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Big Danger!! Things Are Falling Off The New Bins!


Farms can be really dangerous places that are full of accidents. My new bin site is not an exception.
► NEW CORNSTAR CLOTHING: https://farmfocused.com/cole-the-corn-star/

► 15% off My Sunglasses: https://pitviper.biz/corncorn

► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/colethecornstar/

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► Business inquiries only: cornhubcole@gmail.com

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Lori Breitbarth 2023.03.09 - 7:30 pm

Good thing Ellie stayed around to help DC with the work while the boys are out playing. She is a BIG help

Nick Lee 2023.03.09 - 7:43 pm

Hold up Cole hahaha. Not all of us British folk are lazy I work my butt off 16hours a day you would love having someone like me around haha

Lisa Grafton 2023.03.09 - 7:48 pm

You never talk right, daddy cornstar!

Lisa Grafton 2023.03.09 - 7:49 pm

Ya know what causes cavities…..???? Mountain Dew and candy bars!

Blair Tuckey 2023.03.09 - 8:06 pm

Great job DC!

Douglas Jones 2023.03.09 - 8:17 pm

Thank you for posting so regularly. Please keep it up. Even if the video is boring, maybe spam boring content on another channel.

david featch 2023.03.09 - 8:18 pm

Cole us Brits are soooo lazy, we get 9 bank holidays this year and almost all people classed as workers are legally entitled to 5.6 weeks’ paid holiday a year (known as statutory leave entitlement or annual leave) as a legal minimum. AS well as two or three weeks paid sickness a year as well as no doctors or medical bills. I tell ya were almost workaholics. come visit us, you will love us 😁

dana sheets 2023.03.09 - 8:25 pm

Time for your vacation DC

R Gregory 2023.03.09 - 8:53 pm

Daddy corn star what a great job filling in for Cole !enjoyed riding along with you.

Michael Hoover 2023.03.09 - 9:09 pm

Lol like fish trying to get air 😂

Chris Browder 2023.03.09 - 9:12 pm

You guys really impress me of how much respect you have when doing grave work. KEEP ON KEEPIN ON

Michael Neuman 2023.03.09 - 9:48 pm

That 4840 is a gem!!

Caleb Nord 2023.03.09 - 10:13 pm

Is Zac WD camera guy?

Jon P 2023.03.09 - 10:34 pm

Good stuff DC.

blister762 2023.03.09 - 10:53 pm

I was stationed in Germany back in the mid to late 80's and an ice storm hit one winter. The cobble stone streets were solid ice. We were watching a armor battalion move their M60 tanks through the city and they were sliding like 50 ton curling stones down the street. They hit cars, curbs, buildings, each other. We had a good chuckle until one came around the corner, lost traction, spun 360 degrees as it came right for us. We bailed out of the deuce and a half we were riding in and ran for it. The tank came to a stop about a foot away from the truck. We stopped laughing and started cussing.

Sylvia Prudhomme 2023.03.09 - 11:25 pm

Dc always there to help out❤❤❤❤

Earnie Rosenow 2023.03.09 - 11:48 pm

where is the wif and child cole

Kristian Tovar 2023.03.10 - 12:17 am

Wheres nava??? She hasn’t Posted on her channel or anything????

cindy katzenberger 2023.03.10 - 12:29 am

Love it when we get a Daddy Cornstar vlog.

Gary Melasi 2023.03.10 - 12:56 am

U ski like my little sister

DI trY 2023.03.10 - 1:07 am

For motion picture uses

Arthur Penney 2023.03.10 - 2:44 am

Cole is such a drama queen ….emphasizes on ‘queen’

K27fan 2023.03.10 - 4:33 am

When I ran cross country for UPS, we ran from L.A. to Brooklyn IA which I guess is near you. But we had to go up over the Rockies and then run thru WY NB and the snow and ice would get bad enough to where we had to park it. UPS always fought us on this, they do not want you to stop no matter what, but then they will charge with the accident when it happens. And believe me, everything is your fault at UPS. So I just had to tell them "Im the captain of the ship, and if I say we stop then we stop. Youre sitting in a nice warm office, Im the one that's out here".

David Catlette 2023.03.10 - 6:01 am

So no more Neva ? Thought I saw a wedding ring on his finger a few videos back ! So why would she not go on vacation with Cole ?

Tim Stevens 2023.03.10 - 6:34 am

Ya DC that would really stink if U busted a vault!

kodez79 2023.03.10 - 7:56 am

I don't understand why you guys don't insulate with something better than that terrible spray foam. With such a large heated shop, the return on investment for some decent insulation should be quite good. There is so much space behind the inner panels on those walls that could be saving you money on heating.

Kayla Walker 2023.03.10 - 10:31 am

Thanks DC for some great videos. Always love seeing you and hearing you explain things.

Marcy Loves Odie 2023.03.10 - 10:33 am

I didn’t know that propane tanks did that! Thanks for sharing ❤

thomas leonard 2023.03.10 - 10:41 am

D.C. they should have told you, they went sno-skiing, very expensive!

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