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Monster Hunter Wilds – The 5 HUGE New IMPORTANT Changes – Hunting Will NEVER Be the Same Again…


Monster Hunter Wilds – The 5 HUGE New IMPORTANT Changes – Hunting Will NEVER Be the Same Again…

Wilds really is changing everything we know about Monster Hunter! Enjoy!
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Monster Hunter Wilds is the next new monster hunter game with incredible new Monster Hunter Wilds gameplay with all the Monster Hunter Wilds new monsters monster flying mount buddy Monster Hunter Wilds new weapon great sword Monster Hunter Wilds weather new map 2025 returning monsters flagship monster MMO Monster Hunter Wilds secrets breakdown Monster Hunter Wilds bowgun elder dragon open world Monster Hunter Wilds all new monsters returning monsters Monster Hunter Wilds gameplay trailer all new monsters reveal Monster Hunter Wilds new monster great sword attacks story world slinger ceratonoth doshaguma chatacabra seikret Monster Hunter Wilds flagship balahara gore thor magala railgun wyvern new weapon gemma alpha monsters great sword long sword bowgun hunting horn camp loading screen screens village NPCs focus mode attacks wounds power clash gameplay review Monster Hunter Wilds shareholder meeting qna q & a release date open world!

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@rickn6923 2024.08.11 - 9:19 pm

I am so hyped for all of this. I really am excited to see this endemic life in our upgraded new rooms and how they interact with the room and the hunter. It’s going to be so awesome.

@solaronion2984 2024.08.11 - 9:22 pm

I will not be surprised if there is a WEX nerf with the addition of focus mode and these player created weak spots.

@TheIVSaken 2024.08.11 - 9:38 pm

I am super hyped to be able to have a backup weapon to my Horn..

@Soulsteal1 2024.08.11 - 9:41 pm

I think gamescom is the last chance for a 15th weapon. They do the 14 leading to the trailer then their trailer at gamescom is a new weapon.

@Cobatsart 2024.08.11 - 10:00 pm

To be honest, I'm more okay with my cat talking than my hunter. I wish there was a setting to have him be a silent protagonist again like there was in Rise, cause my hunter saying words is just weird and off putting to me.

@lanxreedalenlum3706 2024.08.11 - 10:14 pm

your excitment is infectious

also ypu kinda sounds like a friend of mine, so refer to yopu as 'Famous Toxic) 'toxics what we call him'

@iownall2222 2024.08.11 - 10:17 pm

I'm calling it now, switch skills are going to be coming back. Some of the movesets look like they could be swapped around similar to how we could in rise

@decayedtooth2564 2024.08.11 - 10:26 pm

I don’t know how I feel about the talking hunter. World made me appreciate the silent protagonist

@cwcsemiautomated2618 2024.08.11 - 10:33 pm

I've been really going wilds over the CB showcase. I'll just have to tri and wait tho

@ravagerlizard9800 2024.08.11 - 10:34 pm

My favorite part is that they're focusing on the monsters and ecosystems! I cannot wait to put on the ghillie mantle and watch the animals live out their ecology, i really want to see monsters hunting each other, fighting, killing each other over prey, territory and mates. Would love for a breeding season mechanic in the game! And a underground/hollow earth map with large mushroom forests!

@marcelplay827 2024.08.11 - 10:37 pm

11:00 why did I Just know that josh would say that with the two greatswords 😂

@iMightBeCrazy 2024.08.11 - 10:55 pm

I can't believe I didn't think of it sooner but I oh so hope we can use the regular bow from the mount

@davidsingleton2395 2024.08.11 - 11:02 pm

so… in my head my cat has a puss in boot voice. gonna turn off the cat voice. spoiles a grown man's imagination

@bryanx68 2024.08.11 - 11:03 pm

I'm so glad I got used to all the weapons. This mount switch weapon mechanic is a weapon master blessing lol.

@nathanfremin6467 2024.08.11 - 11:06 pm

It visually looks like the best monster Hunter ever……but I hope it's more challenging than rise. I miss the challenge of the old school MH titles.

@alisterconn 2024.08.11 - 11:12 pm

pleaseee makkeee morree dlc builds for elden ring

@FierceDietyLink100 2024.08.11 - 11:26 pm

it be cool if dual blade is the new leviathan armor and weapon

@NoNameNoWhere 2024.08.11 - 11:26 pm

I'm not sure why people are hyped to have the same weapon type of their primary weapon as their backup. Seems mostly redundant to me.

It's not too tremendously revolutionary, as more recent games have already allowed us to swap weapons mid hunt. However, having a spare weapon on our mount will make swapping much more convenient.

@Zahri8Alang 2024.08.11 - 11:40 pm

Are people okay with actually verbal Felynes yet

@TheRiz1205 2024.08.11 - 11:47 pm

If the hunts will be seamless, what about THE GATHERING HUB ?

@Zahri8Alang 2024.08.11 - 11:52 pm

Since we dont have scoutflies(maybe a replacement gimmick wpuld replace it) and I really hope they dont do the Rise thing and just project all monsters location on the map on the get go
Wouldnt it be funny if they made the Paintball return

@KR-1902- 2024.08.12 - 12:18 am

The MH team sure knows how to market their product!
The weapon preview videos back for world got me hyped and I played the crap out of world/iceborne.
The wilds previews are doing the same thing!
I'm downloading world again to dust off my skills to get ready for wilds.

