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Answer the Call – Quality of Life and Star Citizen



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QuiksiIver 2023.06.05 - 1:29 pm

april 2013 backer here… the entire project is a failure. even if the game is playable, everyone who backed early was scammed

Sempiternal 2023.06.05 - 1:58 pm

There's so many things I'd like to add to but this is my biggest-
How does having functional elevators impact meshing in any way at all? Trash cans that work? exit ramps at mining outposts that do not cause instant death if you run down them? What exactly is the tie to meshing on things like this? Is there some super secret programmer thing that no one is explaining that will make these magically work?

Crown_VIII 2023.06.05 - 2:24 pm

They should move to yearly massive patches broken down into 3 quarterly releases with the 4qtr being QOL and bug stomping while citcon/IAE are going on. They cannot and never have kept up with 3 full release patches. Its unreal and they are in denial

Tim Davis 2023.06.05 - 2:45 pm

If I hit one more invisible wreck outside of a hanger I'm going to lose my mind! I have been playing for a year and a half now. When are they going to fix rearming? It has never worked since I started playing.

Gunnberg85 2023.06.05 - 2:48 pm

1:02:20 It's an interactive multiplayer tech demo. CIG has zero obligation to make it into anything you want it to be since it's not "the game". They've demonstrated over and over that they will add or take away features at whatever time, in whatever state, and for however long they choose. Even if it doesn't make any sense at that moment in time within the context of this interactive tech demo. That is to say, features or mechanics that require additional features or mechanics to function properly will be added or subtracted with or without those additional features or mechanics. Thus creating a rather awkward experience having to interface with an incomplete system.

My argument is when they tweak, add, or subtract something that we would charitably interpret as CIG testing them but doesn't seem to make any sense in terms of present day gameplay. The simple example of this is extended ship wait times. At this stage, the only real reason to extend wait times is to test the system that adjusts wait times. We've obviously demonstrated that this system works. Therefore there's no need to test it again before more systems are in place. Wait times for the PU in its current state only serve as an aggravation point for the player base. Tweaking them now of all times makes me question their priorities…. As do many other things.

LouValen22 2023.06.05 - 3:13 pm

Im right there with you where CIG spends too much time on new stuff, they would benefit by circling around and "completing" functionality (kitchens, bathrooms, storage, minor org/party support "shared storage", 30K) of what is already in game. At the same time bro, you look very tired. Time for a break? I get very frustrated with this game and have invested more than I should have but at the same time I know this is just a game that I can reluctantly walk away from.

As I write this, Im listening to your video. I agree with you whole heartedly. Cheers!

William Lewis 2023.06.05 - 3:24 pm

Is LARS Alt Shift X?

xXxSU8Z3R0xXx 2023.06.05 - 3:45 pm

This weekend the game was unplayable! Server Chat was down globally, most people couldn’t by or sell cargo and when I went to ghost hollow there was 20 aggressive npc cutty blacks that attacked me… some stability would be nice.

DDurbin 2023.06.05 - 3:48 pm

110% agree with 3 major patches and a 4th patch that is all fixes. Of course, they shouldn’t go in and fix net code or things that will 100% be written over(server meshing) someday soon(TM). Fixing ASOP’s(like 19.1), fix elevators, fix bunker walls(can fall/walk through them and die), 30k’s, optimize servers a bit so that server FPS is on average, 10+ on servers(not less than 5 currently), fix drug stash bunkers, make missions appear in accepted faster/more often, etc.
Those are all things that will need to be fixed anyway and won’t be overwritten 100%, maybe changed a bit here and there in the future, but won’t be completely overhauled like something like server meshing, ship component systems, etc.

Edit: The people saying “well selling new content makes money, fixing bugs doesn’t.” That is incredibly false. I have one friend that got the game about a month ago, and won’t upgrade or buy anything else from RSI until the game is “more playable.” Then I have another buddy that has now tried the past 2 free flys and he likes the idea of the game, but doesn’t want to put money into it when it’s not playable and this buggy. The latter friend is someone that would for sure buy multiple ships, not just $45 ships either. The friend that got me into the SC 4+ years ago never plays the game anymore due to the playability of the game, so no “new money” coming from either.

So yes, making the game more playable will certainly make CIG loads more money. They’re 0/3 so far from making “more money” from my friends due to playability, yeah small sample size but cmon. If I tried this most recent free fly, NO WAY I’d buy the game in its current state.

Spektre21 2023.06.05 - 3:49 pm

Mike, I've been enjoying the content lately and appreciate your points here, and here's hoping we see more focus on the playable experience in the near term. 🍻 That said,
Saying SC is an alpha is like saying a pile of automotive parts is a prototype. Alpha is a (now almost archaic) term to describe a game that was nearly complete in scope and features, and which was not seen by the public. Betas were complete games which needed bug testing and were generally the first iteration seen publicly. That all changed with the early access games, and even more so with SC. This is the first major game to be openly built from the ground up.

