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Answer the Call – Are Star Citizen Fans Still Hyped After Citizencon?




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Locantos 2023.10.30 - 1:53 pm


Shawn Hamm 2023.10.30 - 3:32 pm

Some of the "Sim" aspects of SC I like, but I sure hope they don't go way to deep into being "Sim like." I want a video game that is in the future, so go wild and let me do some crazy fun things.

PMComputing 2023.10.30 - 5:05 pm

A good singleplayer game isnt just about story but also presentation. If the story is cliche (which Squadron almost certainly will be) hopefully the complexity and presentation makes up for it.

TheArrrcticWolf 2023.10.30 - 5:50 pm

So with the way they described land claims and who you buy land from it sounds like (for now) High Sec is purchased from UEE, Low Sec is purchased directly from a Corporation or Gang, and then there is no purchase in No Sec. so an example would be High Sec would be a claim on Terra, Low Sec would be a claim on Orison, and No Sec would be a claim in Pyro.

It sounds like the new info on the claim system is still holding true to the original pitch but has some expanded options.

D. Graf 2023.10.30 - 5:54 pm

Short answer. No. Because they are not going to deliver as always

phseekure and leaker 2023.10.30 - 6:27 pm

As a 80's baby I grew up playing single player games. That being said all I can think is how I will never play another single player game. The story hold no value without being able to play the game with other humans.

Lance Obe 2023.10.30 - 6:50 pm

I am still very optimistic but the PU is a mess, been getting 30k's and crashing to desktop. Still having to get my space sim fix with Elite Dangerous.

HappyRBOB 2023.10.30 - 9:11 pm

SaltEMike, fancy lad of cornwood.

KnightNGale 2023.10.30 - 10:26 pm

The Air Force guy was great. As retired Navy aircraft mechanic he gets it.

Crittek 2023.10.31 - 3:29 am

“Asmongold has never had a good take”
“Spec-Ops: The Line had an excellent story”


Alan Mazwi 2023.10.31 - 3:29 am

you have to question, even if we get more content whats the point when the servers are f ucked and the economy is shit

Niklas Dahlgren 2023.10.31 - 6:12 am


Box Monkey 2023.10.31 - 10:20 am

Gillian Andersons character mentions the F8 because several fly past the window

MrDazTroyer 2023.10.31 - 12:41 pm

I was hyped up until I spent some time back on the PU this weekend. Then I remembered all the jank and broken promises.

Magic Carpet 2023.10.31 - 1:10 pm

the game has reached a new low. no elevator, asop frozen, inventory sometimes, ship not spawning, hangar not opening, ship only partially powering up, qt not working, guns not shooting (in flight or fps) terminals at comm array or ghost frozen, game freezes after death or exiting to menu. citcon never hyped me, was all flashy videos and 'mbe within 12 months'. will stop playing this if pyro doesn't bring some fun and intriguing gameplay.

Yuubi Z 2023.10.31 - 5:32 pm

59:38 I don't think this was supposed to be seen as marketing. I think this was meant to be a way to entice the player to want to fly the ship in the story mode. It's a small teaser to when you finally get into the cockpit for the big fight against the Vanduul or whoever. A Chekhov's Gun in a way. That feeling has been ruined due to them releasing the ship a few days before Citcon and the fact that they sell everything else too IMO.

ZevriunGames 2023.10.31 - 6:03 pm

I think for base building, I don't think it will be implemented until there are more systems too. Right now the current system is totally a high sec/low sec area and will require land claims. Pyro will for sure be no sec and then youll see the Rust style gameplay which may counter the "base every 4km". Now like a lot of big gameplay systems in SC, this will probably start as a limited version for testing

Rephaim 2023.10.31 - 8:32 pm

It’s nice to see new content creators like this helping the plebs.

Dig Dug 2023.10.31 - 11:27 pm

SaltEMike no more, he is now FanciEMike

Rix xy 2023.11.01 - 7:35 am

The scene of the conductor was also part of Wing Commander. It was a great game.
The Scully scene was seriously cringe.

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