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Answer the Call – Hanging Out with VoiDude


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◆ Twitch: Sunday-Friday 6:30am EDT https://Twitch.tv/SaltEMike
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jWeslo 2023.02.12 - 7:35 pm

good stuff

Ghazlawl 2023.02.12 - 8:07 pm

“Things that make sense in a more finished Star Citizen” is exactly why a lot of people I talk to, myself included, don’t play as often or as seriously as we want to.

Robert Case 2023.02.12 - 9:22 pm

When I started watching Mike, I enjoyed him. Then with me being new a year ago, I was anoyed, I thought: your attacking my wonderful new game. Then I was like, ok I will be open minded, "I like him" then I would get anoyed by his negative comments again… lol, but then I started learning how long he has been with SC and his knowledge. When you learn how long some of our contect providers have been with SC, you have to imagine how deep into it they are. How many great things thay have seen and how many disapointments they have gone through. I then learned to respect his knowldge , he has allot of knowldege and has invested allot odnhis time. SC employees work hard and they have there views. They are commited, think about it, Its a huge project. I have learned that people like Mike have to exsist. Believe it or not, gate keepers wether there views are all the time valid or not. Outsider pressure and a voice for the people is a imoportant pressure companies need " wether they know it or not". I have a few issues with the company. But overall I am satisfied. Appretiate you mike.

Realm Watters 2023.02.12 - 9:37 pm

Why not when you get a soft death your self destruck is disabled! when you attack ship and goes to zero health, all your systems stop working, so include the self destruct is also disable, makes sense, and back spacing does not work while n combat!

Beav's Channel 2023.02.12 - 10:39 pm

I see reactions, when done right, are just a continuation of the discussion of the original video, you bring your own points and perspective on the subject and maybe highlight something that was missed or overlooked. And personally I think you Mike, do it well.

Metatron 2023.02.12 - 10:42 pm

Loosing a PVP match shouldn’t give you a “bad day”
Speaking in general terms here, not aimed at any individual but If that’s you that’s a you problem
Loosing in online games is normal and shouldn’t be considered a day ruiner
Loosing many times is the only way that winning will feel good
If it wasn’t possible to loose against someone then winning would feel meaningless

Metatron 2023.02.12 - 10:49 pm

One of the big problems this game’s community has is that it attracts a lot of space dads who just aren’t used to loosing to a teenager with more time on their hands.
Their ego just can’t handle it!!
They came for the pretty ships, invested a lot of cash and ignored one of the major aspects of the game’s core which is skill based player interaction and now it’s starting to bite them in the ass 😂

Mike Nunn 2023.02.12 - 11:40 pm

We are gonna need alot of systems to consider gameplay in sc being good. And as tools weapons. 1 or 2 bunker runs u have multiples of everything. Wow is designed to improve your charter massively per lvl.
Maybe if u mad bf as a example or other games like it.
Dcs is nothing like these games no balance jets are as they are in real life. And no one complains lol. You want a game based on skill play dcs. You can use a less worthy jet and do the same thing. It's about control.
You bad sc dogfighting isn't like dcs. Sc is just face tanking and wiggling f4 f6 or 46 that's it.
Maybe one day mike starts dreaming.

Velthus 2023.02.13 - 1:00 am

It'd be great if maze/illegal drugs could be crafted into stims that augment your character temporarily in some ways. Like PED's or something.

EndsInvention 2023.02.13 - 1:59 am

Void dude is my spirit animal

Diogenes 2023.02.13 - 2:28 am

There is more than one way to interact with people than PvP. Wow for example is a game where a raid group work together for months to clear a new raid. There is no reason why the best rewards should just be behind PvP walls, there are plenty of ways to add challenge to a game.

Eve has some great examples of actual open PvP dynamics if you are insterested in learning more about it. Everyone seems to focus on the individual skill thing, but that is not how it turns out.

Podo 2023.02.13 - 2:36 am

What a great conversation. Well done Mike.

Lisa Simpson Liberal 2023.02.13 - 3:03 am

losing doesn't equal suffering.

David 2023.02.13 - 6:52 am

I’m all for massively increased claim times on all ships.. when the game is in a much more mature state. Too many server or bug issues that force you to recover that would make the game unbearable if done now. But it needs to happen, another is ships claim and are given to you with zero fuel or missiles, so you incur the costs of refuelling and rearming your ship to whatever level you require. That can and should be done now.

Voidy Vids 2023.02.13 - 7:02 am

Thanks again for having me on! It was a great time. My brain was all over the place because I'm not used to being on livestreams or camera but I was not able to convey my gratitude that you feel inspired by videos like mine and Citizen Kates and other creators. You admitted that you just haven't put in the effort and that already puts you 20 steps ahead. When you find your groove and passion for the kind of content that you truly want to make it will fly out of your brain and into our eyeballs and I cannot wait for that day.


Moustronaut Music 2023.02.13 - 8:56 am

I genuinely feel like voidude is one of the best SC creators out there right now. Flawless editing with a distinct style, hilarious, and knowledgable of the systems. This was an awesome talk from both of you, thanks for the entertainment!

