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We Should NOT Be Applauding Jeffree Star for This


In an interview, YouTuber Jeffree Star called “they/them” pronouns stupid. Conservatives are applauding this transvestite, but this is how conservatives always lose.

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#MichaelKnowles #TheMichaelKnowlesShow #News #Politics #DailyWire #JeffreeStar #JeffreeStarCosmetics #Trans #Transgender #Transgenderism #NonBinary #TheyThem #TheyThemPronouns #Pronouns #WokePronouns

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AFR0PR1NC3 2023.02.22 - 7:30 pm

Shots fired Brett.

Mr. MXB 2023.02.22 - 7:31 pm

Well, for one womens rights and homosexuality are not the same as transsexuality. Women should have always had more rights than they did 80 years ago or so, and homosexuality is just two guys/girls getting together. Transexuality also doesnt matter as long as it isnt shoved down peoples throats. The perverted issue is that they are targetting children and mutulate them.

Jeffrey is still conservative in his views and there is a massive difference in wanting womens rights and homosexuality being legal (both are rooted in basic common sense) and inventing they/them pronouns.

M. A. 2023.02.22 - 7:34 pm

I've been saying this for years.
You can't keep moving the goal post.

Tony Harris 2023.02.22 - 7:42 pm

Great show as usual ☺️

spracketskooch 2023.02.22 - 7:48 pm

This kind of black and white, no nuance bullshit is exactly why I'll never be a conservative, or a progressive for that matter. Compare religious conservatives of Michael's ilk to the woke. Same behavior, just different goals. Same intolerance of anyone who doesn't think or live exactly how they want them to. Same lack of nuance. Same unwillingness to compromise on anything, ever, at all. Same coin, different sides. Enjoy losing, until the pendulum inevitably swings hard back the other way, and we end up back in a society where grown women have curfews and certain books, music, and movies are banned, citing "vulgarity". The only difference will be the specific literature and art that is banned. Then we can start the cycle all over again.

P.S. Michael, I'm here specifically because you said sensible things that I can get behind, despite not agreeing with you on a ton of issues. The irony is so palpable I can feel it's heartbeat.

Craig Mccall 2023.02.22 - 7:51 pm

Homosexuals produce nothing.

Spicy Sith 2023.02.22 - 7:56 pm

Just ask any leftist what exactly is the limit? They'll end up admitting that for them, there is no limit. They won't stop until everything is destroyed, including themselves.

Gusto St. Cool 2023.02.22 - 7:58 pm

I don't give a rat's ass what some nutcase in a dress thinks or says.

xchi 2023.02.22 - 8:00 pm

So what you're saying is, we should go back to the conservatism of the 1980s where gay people were viewed as less than human? Sorry, but you're insane.

bahamacoco 2023.02.22 - 8:01 pm

Good, keep shooting yourselves in the foot lmao. When conservatives show their /true/ colors, people realize they can be anti “woke” or whatever and still on the left. This only hurts your cause, but have at it.

Sydvicious 2023.02.22 - 8:08 pm

God only made two genders, and you cannot change from one to the other.

James Bertrand 2023.02.22 - 8:10 pm

Yeah, this is a poor take. Genuine trans people do exist, and they deserve equal opportunity for success and happiness. My beef is with the radical activists and the attention-seeking "non-binary" folk who have hijacked those opportunities for genuine trans people. Jeffree star is making a good point here to live your "real" life within the framework of reality. I'm a conservative, for sure, but this brand of old fashioned social conservatism is dead. We should be happy to live and let live, and they should be happy to do the same.

Lionel Fox 2023.02.22 - 8:16 pm

I guess it's just that some conservatives are feeling like they keep getting turned down for their beliefs, so they need that one black guy, or gay guy, or transgender guy that fights FOR US, and not them. So They believe that if we praise weird people, those people can be of good use to us in the long run. Think about it, politics is a "young man's" game, conservatives are gonna have to eventually adapt to the younger generation's demands, or else they'll never be relevant/voted in. I, for example, am a Non-theistic Satanist conservative, I'm not your average Christian conservative. I also happen to be Latino, I could, perhaps, be useful as an image of how "diverse" conservatives are, making them more appealing, more… Vote worthy. These are dirty cards to play, be we need to do what we can to ensure the U.S. is at least somewhat logical and reasonable, given the amount of ignorant/unreasonable people we have in society nowadays. Ask yourself, would you rather have Trans people exist and claim they're the opposite gender, or have even more of them shoving their ideologies down people's throats? It's a choice between the lesser of 2 evils, we don't have the privilege of living as it was back in the good old days, when things were more simple (for a lack of better words).