IMO, calling SC an alpha gives the developers too much leniency in their current payable environment (a product which players have personally invested half a billion dollars into), and discourages players (especially new players) from having the correct attitude, or criticism, about the project. Some people look at the game and say it's been in Alpha for nearly 10 years, so it's a joke that will never be finished. Those players are not in the game giving constructive feedback and testing game mechanics. A newer perspective might look at SC and think "it's in Alpha, I'll just wait for the beta to get involved (thinking a beta release is right around the corner)."

Call it semantics, but mislabeling the state and method of development is much akin to the scope creep we've seen over the past decade. CIG, I think, is resting on their "alpha" state, largely ignoring the (un)playable experience because they're given a license to.

Ewan Marshall 2023.06.05 - 4:19 pm

the other problem with PES, okay, you died or whatever then there is a crash, you make it back on the server only to find your body is in the moon or planet or sun… Crashing in armistice does not spawn box, there is a solution for this for player inventory, but ship inventory, forget it. Outside of armistice, box may or may not spawn (or did it also end up in the moon). Being able to get stuff back is reasonable, but the systems are broken for it or missing parts. Every feature is half baked at best.

Not sure CIG even know what regression testing is either. Many of these bugs are the same issue over and over again. My cutty black is permanently missing main engines until next update for example.

The issue council system of what is needed to get something confirmed, like I know of several issues that are easily fixed, and several more that I can easily reproduce if I had the ship to do so outside of things like Invictus, but due to that I only get a week or so to get them confirmed.

Benjamin Rhoades 2023.06.05 - 4:20 pm

Sounds like your opinion has evolved a bit, Mike, and can't say I completely agree with you. I want CIG to focus on building the game rather than polishing what currently exists. The "live service" nature of the game prevents them from fulling dedicating themselves to making the game, because they're walking a fine line of "develop the game" and "keep it playable enough so we can make sales". IMO, people are overstating how broken the game is currently. Most days in 3.19, I have fewer issues than I did during 3.17; they're making progress on stability, and they're doing it while delivering new features. I'd prefer to endure a lot worse performance if it meant we didn't have to go another 1-2 years without Pyro and server meshing.

On sales, ILW did make CIG less money this year, that's just a fact. The "reason" why that's the case is likely not as simple, and is a combination of factors. I'll agree that game stability may have played a role, but I don't think I agree that it played a majority role.

Josh Lawson aka kallivac 2023.06.05 - 4:37 pm

Mike, your opening monolog was spot on. If CIG is gong to continue to advertise star citizen as "playable" (to non backers like me) they are going to hurt the potential future of the game.

Because the average gamer( the majority of the market) doesn't enjoy a barely playable experience. If CIG would focus on making the existing game truly playable they would have the most fantastic space game in the industry… and it's no where near finished.

Mullins 2023.06.05 - 4:38 pm

I want a 30k recovery that puts me and my ship back where we were when the server crashed. Also the idea of bed log out was to protect your assets, no bed the ship stays in-game. SO if you log out and back in even without a bed you should still be where you were and not back at a station.

Mullins 2023.06.05 - 4:40 pm

I've never got to see PES myself. the servers are not there for it because we don't have 1 server with small shards. We want persistence like EVE online has but without the daily server reset.
(I wouldn't mind if they reset the servers every day, with "shards" they could even do it without people knowing.)

Mullins 2023.06.05 - 4:42 pm

If you loot items and log out before putting them into a "local inventory" they disappear. We need many of the tools other MMOs have (Looking mainly at EVE)

Fulguro Geek 2023.06.05 - 5:27 pm

PPLs just need to accept that Sc is a failed project. after 12 years over 600 millions in raised money from backers and investors the fact that some feature like bed loggins, voip, that have been integreated in the game 5-6 years ago andthey still dont work.
the fact that they never resolved the huge amount of server crash in over 4 years, The fact that they announce things and they are never able to reach their own internal goals sometimes not even at 20 percent of what they have planned.

The fact that even after multiple rework some ships will still need more reworks because many aspect are missing like the armor and components. The fact that their main focus is on ship sales.

See the game as it is, Its a ships sales platform, the game is not really important for them. They announce a tech, they say it will do this and that but once integrated after years of delays it still dont do what its supposed to do like PES.

