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ヴィンランド・サガが帰ってきた! | |ヴィンランド サガ シーズン 2 エピソード 1 反応


Vinland Saga is finally back with season 2! Check out our Reaction to Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 1.

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INTRO MUSIC: https://youtu.be/3wnuDzjV7Os

#struckbybelz #VinlandSaga

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StruckByBelz 2023.01.10 - 4:11 pm

Vinland is back!!!!!

KenjiKen 2023.01.10 - 5:26 pm

Btw guys the Motor cycle intro is for twin engine production committee they hired and partner with anime studio like wit,voln,mappa and many more

~ForegroundEclipse~ 2023.01.10 - 5:35 pm

Vinland Saga back yes sir!! 🔥🔥

vzgamer 2023.01.10 - 5:36 pm

I Haven't read the manga but
i doubt Thorffin will go after Floki. If the series has any intention of developing his character or focus on character development at all, having Thorfinn go after Floki would be a really weak and disappointing move. The revenge arc is over. The message was already conveyed. Thorfinn already had his catharsis and now he is ready to change, or he should be. Whether it was Floki that killed Thors or someone else is not important anymore, not even for Thorfinn, or at least, it shouldn't be. Considering this season will go heavy on character development in general then i highly doubt that he is gonna keep pursuing his revenge. It would go against everything the first season has taught us

CZ Ricardo Guevara 2023.01.10 - 5:42 pm

Mm i think its not flocky bro.. Flocky has a more Square head

Beni Maru 2023.01.10 - 5:49 pm

Glad it’s back but dam most of the episode are gonna b coming out late asf, from Netflix perspective

Beni Maru 2023.01.10 - 6:00 pm

Einar slowass could’ve done soo much more when his mom and sis got killed I really don’t like him

Madmax 2023.01.10 - 6:01 pm

In fact all humanity has use slavery during a long tile…. black white asian arabian ect ect , it was normal things back then to trade humans.

Kluivert B 2023.01.10 - 6:19 pm


Ash 2023.01.10 - 6:25 pm

Trust me, you'll recognize Floki when you see him

Alexis Anderssen 2023.01.10 - 6:39 pm

King Sweyn(Svhen) of Denmark offered Askeladd a stark choice: the security of his motherland Wales, or the life of his master, Prince Canute(Can-oot). Askeladd's answer was immediate: He struck off Sweyn's head. The meeting of military leaders erupted into chaos after this act of regicide(the action of killing a King), but Canute recognized the play at hand, and killed Askeladd himself, thereby accomplishing Askeladd's aim. Canute immediately took the throne. But after witnessing the end of his father figure, Thorfinn was left empty inside. He was eventually sold into slavery to work on a farm.

NasirAlly 2023.01.10 - 6:39 pm

Idk how you guys are so bad with names 🤣

Robert 2023.01.10 - 6:39 pm

Ketil looks nothing like Floki what is Steph talking about 😭

Johannes Eiche 2023.01.10 - 6:40 pm

Translation Notes
A poem found within the Poetic Edda, a collection of Old Nordic poems. The title translates to "sayings of the high one," and the contents of the poem are attributed to Odin. The Japanese translation, when not simply titled "Hávamál," is known as "the song of Odin" or "the proverbs of Odin." Hávamál is a gnomic poem, meaning that its verses are meant to serve as lessons or advice on customary topics, such as the laws of hospitality for both guest and host.

DivineKai 2023.01.10 - 6:45 pm

Peakland saga has arrived at last!😮‍💨

allen panicker 2023.01.10 - 7:00 pm

Damn. Almost 4 years shit is hype

threeagainstfour 2023.01.10 - 7:00 pm

I believe the opening voice over was in old Norse

Johannes Eiche 2023.01.10 - 7:01 pm

Ein-ar, like pronounced Ein-stein.

King J. 2023.01.10 - 7:04 pm

Peak fiction man i got tears in my eyes

King J. 2023.01.10 - 7:05 pm

If you guys remember Einar was actually shown in the last scene of S1, on the boat.

Lycanthrope 2023.01.10 - 7:14 pm

He's from England but keep in mind that around those times north England was taken by the vikings so that's why his name is Einar.

Landen Clark 2023.01.10 - 7:49 pm

People really trying to look into a lot of differences and all that, including the intro how it was the motorcycles all because Mappa behind. They gotta remember that this is literally almost the exact same team they had working on it for Season 1, so of course it’s gonna be very much similar

YGDETWO 2023.01.10 - 7:50 pm

thorfin was sold as a slave after attacking canute at the end of season 1 which is why he's in the farm, in the first place

Bodark Zulu 2023.01.10 - 7:58 pm

They should've ran. However she should've aimed for his fingers or throat.