Hanne Picklesimer 2023.02.22 - 8:22 pm

I've watched Jeffrey for his brutally honest makeup reviews back in the day. He's never pushed any type of gender stuff. He's always just been a flamboyant gay guy who's just done is own thing. I think going after him for saying what's true even though he's the way he is, is similar for hating someone like Blair White. I applaud anyone, even if I don't agree with everything they say if they can see thru this gender madness.

Steininger_Art 2023.02.22 - 8:44 pm

Jeffree is infinitely more based than anyone at the Daily Wire.

Daniel Nielsen 2023.02.22 - 9:05 pm

You’re going to have to settle on some middle ground eventually, or else you’ll end up just fighting to fight. You should be happy there is dissent on the left. What more can you ask for?

Daniel Nielsen 2023.02.22 - 9:05 pm

You’re going to have to settle on some middle ground eventually, or else you’ll end up just fighting to fight. You should be happy there is dissent on the left. What more can you ask for?

Harmonic Archipelgo 2023.02.22 - 9:06 pm

When did he say transgenderism is fine? If anything, him claiming to be a man while dressing like that is a pretty strong stance towards what conservatives support, namely biology determines sex and gender. Wearing a dress doesn't make you a woman.

DiAnna Z 2023.02.22 - 9:10 pm

We need to ignore these people. I will never go along with this insanity.

Lady Daisy 2023.02.22 - 9:10 pm

He’s not a transvestite….he’s a gay man that is very feminine. The point is that people can live their life how they like, but the endless labels are going too far

Veronica Panella 2023.02.22 - 9:11 pm

Trans people suffer from "gender disphoria." Some mental health professionals believe that "transitioning" to the opposite gender is one way to treat gender disphoria. Accepting Blaire White is different than agreeing that there is no such thing as biological gender.

Samantha Puleo 2023.02.22 - 9:24 pm

He’s not a transvestite he’s a man he never says that he is trans

PeepeePooPoo studios 2023.02.22 - 9:38 pm

Feminism has always been bad

Vanessa C 2023.02.22 - 9:40 pm

Jeffree isn't a trans. Unclutch your pearls Michael. I am glad JS said it.

J D S 2023.02.22 - 10:03 pm

10 years ago conservatives didn't say gay marriage is fine

2013 is 2 years prior to obergfell

No red state had legalized gay marriage on their own

And they were dragged kicking and screaming in 2015 when the court finally did the right thing

thegirlcancook07 2023.02.22 - 10:08 pm

The irony of this video after you literally just endorsed Spencer Klavan, a PRACTICING homosexual who is married to Daily Wire's GAY lawyer. Stop trying to normalize SODOMY!! Jeffree Starr is NO different than Andrew Klavan's homosexual son

james david 2023.02.22 - 10:09 pm

I don't know what the deal is with conservatives, but it's like they jump at the chance to lift weirdos up on a pedestal when they act like they too hate wokeness. Dave Rubin ring a bell???? How many congratulated him and his gay lover/husband Janet for "having kids"???? Disgusting an weak. These types WILL destroy the conservative movement.

Vin 2023.02.22 - 11:53 pm

I definitely understand where you are coming from, but for me it's not about celebrating where Jeffree Star drew the line. It's the fact that he actually DID draw the line, because a large portion of the LGBTQ community doesn't have a line drawn at all. Realization is the first step toward the direction we wish to move this country.

dark rey 2023.02.23 - 12:15 am

Is Jeffery even trans tho? i though he was just gay and dresses that way. You’re taking something good, and making the conservative look bad again. Jeffery doesn’t have to do a 180 for people to agree with what he said. Conservatives don’t own the opinions we have. we can share opinions with Jeff, and disagree on others. Only the left will disown someone when they have 1 disagreement with them

Vashisht Mungur 2023.02.23 - 12:35 am

Really proud of jeffree. Enough is enough. I am so grateful to him!

LegoMyPesosFool_ 2023.02.23 - 1:08 am

Jeffree knows he is a man, it’s called drag and he doesn’t believe he is a woman so this whole video is beyond ignorant 😂

Slicer Neons 2023.02.23 - 1:40 am

I appreciate your candor.
By that same principal, I will not approve of Klavan's book.

Spartan 2023.02.23 - 2:03 am

Well…we have to really divvy up our moral self vs our social self. Ex) You may morally think same-sex marriage is wrong – I do. If a person asks me directly whether it's a sin, then I'll say yup. But I won't actively go to them & tell them that they better turn back from their sinful ways, etc., as it won't help them in 99.99999% of cases.