Galactic elf 2023.02.13 - 9:54 am

Greetings, salty citizen
Thank you for hosting a jump town demigod who knows. All good ships. Have a name.
Please look up the nerdy gentleman. I dub him citizen Bard. Your passion and patience for this ludicrous space game is epic. Thank you 🪐

moodyyuhoody 2023.02.13 - 11:58 am

I don’t play star citizen as I don’t yet have a decent Pc to play it on, but I love the concept and what people do with it.
Can I ask a question ,
Has anybody tried bringing a salvager ship to jumptown?
Does the ray work on buildings?
Just a thought

Gadubadish 2023.02.13 - 3:26 pm

Great podcast! A lot of exellent points about the game in general that I coudn't agree more with

scotscottscottt 2023.02.13 - 5:21 pm

Good grief heheh

Just Saiyen 2023.02.13 - 7:32 pm

loved that dog bone analogy on the fly

David 2023.02.13 - 7:56 pm

I hope your not making these comments in relation to, Tobii. etc. Making judgment on other peoples flying and not their own… what is that awl about?

matthew fletcher 2023.02.14 - 12:47 pm

They call it "The Dark Forest" theory.

You hear a noise in the dark forest, do you shoot it before it gets you? Can you afford to take that chance.

DemonCow 2023.02.14 - 3:01 pm

When you are soft deathed as a cargo hauler there is no point in fighting it out even if you win the boarding you are not going to go recover your cargo, it takes too long and the pirates could come back to your location and keep fighting you. You might as well just alt f4, change servers and continue your route if you are trying to make money. Maybe when ship tractor beams work or we have a way to get the cargo in another ship faster, or some how repair a soft deathed ship it will be worth it.

Wild Phil Gaming 2023.02.15 - 2:17 am

I have to disagree with the whole obsession with PVP in this game. If you want GTA-Online…go play GTA Online….not sure why we want to take something so beautiful and with so much depth and degrade it down to "moar pewpew!" It's what kills beautiful games historically.

Zalmoxes 2023.02.15 - 11:03 pm

regarding the claim buyin, they could have a limited amount of ppl that can buy the claim, as long as the total value of the buyins is high enough to make it not worth it to buy all the claims because you wouldn't make enough aUEC to justify it. for example at 100k buyin, if you limit it at 5 claims but the total salvage value is 500k-750k , it wouldn't be worth it to buy them all, and this would be a good money sink where you don't just put an infinite amount of aUEC in the game

Fulguro Geek 2023.02.16 - 12:51 am

I Honestly find it sad that ppls seems happy that CIg focusses more on simple content than events Like Xenotreat.
To me Nothing have come close from the immersion and joy i had the first week i played xenotreat in 2019.
I tought thats where we were the closer of what i wanted star Citizen to be.

First, it was in space, you had to find the wrekage, than go out in EVA and find the entrance, there was fps combat, there was a cool use of the tracktor beam mechanic, The fact there was a specific order to load the cargo if you wanted to optimize you run was also cool. Also having to be ready to jump in you ship to dogfight a any moment while other were loading cargo was amazing and thrilling. The first time we had a ship full of colorfull boxes and looking at the physicalized cargo was another thing i had never seen in any game.

To me no other event came close to the greatness of Xenotreat even if there was some issues whith it and it was certainly not perfect(Like everyhting in SC) To me the new jumptown is a nice experience but nothing ground breaking or nothin i have never saw in other games,, the setlement missions either are yeah cool addition but still nothing new nothing we have not seen in other games.

Xenothreat was so special that even if im considered a hater now Xenotreat was one of the rare best moment i had in 30 years of gaming.
I really tought there goals was to create procedural missions as complex and cool as xenotreat everywhere but instead they just reused the same mission a few time as an event and create other event that were mostly only fps… I knew backing Star Citizen that there would be FPS but even if i dont really like fps games, i tought that xenetreat was the perfect balance of everything. Maybe it was very hard to create as an event but that were my dream was leading me. Knowing that they now try to do more simple content really make me sad and its one of the reason i dont play the game anymore. i havent played in the last 13 -14 months.

I wanted a great space game.. but now they barely never talk about space exept for the flight model and every content rely on planets. Not that its not cool but we saw that a million times capture the flag type of missions or simple fps missions that every other games have.

Rome 2023.02.16 - 5:40 pm

I’m glad SaltEMike not making this game haha

aivenssar 2023.02.17 - 1:55 pm

When I put up a flight after getting soft-deathed, the pirates just blew up my ship with me in it. If the ability to blow up the rest of the ship wasn't there, it would have been way more interesting.

R. Daneel 2023.02.20 - 5:52 am

I really like this guy

TheBloodyBaron 2023.03.06 - 8:34 pm

The people who self-destruct or altF4 are usually cowards who can't handle combat or whales who can't handle a situation where their IRL money can't buy them a victory.

Pigeon Prime 2023.04.03 - 4:24 pm

we fuckin love voidude

Artur Olestsik 2023.04.12 - 7:25 am

Always bring protection!

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