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Answer the Call – Star Citizen 2023 Expectations



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McKinney 2023.01.02 - 3:55 am

im a 1 to 2 game at a time kind of player but i really do want my one game that fulfills all of my game needs

Anonnymouse 2023.01.02 - 7:06 am

I'm reserving any judgements for 2023. I know that they don't want to spend resources developing things that will need to be reworked & that this, along side SQ42 seem to be the (given) reason why so many things were not scheduled in 2022. The question is that with PES now implemented, how much of that changes. Is it now deemed worth while for CIG to put resources into actual game systems rather than just assets, locations & scripted events. Or do these teams still need Server Meshing deployed before they can make headway? Either way, even if they start now, I doubt we'll see results before Q4.

sirglogg LuBardons 2023.01.02 - 7:57 am

The game definitely needs more content. There is plenty of times I want to go and play but then I say to myself and do what? And when I do go on I know I will be doing nonsense for an hour just for 5 minutes of actual game play. They need to take alot of the tedious stuff out. When I play with friends it takes us like 30 minutes before we actually start playing. The time it takes to meet up them by the time we drink and eat. By the time we go to the store to buy armor and weapons. By the time we fly to the mission, not including if we die and have to buy everything all over again get the ship leave the hangar gets repetitive and time consuming just to accomplish nothing. If they put a few people on just making new missions every month shouldn't be to difficult.

Jaume Sabater 2023.01.02 - 9:59 am

During 2023, CIG's priority is still going to be Squadron 42 and that is the reason behind all the feelings you expressed in your video, Mike. The best thing that can happen to us is for Squadron 42 to enter beta by the end of 2023 so that, during 2024, more resources can be brought back to Star Citizen. We are talking year-wide efforts and periods, but it is what it is ("don’t bite off more than you can chew", they say).

First Chapter 2023.01.02 - 10:49 am

As someone who backed some years ago for SQ42, 2022 was disappointing given CIG's decision to "go dark" on SQ42. As someone who flew professionally, 2022 was disappointing because the persistent universe still hasn't gained piloting as a profession. The Quantum system is really needed, too.

Oldman Johnny Morgan 2023.01.02 - 12:21 pm

I'm sorry I missed this but my life doesn't let me line up with your show and probably won't for awhile. Solid run down and intro, I feel like you framed 2022 is a very fair light and balanced it with the acknowledgement that a rising tide floats all boats, i.e. SC grow is also your grown, plus I have really enjoyed the pivot into content review, you have a balanced approach and the community appreciates your input.

Shinod 2023.01.02 - 2:03 pm

My bet is that we will see Pyro in Q3 2024

Matt Iber 2023.01.02 - 2:58 pm

Yes, Core Flying, especially if that includes ship guns!

Lee Dyson 2023.01.02 - 4:38 pm

All I care about is what the hell is going on with SQ42. If that's where most of the resources are being spent then you can't hope for much meaningful progress on Star Citizen until it's finished. we're completely in the dark on how far along it is and yet no mention of it on the latest letter from the chairman.

Mr Blobby 2023.01.02 - 5:01 pm

if i were you rather than quit your job being an SC content creator, get into Starfield cos Starfield looks like the next great game. For myself, Starfield is everything i wanted from SC. SC is being so badly managed its going to be stuck in the mud for next 5 years most likely

Gerus Von Rink 2023.01.02 - 5:10 pm

Although I backed SC 9 years ago I didn't play it untill I finally built a PC that could handle it. And really got into it as late as 2022. So I was baffled to find out that after all those years CIG still haven't nailed down the flight model yet (as they announced to change it with flight modes). The very basis of a space-flight-sim (I know SC is more that just that but thats undeniably it's core)!
In that sense I just want to reaffirm STEMLECs point.

Thick Daddy 2023.01.02 - 7:03 pm

Do yall think the Banu Merchantman will be released by the end of 2023?

Nikola Wiche 2023.01.02 - 7:07 pm

Combining reputation and shops would be great. 'Unlock to buy' sort of thing.