But just as a society, should we, then deny the same status & protections under the law for same-sex couples? Absolutely not. They have as much right to equal rights & responsibilities under the law as me or anyone else to enjoy their freedom. This is not a theocracy. Can people different from us in a very big way say right things? Yup. They absolutely can. I have to respectfully disagree with you Mr. Knowles. May be we don't have to seal-clap our approval to such individuals. However, we can acknowledge that they said some correct parts, while respectfully also stating our differences.

Busayomi Babalola 2023.02.23 - 2:19 am

I just love 💕 Michael Knowles. You are a really smart 🤓 one

Tyson Amburg 2023.02.23 - 3:46 am

He's not Trans bro. He's just gay. I'm still not sure what makes him such a bad guy though.

Anony Mousse 2023.02.23 - 4:23 am

And to reiterate for anyone who didn't understand, the slippery slope is real.

Rachel Rodriguez 2023.02.23 - 4:51 am

Absolutely right, Michael! Thanks for speaking up!!

DogWater 2023.02.23 - 5:37 am

Jeffery star is going to be the next Milo

Welshy Welsh 2023.02.23 - 5:40 am

Jeffree is NOT based for his political opinions. Can we all take a moment to remember that this is the guy who did a song with a pedophile that Jeffree himself called out 4 years prior because he saw it with his own eyes?

conan boyle 2023.02.23 - 7:12 am

The pendulum has swung so far in the other direction that conservative thought's decades ago have switched to liberal thought's to defend the oppressed. The oppressed now censor freedom of speech. I was once a liberal and I am no longer. I believe in equality not segregation, and validation due to your sex; oppression from the sin's of the father. It should be asses versus good people. The best thing about this spectrum is that no one is innocent of being an ass.
I would like to mention that I would like to add hole to the ass in my sentace structure.

Josue Fragachan 2023.02.23 - 8:26 am

I hate fucking Republicans and Conservatives but I also fucking hate Jeffree Star too, so unfortunately and hopefully, this will be the only thing we can agree on.

Goose Berree 2023.02.23 - 9:10 am

I met my first nonbinary person in 2007.

Loki-Of-Asgard 2023.02.23 - 10:00 am

I thought that was Bella Thorne from the thumbnail 😂

Oooh La La Andrea 2023.02.23 - 10:28 am

He didn't say any of what you said, in fact I started typing this before that 2nd clip you added in but it just proved what I was already about to say about you misunderstanding what he's saying…. Jeffree Star himself IS nonbinary in the basic definition, he's feminine, he's masculine he doesn't care which gender you call him but at the end of the day he's got male genitals and was born as a biological male. He's not against non binary people, that would be hypocritical, he just doesn't get all these unnecessary extra terms and labels that are popping up everywhere. Blaire White is a transgender republican and she talks all day long about trans people in the past (herself included) & how they felt that they were born in the wrong body as the wrong sex and when they transition its super obvious because they want to pass as a legitimate person born in that body even though they didn't originally. She doesn't agree with JStar on much but she does on this, and with all the children that start on HRT early and then end up detransitioning and regretting some of the permanent damage they've done, she absolutely feels kids shouldn't be allowed to choose being trans medically until they are older. They same way that all you have to do now to be trans is to say so, even though you look completely obviously not, just shows that there are people that are always going to take things too far! You're saying there's no problem with they/them, so what about the other 100 pronouns people have come up with? You support Ze/Zim or Tree/Treeself or how about people that aren't transgender, they're transage and transspecies? Your point about accepting things slowly in society is strange, 1st of all the people choosing these laws and allowing gay marriage and pride parades and enacting hate crimes legislation aren't usually the people that benefit from the changes, and they allegedly allow 1 thing but not the other, only to give in once the next new change occurs, is simply society learning about and getting used 1 big societal change before introducing more. With your argument we should accept MAPS (aka pedos) now because the age of consent might be lowered in the next 5 to 10 years and therefore these "Minor Attracted People" that are openly, unabashedly, unapologetically making themselves known on Twitter right now, might get their way and no longer be looked down upon! Dumb argument and the real answer to finding peace in all of these opposing views is this: Nonbinary people can be called whatever they want to, Jeffree Star can have a hot take that help people feel less guilty about thinking the same way, and these 2 groups can exist and be accepted, tolerated, and applauded without being hateful towards the other. ✌️😘

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