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Star Trek The Motion Picture: Revisiting the Crew’s First Movie


In the year 1977 a movie you might have heard of called STAR WARS came out and thoroughly shifted the kind of movies Hollywood considered blockbusters. Up until that time, the idea of an epic sci-fi fantasy grossing hundreds of millions of dollars was considered laughable, and the genre was considered B-movie material at best. Star Wars changed that thinking, and suddenly studios were bending over backwards flooding theaters with their own sci-fi epics. This led to Star Trek getting a crack at the big-screen, with the original crew headlining a movie that, at the time, was one of the most expensive movies ever made. In this episode of Revisited, we dig into Star Trek – The Motion Picture.

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Monkof Magnesia 2023.03.06 - 3:58 am

I was 17 in 1979 and saw this in the theater. A 15 year old friend of min fell asleep watching it. After I saw it, I was crushed. I thought the film was so bad, there would never be a sequel. The plot was just a rewrie of the original series episode, "The Changeling," which featured a probe named. I enjoed watching the DVD with the director commentary on (Robert Wise, director, being interviewed by Bicholas Meyer). Nevertheless, I never recommend this movie and I believe it is the worst of all the films with the classic actors.

CursedMonkey 2023.03.06 - 4:18 am

You could argue that this is the most Star Trek of all the Star Trek films. Star Trek was never about action and space battles, much as I love Star Trek 2.

Samuel Oldham 2023.03.06 - 4:59 am

I consider this a daring movie compared to the sequels which played it safe. I still appreciate them all but hosted a seminar at our film school when this came out with whoever would appear because, as George Takei said, the film was released unfinished. Todd Ramsey, the editor, really gave us the lowdown on how they had to stretch what they had because the score was already written and the missing effects added to the slow pace. Years later I went to a presentation with an effects company that was working on the director's cut. I think most of the team did the special effects for "Babylon 5" and they really got me excited. This movie is profound, perverse and almost as majestic as "2001: A Space Odyssey". That's why I love it.

Star Wars Legends 2023.03.06 - 5:00 am

It's a favorite of mine since I also liked 2001 A space Odyssey and the Martian Chronicals but I like hard sci-fi. I do agree though that the cast could have and should have more to do, been more like the characters we remembered in TOS. I'll take the Motion Picture over Star Trek 5 any day.

LP Quagmire 2023.03.06 - 6:04 am

Why is ALIEN a STAR WARS knock-off? Simply because it takes place in outer space??? STAR WARS must be the first space movie if everything that came after it was a knock-off. I don't even consider STAR WARS science-fiction, as the laws of science are completely disregarded; it's fantasy, pure and simple.

LP Quagmire 2023.03.06 - 6:15 am

TMP is a beautiful, thought-provoking movie.

CoinOpTV 2023.03.06 - 6:17 am

Star Trek > Star Wars

TOY GIANTS 2023.03.06 - 6:26 am

Star Trek: The Motion Picture is not slow. It's just not in a hurry. The people that don't like it have been fed seizure inducing quick cut edited pictures for so long that they can't enjoy this.

Name, Private 2023.03.06 - 6:40 am

I've always liked that movie, and so did everyone else until the Internet, IIRC.

Robert Wise was a top-notch filmmaker, who'd also made The Day the Earth Stood Still [1951], and The Andromeda Strain [1971], both of which remain monumental Sci-Fi masterworks in film.

It owes more to Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey than to Star Wars, but that never disappointed me.

It's a great 10 of 10 star film, that would be truly surpassed by its (first) sequel.

Steve H 2023.03.06 - 7:24 am

Not a favorite amongst ST fans ? Really .. ? …maybe not a favorite among the general public, but I think most ST fans loved it at the time ! The cloud scenes and the Enterprise review was a bit long .. But the Enterprise was like 'red meat' to a Trek fan like me !

Steve 2023.03.06 - 7:29 am

Gene Roddenberry's ego ran wild here.
No wonder he was dumped.

Steven Johnson 2023.03.06 - 7:30 am

When the movie was released I was so excited…then I watched it.
This movie bored the hell out of me!
It was a huge disappointment!

Marco Neves 2023.03.06 - 7:52 am

Oh wow…. had no idea so many disliked the first film. I actually LOVE the first film. There's literally nothing else like it. My favorites are III and VI ( I obviously love II as well). Huh…. interesting.

woody4077 2023.03.06 - 7:59 am

aka the slow motion picture

Chris Jones 2023.03.06 - 8:27 am

This is first movie I ever remember. I remember lying on the couch when I was 3 and it was on TV. The earliest memory I have. Love it

Tom Lichnofsky. 2023.03.06 - 9:47 am

🖖😎🖖 🍁 KHAN!!!!!😲 Empire strikes back!! 👌👍
Sci-Fi Movies are just awesome!! ✊👊🍁♈🍁

KesselRunner606 2023.03.06 - 9:51 am

The editing makes it ponderous and dull in places, the dynamic between Kirk, Spock and McCoy was uncomfortable and strained, but I think the label of the worst Trek movie is unfair. It's one of the rare moments when Star Tek was Star Trek. An exploration into the human condition.