CIg know for a long time that they will never do what they said they will do internally. they keep trying to hype backers but for them its already marked in the sky that SC will never be out of alpha, SQ42 will never release and they keep pushing the sales fro the time they can, but the reality is that Sc will never run better, it will always be plaggued by a ton loads of game breaking bugs preventing a good experience and preventing the release of the game. It will become more and more unplayab;e as the feature rools in because most of the features are always broken.

You think its will change no.. no mather if its in 2-3-4-5-6-7 even 10 years the state of the game will not change. You will still say in 5-6 years that they should work on making the game less buggy and more playable the same discussions will happen over and over just like they happened over and over in the past 12 years changing nothing in the state of the game.

SC is a failiure and its the only fact that it is. Great idea for sure on paper but the problem is that to make a game like they wnated to do they would have needed the plan from the bigining, not changing their goals and plans every 2 years, shifting direction. CIG is just improvising their game, never been tought out from scratch. Its a pile of broken code and tech piled over each other.

With a clrear plan, 2 billions and 4000-5000 employees maybe they could have done The online part but with them making 3 games, TOw, sq42, SC with multiple studio divided in very small team dispersed over the world they will never be able to create the product they sold to eveyr backers.

Charly Blues 2023.06.05 - 5:44 pm

STFU comes to play the game and try it, like all of us, if you can't stand what is the development of a video game go play one that is finished. greetings

John Easterling 2023.06.05 - 5:48 pm

I took notes and my general realization is that the multiplayer is broken. VOIP is huge when meeting players in the wild. Id love to ask questions first instead of shooting or running. Desync and currently invisible players makes pvp un-fun for both people. I did a bounty and apparently, I was invisible which took the win away from me, it feels bad. And only half my party members get markers usually which makes combat hard, may as well not have them and just get good instead of having a broken marker system

ntylersimmons 2023.06.05 - 6:29 pm

I absolutely love the game and 100% agree with what you suggest here. I feel they need to strengthen the foundation to move forward

Embarkation. 2023.06.05 - 6:33 pm

What are the most profitable video games of all time… They are all live service, ongoing and constantly monetised. Why does stars citizen and CIG not realise this?

Noah Sohacki 2023.06.05 - 6:38 pm

I have been thinking instead of cramming for a busted end of the year pact like they always do they should have the Q4 patch each year be a quality of life improvement of the content they added throughout the year. Great content keep it up.

Kiran Siebel 2023.06.05 - 6:49 pm

One additional point that I'd add – CIG showing that they have the ability to put something polished out (or at least something with decent QoL) would be a major confidence boost for me. For a long time I held the viewpoint that it's ok to sacrifice QoL to get the game out faster, but after more than 10 years I need to see that CIG is able to make something that consistently works smoothly to have confidence in the future of the game. As a software engineer, polish takes a different skill set from initial feature development, and it's not a skill set I'm confident CIG possesses. Spending half a year to get existing features working smoothly and logging in in the same location that you logged out in would go a long way towards putting those doubts to rest. A polished Theaters of War experience would do the same. But it's hard for me to believe in the future of the project until CIG proves that they can make something with a high Quality of Life.

Aside from that, I don't feel like I can recommend the game to friends in its current state. Plenty of folks would be interested in the current gameplay if their stuff didn't randomly disappear, servers crash and they relog half an hour from where they were exploring, etc.

shinhwa 2023.06.05 - 7:20 pm

I've been in software development for 30 years. Nothing about how SC is being developed makes sense to me. But then again, people continuing to dump millions into it every year doesn't make sense either.

Soylent Green 2023.06.05 - 7:27 pm

Anyone else feel that the persistent entity stuff is underwhelming? It's exactly what I expected, nothing more and nothing less. Ship junk and garbage everywhere, and nobody cares about making a "hidden stash" that will still be there the next day 😂

Ty Andy 2023.06.05 - 7:54 pm

Auto stacking items in inventory.

Daniel Hartland 2023.06.05 - 8:04 pm

I know nothing about game development however it just seems completely illogical to be developing a game based off legacy and/or dodgy code. If you're building something and the foundations you are building on aren't good. You're pissing in the wind

roxanne wolf 2023.06.05 - 11:27 pm

can’t they just release pyro and the spirits

Richard Jefferies 2023.06.06 - 4:50 am

11:24 and the funny thing is, you can bed log after stopping your quantum jump, half way between ArcCorp and Microtec and log back in and you'll be right where you were, so the game knows where you are.

Downf411 2023.06.06 - 7:09 am

I think theres a lot of things that would fall into place following taking time to work on those systems Mike is suggesting. One thing that pops into my head immediately is Org Play. I have run into several interactions with orgs that arent playing together on one server, and when asking me if im interested in working with them, the first thought that pops into my head is "whats the point when we have to roll the dice on any of these systems working long enough to accomplish a goal?"