JJ pedroni 2023.01.10 - 8:02 pm

I think now the Vikings and the king canut own england, if I remember well they won the war against englang.

Olu .O 2023.01.10 - 8:14 pm

Pls react to bleach fillers 🙏🏽

BmansWorld 2023.01.10 - 8:17 pm

THE GOAT anime is back!!! Best manga ever.

Van 2023.01.10 - 8:31 pm


BmansWorld 2023.01.10 - 8:31 pm

The guy who bought thorfinn and einar is not floki lol

malyrbt 2023.01.10 - 8:53 pm

16:00 what, haha that's hilarious.

Eric Diaz 2023.01.10 - 8:56 pm

I can’t wait until we get to the climax of this arc it gets good af

Salih Gonlutok 2023.01.10 - 9:16 pm

Mappa always had the intro, if you watch dororo its the same

Ezart J. Mir 2023.01.10 - 9:43 pm

I'm impressed you still remember this story bcs it was like 3 years

Anon is No One 2023.01.10 - 9:59 pm

The OP suits this season perfectly. There won't be much action this season since it will focus almost entirely on character development. According to manga readers, Thorfinn has one of the greatest character developments in manga so I can't wait to see how he develops. And I feel like Einar might also be a main character this season as well which I hope is true cos I really like his character.

Trashthlete 2023.01.10 - 10:11 pm

So, some context clues.
I'm not entirely sure if it was mentioned in the manga, but I'm 90% certain Thorfinn was sold as a slave.

Remember that Thorfinn tried to kill Canute, and there is no way he would be without punishment for doing that.

Instead of execution, he was sold as a slave, hence why Leif is looking for him in slave markets.

Also, remember that Einar was captured from Northern England, but that doesn't mean he couldn't have been sold somewhere closer to the Norse homeland, like Scandinavia or Denmark.

Ob RM⚪🔥 2023.01.10 - 10:16 pm

Yes vinland vamonossss

Jeffrey Anderson Germoso 2023.01.10 - 11:22 pm

One of the greatest anime right now.

Theo A. Vorster 2023.01.11 - 12:21 am

Season 2 of Vinland Saga has been slated for 24 episodes according to Blu-ray pre-ordering/listing information.

Thorfinn is still the protagonist of the series, but Einar is definitely the deuteragonist of this arc.

So something for anime-onlys to keep in mind. After season 1 (i.e. the Prologue arc), the Vinland Saga series stops being anywhere as near battle-focused, action-heavy, or concerned with political intrigue (at least politics focusing on monarchy). It becomes much more character study focused and historical fiction focused (for those not in the know Thorfinn is a fictionalized version of a real 11th century explorer/trader of the same name, who’s main primary sources come from two Icelandic Sagas histories).

Also fun bit of trivia, this arc is often called the “Farmland Saga” arc of the series. But in addition to Wineland, one of the other common translations for the Norse word Vinland is literally “Farmland”. i.e. the most common name of this arc is literally just the series name but in modern English.

Another bit of trivia about this episode, the first-half of it is an anime-original creation/expansion of Einar’s backstory (that is told largely by a couple pages of dialogue in the manga).

Also in the manga the buyer who was looking for more “cute looking men” to buy as a slave actually copped a feel of Einar’s genitals (as part of the “inspection-process”). It was after that in the manga, that Einar made his first escape attempt.

Anais Toah 2023.01.11 - 12:41 am

Oh shoot its back already I didn't notice XD Let go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2023!!!!!!!!!

KuahRamenJAV 2023.01.11 - 1:44 am

Thank god you are understanding the situation of Einar, bro was shocking. Some reaction thought that Einar is annoying cause he didn't run. What would you do when your mom died in front of you. He's not your typical shonen character

Taneil Vickers 2023.01.11 - 2:25 am

It just bothers me so much the way they say Canutes name it’s almost funny

b m 2023.01.11 - 4:01 am

This first episode has me worried. The tone feels different, idrk how to explain it but I’m still having high hopes that mappa can pull through

Bravewryy 2023.01.11 - 4:08 am


Mugen 2023.01.11 - 4:12 am

The ending song is literally a reflection of Thorfin's current mindset. This is the most beautiful arc you'll be watching

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