Shops are actually very gameplay related, they make people go out and do basically all gameplay loops to earn money because that money is worth something in shops. It's a mistake to think that we should just reduce shops to their minimum to promote looting boxes.

Michael Ives 2023.01.02 - 7:16 pm

I'd like to see port olisar cloned a few time throughout the system . It is the only fast efficient place to for a group to do mission to buy armourer . ammo . weapons and not having boring train rides . . We need 3 port olisars

Luis 2023.01.02 - 8:24 pm

Always good to hear what Mike has to say. I wish they would bring back more color options for armor. I use to be able to get a wonderful set of inquisitor armor in black man did that look nice but now the shits mia or you find one in a loot box as rare gear which to me is bullshit given that it was something I could get at a shop in Hurston. Who knows when squadrons will be released I'm old school when it comes to games you get your campaign then whatever online play pvp co-op options come with said game but SC is a crap shoot who knows when the shit will be released I lost a few friends over the pandemic they were dedicated citizens and are no longer hear and they never got see this game come to life, they need to stop fucking around with it as far 2023 I mean this games development has been poorly managed so who knows WTF will get and when will get it. I hope stubby will figure it out but I highly doubt it. As always Mike awesome video and informative thank you

Matt Iber 2023.01.03 - 12:44 am

SaltEMike[Would anything happen if CIG let us Mine, Box, Race, Bounty? Would the background software detect all this going on, could players start up the economy in the System?] [The system follows the deposits of mining, box, bounty, pirated goods already, right?]

TheParallellinial 2023.01.03 - 11:38 am

I expect absolutely NOTHING!

gobocarter 2023.01.03 - 11:42 am

I would love to see one of these where you and others talk about what Star Citizen needs to be enough for you/them, and what the dream would be for you, basically the minimum and the dream, more as a hypothetical

tee mos 2023.01.03 - 3:45 pm

Just so sick of expecting another quiet year

KorhaWB 2023.01.03 - 5:20 pm

Honestly I haven't played SC a lot but what I do most especially in .18 test is to just loot dead pilots when they soft death and loot corpses on the surface of planets to hoard as much armor as I can so that whenever I die I always have bunch of armor/suits stored around the verse lol

Dan Ford 2023.01.03 - 10:42 pm

I'd be happy with the inventory if they made it not feel like Barbie doll dress up challenge and just copied working systems like Rust or Tarkov.

Christine Harding 2023.01.04 - 2:58 am

I backed in 2013, And didnt really play it until now…every time I logged previously didnt give me enough to warrant play time. but i continued to believe in the vision. started to play pretty hardcore in November and really love the game. I suspect had I been playing for 5+ years Id feel salty too. for new players or old returning ones, 3.17 3.18 are a lot of fun. as a commentator and voice of the game dont forgetr that the NEW people will determine more of this products success than anyone else.

Veritech-1 2023.01.04 - 8:08 pm

I do not agree, the end of 2022 was just like the rest of it, NOT TODAY or WE ARE LATE.

Veritech-1 2023.01.04 - 8:13 pm

Removing stuff from the store that were available before does not make sense. Build something new and unique as a loot-able.

Dean Evans 2023.01.04 - 8:56 pm

I would love to see more things leave the stations and move to more player based looting, crafting, refueling, and repair.

Mike Philbin 2023.01.05 - 10:33 am

You want what you said you'll get… same boat. Plus, I want MOBI-FUCKING-GLAS to be put back in gameplay centre stage: holographic UI, reading mode, aiming mode…

Christopher White 2023.01.09 - 9:49 pm

There are a lot of sycophants in the comments. Please remember you aren’t that great at all, and your content could be a hell of a lot more interesting.
Thanks for the work in 2022.

TacticalBeard 2023.01.10 - 5:09 am

They could at least make a basic tutorial or even just pop up tips that come on screen for new players so we can learn how to mine or take off or heal ourselves. There’s literally no information for a new player in the game.

As a new player between the constant server disconnects, bugs, crashes I’m struggling to do anything or progress past my starting ship or even
have fun

lspoe1513 2023.01.19 - 3:12 pm

I'd like to see that carrier class ship just would seem awesome and like to board one on top of that

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