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Why Strange New Worlds SUCKS MORE NOW!


#FormerNetworkExec #CallMeChato #strangenewworlds
Season one of Strange New Worlds offered a frustrating ray of hope, but season two is utter garbage. So sad.

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Jeff Smith 2023.07.22 - 6:11 pm

The sad state of entertainment these days is illustrated simply; the 'entertainment' is not entertaining, the analysis/reviews/'comedy at the entertainments expense' is entertaining. Reviews, Parody and satire of the entertainment once upon a time was complimentary… now, the review/parody/comedy is the entertainment.
(Edited for Typo)

Hedley Lamarr 2023.07.22 - 6:20 pm

Also, it doesn't help that NONE of the supporting cast has any charisma on screen.

Nikolaki A 2023.07.22 - 9:22 pm

To think you have to spell it out in the way they make these characters spell things out… sort of. You do it with more panache.

Kevin D 2023.07.22 - 9:42 pm

"Some people enjoy Brave New Worlds".

And some people enjoy drinking their own piss because it's recycling. Kidney failure in the name of virtue. Well… they're basically doing the same thing to Star Trek.

cxa011500 2023.07.22 - 9:49 pm

Pretty much right on point.
What do you think of Barbie?

Shaun Sutton 2023.07.22 - 10:28 pm

I get through it all hoping that this is another alternate timeline.

Bob Trambley 2023.07.22 - 11:19 pm

It isn’t Star Trek.

Scottie 2023.07.22 - 11:25 pm

As has been said several times by others, the big difference between TOS and SNW is the life experience of the writers. TOS writers had been through WW2 (as military or as civilians) meanwhile the toughest thing the SNW writers have been through is being told they couldn’t get the feminist studies class they wanted as college

Dr. CoffinNails 2023.07.22 - 11:42 pm

Everything post-2005 = FakeTrek

Adetv1616 2023.07.22 - 11:58 pm

Star Trek has finally made the voyage home….looking forward to many more seasons🎉🎉🎉

The Tetrarch of Apathy 2023.07.23 - 12:50 am


RolandDeschainee 2023.07.23 - 1:17 am

any chance you can do a deep dive into the StarLost 70's series

Semiam1 2023.07.23 - 1:52 am

So the writer’s strike has been going on longer than we thought

T. Stephen 2023.07.23 - 1:53 am

Chatto, you said these shows lack subtext, but the subbtext is really thr hate on white males and the old fans.
Its quite obvious star trek more accurately nutrek has been co opted by them & their followers

Mike Pelow 2023.07.23 - 2:01 am

Spock losing Vulcan side = Sheldon from Big Bang Theory gets drunk= cheap laughs and lazy writing

Jeff Co 2023.07.23 - 2:51 am

Yeah I stopped watching it too

TheEverSoTalented 2023.07.23 - 4:43 am

What a great well made point about "Subtext" playing such a major role in movies….this small (but perfectly formed) reason for todays #flopgate bad movies!


fatarsemonkey 2023.07.23 - 4:55 am

They are writing as if everyone is autistic and perhaps the writers themselves are on the spectrum.

Darin Murphy 2023.07.23 - 6:35 am

You say you love "Hawaiian Pizza," but do you really, and are you sure? What are the ingredients of the "Hawaiian Pizza", that you claim to love? Hmmm? It's always important to ask these kinds of personal questions when it comes to pizza! Pizza is the ULTIMATE FOOD GROUP, and as one of ULTIMATE FOODS, it deserves respect, like BURETTOS and MEATLOAF! Never forget that Mr. CHATO! NEVER FORGET THAT! 😂

Lou Pasternak 2023.07.23 - 7:09 am

Well they did call it STRANGE. omg, they are doing a Musical episode. Broadway in Space. Im speechless

Ryan 111 2023.07.23 - 7:40 am

Also, I just noticed how almost every episode of this season is always focused on the female characters and just how amazing they are.

Crazyuncle 2023.07.23 - 9:23 am

The grade school level writing is is so boring and non trek I just can’t watch it. “Enterprise” was the last real Star Trek in my opinion.
I do love The Orville, however.

Biff Strong 2023.07.23 - 9:32 am

You know that smell, that gasoline smell.
Smells like Victory.

Spock ate Bacon? Had he been transported 1000 years in the past?

Patrick Marchand 2023.07.23 - 11:55 am

I thought it had something to do with age byt my 17 year old autistic son hates noTrek. And I believe that what he told me the other day is actually right, He said "it's made by stupid people for even more stupid people to watch". It seems like every day people are more stupid than the previous one. Western civilization has fallen but it hasn't realized it yet. But the rest of the world has.

Gargoyle Stories 2023.07.23 - 1:41 pm

So… I don't agree with everything you say. That being said, you made some really good comments on how writing these days is too "on the nose." And the lines from the Godfather 3 and Apocalypse Now was very clever.

TEB 1960 2023.07.23 - 1:49 pm

I gave Star Trek Discovery a chance. Watched the first season and quit, what was then CBS All Access. I subscribed to Paramount+ to watch Picard season 3. I liked it. I then watched a few episodes of Strange New Worlds and quit the service again. They never learn.

