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PS5 Pro September Reveal Teased; New PlayStation Studio; Xbox Fast Tracking PS5 Games; Xbox Gamescom


PS5 Pro September Reveal Teased; New PlayStation Studio; Xbox Fast Tracking PS5 Games; Xbox Gamescom

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Bungie & Sony Forming New PlayStation Studio for Sci-Fi Action Game

PlayStation’s New Mystery Studio May Have Been Uncovered by Fans


Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S second price increase announced for Japan


Xbox Games Will Continue to Target ‘New Audiences’ as Console Sales Fall Further

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@amnril 2024.08.02 - 1:38 pm

It makes perfect sense for MS to stagger the next Xbox away from PS6. Clearly MS cannot compete anymore ‘with’ Sony so they might as well go it alone. I hope this happens as it’ll spur Sony to make PS6 something special.

@nothing-ci5rz 2024.08.02 - 1:43 pm

Ps5 base can still holding back Ps6 because of cross gen.

@antwango 2024.08.02 - 1:51 pm

dammit i was saying killzone all through this

@vvolfflovv 2024.08.02 - 2:08 pm

Hard to say how many will be day 1 on rival platforms but there really is less and less reason to own the hardware. Especially if the next xbox doesn't even have discs.

@Imhotep397 2024.08.02 - 2:14 pm

I don’t get how people don’t see how regimented and somewhat predictable Sony is on the hardware release scheduling still. Atleast the hype train is only starting a month early so we don’t have to hear about how it’s not coming out for like 3-4 months before its actually announced in October.

Sony will very likely announce PS5 Pro in early October for an early November release, same as the PS4 Pro.

@naturalfitness23 2024.08.02 - 2:39 pm

I wish both xbox and playstation were making great games. I have a bad feeling for the future of consoles if playstation is the only one making a console

@ChrisCobraElite™ 2024.08.02 - 2:55 pm

If the CEO of Bungie wasn't spending countless amounts of money on cars the Bungie employees would still be working. Bad money management. I'm still playing destiny 2 but slacked off a bit to play a plague tale requiem, really good game so far. As far as ps5 pro, I'm not looking for it anytime soon!

@elrahim6972 2024.08.02 - 2:58 pm

Now everybody acting like they forgot about the patent

@carlton_k 2024.08.02 - 3:04 pm

All this talk about new games, new studios…but this Generation has been the absolute worst in gaming history…. barely anything worth playing…. freaking ridiculous

@carleffique2687 2024.08.02 - 4:23 pm

MS please just stop selling xboxes in japan, its pathetic.

@phbranding8530 2024.08.02 - 5:13 pm

Oh, please Sony do NOT release this disaster!

@Alien_isolationist 2024.08.02 - 5:40 pm

If i have a multi billion dollar business & i buy Bungie, i woulld have done the same thing, lay off the lower talent & create a new studio with some freeh faces of employees who have experience in development. I would drop Horizon III & go for a futuristic blade runner lookin game, with the neon lights looking as beautiful as Horizon II. They need to switch it up, we need games with guns. 4 years into this gen & both consoles are somewhat disappointing.

@heberlourenco8533 2024.08.02 - 5:44 pm

I might think of getting a PS5 pro. Maybe but who knows

@Zenbloke 2024.08.02 - 8:11 pm

I gave up on Destiny after vault of glass

@Starfield-Guy 2024.08.02 - 10:11 pm

And what are you going to play on it? More remasters and remakes of old games? Because there are no new games 😂

@fawkkyutuu8851 2024.08.03 - 1:37 am

I'll be building a PC around a 5090 , saving all gaming money for that. I refuse to be let down with regret by consoles anymore , and modern day Sony Is not even close to the once brilliant proud Japanese company that I knew and loved back In the PS1 and PS2 era. All I need Is high end PC , Steam Deck 2 , and Switch 2. I would be Interested If Sony came out with a PSP 3 or Vita 2 true portable successor.

@kenshin391 2024.08.03 - 12:29 pm

I’m sorry if anyone buys a PS5 Pro if you already have a PS5 then your definitely part of the problem because you are brainwashed. What has Sony shown you to get you hype to spend another $600 on a console? If y’all are buying this for GTA6 and HOPE of future games from Sony then that’s just really sad. Sony is literally spitting in our faces and yet people want to throw more money at them is insane. I play on PlayStation and I’m saying this.

@86billionneurons 2024.08.03 - 11:12 pm

I ain't arsed with extra RT and a few more FPS on PS5 Pro. I can wait until the PS6 drops. PS5 is fine for me until then.

@jasonleslie9494 2024.08.04 - 1:33 am

Sony doesn't have games they just talk alot

@davemeredith6964 2024.08.04 - 8:10 am

Foxy mate. I was once dominated by the console world. From the late 70s until the PS5 and SX release. A guy who has been in and around the scene…many consoles and games over many, many years.

I had one spell with PC from 89 to 92 .

I picked up a 3060 GPU for my music studio PC to see how PC gaming was about 3 years ago and I was surprised to see it easily match my PS5 and give me better image quality and options in game for preferences.

This intrigued me. I then went out a built a 4080 based PC , sold my Series X and over time I never played the PS5 for months. It's a different league.

I sold the 4080 PC to a mate who offered me a ridiculously good offer and built a 7800X3D 4090 set up and this means I have zero interest in the Pro.

A decent PC has proven me wrong in that consoles don't come close.

I can max out to my content. Native 4K, 120 FPS and more. Ray tracing is on another level to console, even on 3080 level cards.

I understand there is of course price differences but games are also far cheaper on PC. Never paid more than £36 for a AAA game.

I love consoles but a good PC is years ahead.. especially with UE5 games.

@Atum1c 2024.08.06 - 12:11 pm

I hope ps5 pro has a Virgina

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