.07.21 - 9:29 pm

I mean yeah, she’s a celebrity. People don’t like it when they complain, and their success is the first thing people point out when they do. But even if she apologized there’s no way the internet or any two people could agree on what’s acceptable to say or not say. People can be mad at the response, and people pay a lot of their hard earned money to see her. But most people in the world let alone a YouTube comment section have zero experience with that position and status. Performing in front of millions, dealing with harassment, stalkers or the minor annoyances that might come from that position is pretty reasonable to say will affect anybody. I don’t know this person at all or give two shits about the situation, just wanted to talk some sense into some people.

Now if we’re talking about fans storming the stage, throwing soda cans and shoes at people just because they “made her career” that’s a whole other story. There’s a lack of empathy and a lot of entitlement that seems to be increasing amongst people nowadays. But I totally get the whole sentiment about defending a person who couldn’t care about you in particular. Defending celebrities in a comment section ain’t a place any poor soul should die on because there’s plenty of time you could spend elsewhere. You’re not gonna win anybody with reason or logic or by arguing. I got a stomach to feed and a Big Mac to eat.

DAISY ROSE 2023.07.21 - 9:42 pm

I saw what that group of women were doing. It was plain rude and wrong on all levels.
And they wee using a flash! Can you imagine a flash going off in the performer's face, distracting that person, and pulling the focus of the audience away from the show?! To interrupt a performer, block the view of others in the audience, and disrupt the ambiance of the event is beyond selfish. It's not about buying the ticket. It's about showing respect to the person up on the stage who is expected to deliver a stellar performance. It''s like the people who arrive late after the show starts and they're talking, laughing, yakking, and making noise all the way to their seats with no regard for the performer or others in the audience. Every ticket should come with the words, "Sit down, shut up, enjoy the show – or leave!"

DAISY ROSE 2023.07.21 - 9:48 pm

Research indicates that people who take selfies, photos, video recordings of events tend to not recall the event as "memories."

Dan the man 2023.07.21 - 10:05 pm

Crap music

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