Scott Stallings 2023.03.06 - 12:34 pm

Great 👍 work!!

Gwynn Zella 2023.03.06 - 12:57 pm

I was at the perfect age for this movie when it came ouit: 16. I didn't care that much about acting and themes and plot development. I was MESMERIZED by the special effects that at the time I thought were better than Star Wars (which I saw 8 times–at the theater by then!). I was just starting to appreciate the theatrical scores of films too and I had Jerry Goldsmith/s soundtrack on an LP record, a cassette, even 8-track for my first car. I loved the movie! When I saw it get panned Hard by Siskel & Ebert on their "Sneak Previews" show I was PISSED! When I recently saw the polished-up version of the movie on Paramount+, I really wasn't that impressed, because by now CGI and "perfect'-looking sfx are so prominent and expected these days, it has left me jaded, like there can't be any sfx that can look next-level better anymore, like TMP did compared with what was there at the time.

Nothing can replace the prure joy I felt when I first saw this movie the first time at just the right age to enjoy it the most! (on a side note, I saw "The Black Hole" about six months later. Also panned on the same episode of S&E, but I loved it too (at least up to the wtf ending), especially the awesome and haunting score by the late-great, John Barry).

Danielle Graves 2023.03.06 - 1:19 pm

I enjoy the slow burn more cerebral sci-fi films of the 70s they've gone too far in the other direction was Star Trek it's just action Sherlock and too much politics the new shows are unwatchable especially Star Trek Picard it's like they never even seen a single episode of next-generation

RogueTwo 2023.03.06 - 2:15 pm

I think that you misrepresent the movie a bit. There is a focus on Decker and Illa, as the later is taken by V'ger and replaced by a probe in her image, and Decker is called upon to try to reach out to whatever of his former love may still live within the probe for information.

But at the same time, Kirk, who's found himself promoted out of command and is unhappy in his desk job, jumps at the chance to take back the Enterprise and lead the mission to confront V'Ger, while struggling with a midlife crisis that will define him thru all the classic Star Trek movies and even into Generations.

But Spock is the one who really shines. Throughout the original series we'd seen him struggle with his half-vulcan/half-human nature. As TMP begins, Spock is undergoing a ritual that will strip him of the last of his emotions and hopefully bring him peace. Only to be touched by V'Ger and sense that despite it's own powerful logic, it yearns for more. So, he joins the crew in their mission to V'Ger in hopes of finding his own answers.

This is SUCH an important development for the character of Spock. Because he does find his answer, it's just not the one he ever expected. Spock realizes he NEEDS his human half, and thus makes peace with himself, and finally feels comfortable with who he is, rather than who anyone thinks he should be. And this would define the character in all the later Star Trek movies and TV shows he appeared in.

I've always loved this movie. Yeah, it's not perfect, but it's far from bad.

TERRY. W 2023.03.06 - 2:29 pm

I love this movie and have watched it at the cinema ..and on DVD and Blu-Ray ..and now on glorious 4K…..and I wish it was even longer..

TK Skagen 2023.03.06 - 2:55 pm

STAR WARS can "suck it" compared to STAR TREK!

David Pretty 2023.03.06 - 3:47 pm

I seriously miss the quiet, adventurous and cerebral “Star Trek” depicted in this film.

Andrew Blanchard 2023.03.06 - 4:26 pm


Fygee 2023.03.06 - 4:30 pm

The 4K Director's Cut improves it a lot, and it's now one of my favorites of the series.

Small scene changes help with the pacing, along with added scenes filling in some important plot points (like when Spock is found crying at his station later in the movie).

The SFX look beyond gorgeous in a brilliant mixture of the old practical effects and new CGI.

The Atmos mix of the soundtrack is simply epic.

All of these things enhance the main reason people have enjoyed the movie over the years, and it's that TMP is meant to be an experience. You sit down, you relax your mind, and you take in all of that audio/visual beauty while enjoying a story that's as pure sci-fi as it gets.

Star Trek, then and now, has never felt more epic, sprawling, and awe inspiring than it did in this movie.

thelittlehooer 2023.03.06 - 4:31 pm

The Motion Picture is underrated as sci-fi, it's much more like the tv series than the later movies. The second, third and fourth are great cinema but less sci-fi. Say what you like about the Motion Picture, it looks and sounds incredible! The long scene of the shuttle pod approaching the Enterprise is the best example of the model maker's craft and close-up cinematography ever put to film. Star Wars zooms around to hide the seams, this scene lingers to show how flawless the model and the camera work really is. The theme then crowns the whole scene. Only modern CGI can equal it.
I got the chance to see it again in cinema last year and was amazed again.

Jet Screamer 2023.03.06 - 7:31 pm

This is my favorite movie out of the series.

kris hall 2023.03.06 - 8:00 pm

It’s a masterpiece. It just is.

Andrew Morris 2023.03.06 - 10:15 pm

The video claims that most of the special effects were replaced with CGI for the Director's Edition, but this is not true. There were a few shots replaced entirely by CGI, and a few put in where there had previously been no effects shot made – the arrival at the centre of Vger is the major one. But otherwise, Trumball and Dykstra's work remains largely intact, and to my mind represents some of the finest movie minature work ever put on film.

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