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TERMINATOR ZERO Season 1 Ending Explained


TERMINATOR ZERO Season 1 Ending Explained

The Terminator predicted that Kenta will become a major player in the future. On this other reality, Malcolm’s son would have acted as a go-between for the humans and Skynet, bringing them together to fight Kokoro.

TERMINATOR ZERO Season 1 Ending Explained

#terminatorzero #endingexplained #netflix #MediaBreakdown

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@mattng4707 2024.08.29 - 8:28 pm

Absolutely love this literally binge it

@neofulcrum5013 2024.08.29 - 11:03 pm

It was good. Normally with an ending like that (especially for a good portion of animes) I’d be disappointed. But given this is set in the terminator universe, it makes sense in my opinion.

Judgement Day is an inevitability. It can only be delayed but not stopped. As long as curious human minds seek to explore AI, the danger of skynet will present itself again and again. Just under a different name.

All humanity can do is resist and try to keep the key figures and as many people as they can alive.

@GrandmasterDevo 2024.08.30 - 9:15 am

If this series doesn't get a continuation, I will be furious! I was disappointed that the last couple of movies didn't get any kind of spin-off or continuation, but they weren't that good to start with so i got over it. But this, this is absolute gold! This is going to save the Terminator franchise, so long as Netflix doesn't fuck up and decide to pull the plug.

@user-iw5md1eg5b 2024.08.30 - 9:33 am

And then Mortal Kombat!!!! outworld is invited.

@q-zhiphop5346 2024.08.30 - 1:15 pm

I like the swings that this series took. Treaded familiar ground while adding some new things. Overall, I was pretty happy how it turned out. Not bad at all.

@macklee6837 2024.08.30 - 3:28 pm

Another AI channel… 🙄

@TheWarmachine375 2024.08.30 - 4:48 pm

Misaki was the reprogrammed Terminator all along.

@lordhumungus2437 2024.08.30 - 5:45 pm

I fell asleep so many times. This show had too many lonnnnng dialogue scenes and those square headed droids were a big problem.

@zacaritest 2024.08.30 - 8:46 pm

I think the Terminator tricked the boy in the end and almost got him to destroy Kokoro since his goal was always to destroy her, and this goal changed methods several times.

In the end, the Terminator played his last card by trying to destroy himself by getting around his limitation with a human, and fought to the death to protect the boy in the hopes that he would make the wrong decision and destroy all the machines… it's incredible how efficient Terminators are.

(Now it's likely that a future will be created in which Skynet actually helps humanity thanks to this lie.)

@alphesalas1839 2024.08.30 - 11:22 pm

Being judged inherent armfull by a syntetic being that is operating a genocide like non seen before that's irony at it's max. So to get rid of the other movies they invent that mumbo jumbo getting to the past creates other futures. that makes a tons of problems. just to have a story based in 1997. the story advance without really a purposefull meaning.

@viveros6796 2024.08.31 - 6:52 am

The Terminator franchise there's like 3 AI

@theretroaiden2107 2024.09.01 - 11:54 pm

Terminator Zero was pretty good … I liked it . I also cried the ending felt fulfilled but left in mystery of what comes next … I can see humans fighting against Kokoro and I can also see people egos on robots change to be good or maybe a cameo apperance of John Connor .. helping them and who knows maybe Terminator 7 the movie in development will show Kokoro or a sense of humans and robots vs Skynet in some capacity.

@SanosEdge 2024.09.02 - 4:11 am

I think Misaki, even more than Kokoro will be key to whatever the future holds for the kids and the roles they play in the war. And she might change and evolve in a way no one predicts. Her very existence is proof that an AI can come to love humanity.

@tyronleung5276 2024.09.02 - 10:37 am

Is malcolm lee supposed to be black

@MDFAPS 2024.09.02 - 3:47 pm

stupid macolm kid,he should be launch the EMP cuz skynet were secured and peace by jhon connor the macolm kid itself was john connor, skynet were take over by kokoro, and the reveal happend when terminator tell if he was john connor in twntyfive years later from now. im pretty sure kokoro were took control as skynet thats people belived, and prob at ages 20 john connor got taken by kokoro and inside the chamber he was making terminator and kokoro gives a robot or teminator a mission, and at the last terminator who trying to kill was given secret data by john at that. and he told the younger him to launch EMP bcus he regret at what he do in past, the regret thing he do in past was cancle the EMP same like the last eps. it also explain why macolm call thesavior as mom, it was loop. so john connor in future trying to end the loop. also the nuclear wasnt get stopped by kokoro. but kokoro only let it boom. like the first explanation in first eps, a nuclear war. also at last scene eps the robot hold terminator head scrap and show to kokoro, it telling us kokoro try to making mor powerfull robot known as terminator.

oh i forgot about the grandma idk who that is, since the timeline was looping i just think the grandma was the savior it self taught her own past self. nut it feels weird why her face was like that and her hand were use glove or sum in left hand same like misaki who loss her left robotic hand and use the other robot hand, and maybe she hid it using leftover clothes and the grandma face was kinda half white like dead meat the human skin if has no blood preasure it become white. but robot were invicible

@sunnyworldproductions4818 2024.09.03 - 5:07 am

Is kenta his own grandfather?

@darkspawn316 2024.09.03 - 3:25 pm

Based on my understanding of the story, Malcom's timeline is Kokoro & Humans vs. Skynet, Eiko's timeline is Kokoro & Skynet vs. Humans, and The Terminator's timeline is Humans & Skynet vs. Kokoro.  The prophet states that you are creating a new timeline when you use time travel, instead of going back to your own past.  So if Malcom, Eiko, and The Terminator all went back in time, wouldn't they each create their own individual timeline?  How did all three of these characters meet in the same past, with three different timeline origins?  Did Eiko and the Terminator end up traveling back to Malcom's created timeline by coincidence?  If so, wouldn't that contradict the idea of creating your own timeline?  Especially because all three individuals were sent separately?

@SENATORPAIN1 2024.09.04 - 12:22 pm

So kenta works for skynet then?

@stevenwest1494 2024.09.04 - 10:10 pm

I think this series used too many twists and one liners, from the original. Why did they have to use 3 kids to centre the series around? They became so annoying, and their dialogue basic, like the series was aimed too low to capture a child audience. The story is 40 years old? Why?

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