@kyleclerc8099 2024.08.12 - 12:19 am

My big question is how armor skills will work if we can bring two different weapons with us to switch freely between. Will you be equally effective if you bring a longsword and a light bowgun? Are they essentially doubling up armor skills or will you have to try and balance your skills?

@dragonboulder 2024.08.12 - 12:46 am

The thing about carrying 2 weapons (for me at least) is if monsters will have different elemental weaknesses depending on weather or states. Barroth is weak to water when covered in mud but fire when it's clean. If this is a gimmick, I hope they don't go too crazy with it. But if we're talking on weapon types, it'll be tough for some players if there is a crab monster or something weak to blunt until it's shell breaks then it becomes weak to slash.

@ZeroSteel45 2024.08.12 - 1:44 am

being able to pick up traps after deploying them is enough to make me love this mh game already everything else shown is just icing on the cake

@WilliamHarer 2024.08.12 - 1:51 am

I’m calling it
Wilds is going to break the internet
They’re going all in and if worlds got the grand award this is surpassing that to a different level

@TheBulletProofGun 2024.08.12 - 2:44 am

Bigger =/= better in terms of map design. I dislike seeing people acting otherwise "Oh its bigger, so it will be better" like no. I'd rather a smaller map with plenty to see than a bigger map with nothing in it. Its not just about size, its also about density. Rise maps felt open and empty, with every quest feeling like a run to the target monster, while World maps were packed and alive, with every quest feeling like a fun stroll through the woods (or desert or whatever) that happened to end (and then start again, and repeat) when you happened to find the monster.

@facade11663 2024.08.12 - 5:20 am

kind of unfortunate the "seamless map" will mean that 16 player lobbies are not coming back. because there is no way to regulate this. If anyone can just leave the village and hunt there would be no way to regulate how many players are participating in the hunt. Apart from restricting how many players can be in the same session.

@anthonyhunt2554 2024.08.12 - 6:01 am

I just thought of something about the packs like for example rathalos since he's in game will he be in a pack of other rathalos or rathians

@onegonearm 2024.08.12 - 6:03 am

I hope the camera moves back like Rise. Hate Worlds camera angle/distance. Hopefully it has it as an option. World had a farthest that moved all of 3 feet back.

@foreverfornever1124 2024.08.12 - 6:19 am

This game finally looks to be the one that gives a legit rpg story. Maybe not AAA level story but something better nonetheless. I appreciated the strides they took for 5th gen in Worlds and Rise. So I knew 6th gen would vamp that aspect up more, epsecially now with the engine they can run it on and the animation team really showing some vast improvements on not only character mechanics and design but the world itself. Like this will be the first time many of us can actually invest in a story and its characters as a whole. Aside from the handlers and a couple main characters in 5th gen, the rest really was gray matter in my opinion. I cant wait to see how all the locals are incorporated into the region as far as traveling and connecting to one another. I hope theres some nice transitions into each area

@lhanthys00 2024.08.12 - 7:10 am

Demo announcement!

@kolbywilliams7234 2024.08.12 - 8:57 am

I do not want my hunter to talk. I like to think of what my hunter would actually think and say, creating their own personality. Voiced protagonists take control of the character away from the player, and that frustrates me unless I’m playing an established character like Geralt in Witcher 3. Geralt is his own character and I get to be him and I like that. In MH, you get to make your own hunter, so why force a voice and personality that I probably won’t like? It doesn’t make sense.

@ame1783 2024.08.12 - 11:29 am

I want a button to walk in PC mnk

@ZIPPERKO69 2024.08.12 - 11:32 am

1 sleep GS and 1 full raw GS… like does a hunter need anything else😅
thou i personally would prefer a bow gun for status and GS
i have a feeling the 2 sleeps followed by TCS each(or if we get a comparable whivern snipe that does a good single hit dmg) will be a standard practice in every hunt from now on unless there is some serious change in basic mechanics of the game
the time for solo hunts will drop astronomically where even in the past few games half the monsters were killable with a single wake up TCS and now we all practically get 2 of those for free
my predictions are GS nerfs in the first weeks of the game release

@nathanlemoire1866 2024.08.12 - 1:54 pm

No negativity intended here as I am extremely excited for this next step. However! I am a little afraid of the massive "move pool" weapons are getting. This is simply because I am one of those people that loves to branch into all the weapons throughout the life cycle. My concern lies in the required knowledge and practice that may be required for a single weapon let alone multiple. Could be just me of course.

@uzamakinarutoninja 2024.08.12 - 3:07 pm

I'm Loving everything about Wilds that's coming out, something that just occured to me though is how will a lack of hubs work in terms of multiplayer ?, will we not have a place were hunters can gather pre quest ?, I always enjoyed seeing other players going about their preperations for quests and such, still im happy with the fresh direction capcom are making, it was just a thought i had, if anyone has any ideas how they could keep that sort of hunter gathering feel with the flexibility of their new "no hub" questing id love to hear it !

@tonytonychopper4101 2024.08.12 - 8:40 pm

The sun is jumping people outside man don't go out there, the sun multiplying the crime rate single handedly.😂

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