Dantian 2023.06.06 - 7:22 am

Great idea and video Mike. I think it would be very wise to make Q3 or Q4 a QoL season and give us all a playable/testable environment for the holiday season.

Joe Nail 2023.06.06 - 11:54 am

They talk about sales suffering from quality of life fixes because they don’t sell games. But they also want you to refer your friends to the game and that’s a hard sell when you can’t get out of bed or call your ships

Adam Clay 2023.06.06 - 12:47 pm

That second guest is awesome! Get him back asap! Great hearing from an expert regarding these internal system issues.

Wyatt-Barton 2023.06.06 - 6:56 pm

Make your spectrum post and let see the votes

Justin Sanford 2023.06.07 - 1:49 pm

I like your idea about taking a quarter off from content to focus on quality of life, but it really wouldn't help much. Now hear me out, the problem there is that you'd be bringing people who don't know the background code and tasks, and trying to throw them and their work at the issue. Think of it this way, imagine you run a factory and you're making cars, but there's engine problems for your cars. So you stop production and take all the people who specialize in car interiors, leatherwork and wood paneling, and have them work with the engine techs to fix the issue. Are the leatherworkers going to actually help, or get in the way and slow down the engineers and mechanics? And if they actually do lay hands on the broken engine are their fixes going to actually fix or make things worse?

A lot of Star Citizens content developers are people doing things like 3d animation or sound effects, and they know very little about the base code that's running the game. Having them stop creating new content won't help the developers that specialize in base code fix the code. They need to train and hire more people who specialize in the base code. More mechanics and engineers.

Unknown Calrissian 2023.06.07 - 3:48 pm

Yelling at Cloud(s) Imperium Games you mean Mike 😜

Edit: been gawking at my deemer for years gathering dust in the hangar module.
Still think the old model was more efficient in terms of getting out in a hurry when needed.

When 3.19.1 hits I'm going to do lots of salvage in the Reclaimer, 1 advantage I, or we have is that me and the misses don't have as much issues concerning de sync since we are on the same network, but man those 30k's…… And not being able to just crash recover on the ship in which you experienced the 30k in the 1st place.

danny1988221 2023.06.07 - 6:12 pm

Agreed why do I need an outpost when I have a kraken!! They are prioritizing in the wrong way

tweaked74 2023.06.07 - 8:21 pm

For example, my tractor beam hun barely qorks when trying to move the boxes in my Vulture. Youd think with salvaging being the shiny new rhing that would work, but alas…its been a struggle. I now wait for 3.19.1 to hopefully fix it. Those types of things shouldnt be haplenkng so often

ingeonsa 2023.06.09 - 6:59 am

A common problem now is going afk then getting kicked for inactivity then loading back into the verse only to get spawned back in your main landing zone instead of where you were in the verse

Frihetens Regn 2023.06.09 - 10:14 am

It's an alpha state game, BUT that said CIG are hyping up and selling stuff because of the LIVE service game they have out together, and that means CIG should take a step back and see if releasing patches has to stop for so to make it less bug free. Thid means we coulf see longer wait times, and ofc this drains more resources to hit bugs that will reoccure again and again and again etc. That aspect it's a waste of time, BUT to keep people intetested something needs to be done.

I think we are finally seeing "the light in end of the tunnel" where next year we will see some heavy changes to the game. That can also be a clue to why bug fixing isn't a priority at all, just get it to work somewhat and take it from there, where we go full circle back to an alpha state game.

A double edged sword, but it is imho a good "problem" to have.

7GPanda 2023.06.14 - 7:54 am

StarField will make SC a Ghost Town when released…… Players don't care about how much you work on a game or it is a very big game Bla Bla Bla….. Players wanted GamePlay… Graphics… Storyline…. FPS…. and no BUGS. And not wait 5-10 years to enjoy the game that they already paid. Yes Starfield is not Star Citizen… but trust me… SC players will leave and put their time on StarField. Stop Pyro!!!! Stop Squadron42!!! Just finish Stanton Gold with Creatures and working NPCs… GIVE IT LIFE… and add Base Building if CIG can. Just do Stanton FINAL PLEASE!!!! Add more missions to stop repetitive missions. NO MORE BUGS!!! Stop fixing one and breaking 10 more. FINISH STANTON SMOOTH WORKING NO PROBLEMS just like the other games. This is forever fix fix fix…. not finished…. oops never finished.

Jerox Is 2023.06.29 - 10:42 pm

the more you test, the more you play, the more you hate yourself and the game – the more frustrating it becomes. its broken. bro-ken. fucking barely functions. 30% of the time things work, 70% of the time you want to kill yourself for being 10 years into development and still putting up with this shit.

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