Edward Gaddis 2023.07.23 - 3:31 pm

Great suggestion for a critique Ted Lasso on Apple TV.

M. F.R. 2023.07.23 - 3:52 pm

Schools are failing America. This generation is incredibly uncreative . They can only destroy what other generations created. I stopped watching American shows. I highly recommend Korean shows

Gary Smith 2023.07.23 - 4:48 pm

The only thing Star Trek now has offer me is the chance to point and laugh.

urthpainter 2023.07.23 - 4:49 pm

Appreciate the intelligent critique of SNW. Seems like most of social media is a love-fest for this show, which I find baffling. It's not good! Season one was decent, but season two has been a tough watch, and I too just stopped watching.

I didn't think the quality deserved any more attention, and while most of the problems stem from writing? It seems like all elements have slipped, including budget and basic production. Which brings me back to my original point – why does this show appear to receive so much positive reenforcement?

Eric B 2023.07.23 - 4:51 pm

it's easy to hate on the garbage hollywood has pumped out in the recent years / half decade. Anyone who doesn't see a problem with Hollywood in 2023 simply does not have a proper working brain.

TheAyeAye1 2023.07.23 - 5:01 pm

Complete agreement on everything you said. Galaxy Quest was the best Star Trek movie ever made.

The Worrying Wolverine 2023.07.23 - 7:27 pm

Well, Star Trek Lower Decks being vomited into Star Trek Strange New Worlds with episode 7 isn't doing the series any favor either, i had a little bit of hope left that ST: SNW might become more watchable at some point in later episodes, but i'm just done now.
I switched back to an episode of ST: TNG with Q placing the Enterprise into Borg territory as a pallet cleanser, the quality of writing really has gone down the shitter for ST over the years…

DuncanIdaho redux 2023.07.23 - 7:28 pm

I commented earlier that I enjoyed the episode set in Toronto. That would be it. The rest has been cringe. And maybe it's just me but this iteration (and the youngest as well) of Uhuru is a god awful ugly woman.

ShaneJoshua1980 2023.07.23 - 9:18 pm

I like it in terms of the visuals but I am actually going back to the Original series.

edgeof60 2023.07.23 - 9:21 pm

Sorry to say I agree, SNW is a big disappointment, really a waste of the potential of episodic story-telling. What made TOS so great was the story always came first, the character development and relationships served the story, in SNW it's vice-versa.

elck3 2023.07.24 - 12:08 am

Compare this show’s Spock to the one in JJ Abrams’s movies. This shows a stark difference in how to treat a legacy character appropriately, imo. Sure there was lots wrong with those movies but they at least kept the characters mostly the same, especially Spock’s characterization.

terriblecertainity 2023.07.24 - 12:36 am

my biggest issue with SNW is that none of these characters feel like they belong into a Trek show. They are so overly emotional and talk like modern day teenagers. Not like highly trained members of Starfleet from the 23th century. It's annoying

salerio 2023.07.24 - 2:03 am

Always remember when we're living in a nuclear cave that we permitted our women to VOTE. (Is that you Barbie…etc.

Zach Borg 2023.07.24 - 4:08 am

Getting this general vibe from a section of the fanbase:

Discovery (which I'll grant you is not good): "Too dark! No optimism! Not Star Trek!"

Strange New Worlds: "Too silly! Not serious enough! Not Star Trek!"

Kinda doesn't feel like said section will like most (if not all) newer Trek produced. Which is fine. No one is being forced to watch. But it's more fun to complain than ignore I guess.

Jon Butcher 2023.07.24 - 5:36 am

Boy am i getting tired of all these Star Trek naysayers. Very tiresome because it's not how Star Trek must be.
According to them and all of their very Star Treky notions of how a trueTrek should be. " F off and let the rest of us enjoy it."

Hunt Original Music 2023.07.24 - 5:38 am

It was crap. I agree with you.

Capital City Goofball 2023.07.24 - 6:37 am

Just found out Anson Mount had a baby early into filming season 2 and there were complications. So basically he took a leave of absence and the show had to hastily write around it, which is part of the reason season 2 feels so off. I can't excuse all the writing, but it does explain Pike being relegated to special guest star in his own show. Unfortunate.

Eric Cadwell 2023.07.24 - 7:48 am

Hawai'ian pizza completely rocks. **Pulls out his flintlocks and defends Hawai'ian pizza**. It's one of the greatest Canadian inventions of all time!

ricardios carbonara 2023.07.24 - 10:11 am

Yep, totally agree, they've made star trek into a sitcom, no real militaristic behaviour, cheap and cheesy attempts at humour, too many incompetent white males in supposed positions of authority, that Ortegas character is awful, if any of this crew had been on TOS enterprise they would have been sent straight back to the academy. I can't believe it actually got worse in the second season, almost as if they knew they had to tow the line to rope in the fans in the first season, then abandoned that completely the second time around in favour of doing things their way, which sucks.

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