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A call from the stars. A call to Arms! COMPLETE


“COMPLETE SERIES!!” (Chapters1-31)

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slothshuffle 2023.03.24 - 11:39 am

Thanks for the upload. Keep up the good work.

Harenun Hoppus 2023.04.09 - 8:22 am

Its like reptilian species are a common sight in this universe. Not complaining tho

Josh F 2023.05.15 - 6:15 pm

Damn! That was amazing!

matt reno 2023.05.18 - 3:46 am

Please sir, can I have some more?

Stalwart Servant 2023.05.22 - 6:25 pm

Good story!

jason bull 2023.05.22 - 7:42 pm

Only 5 comments,,,,SHAME on your subscribers..tsk tsk.
This is banging!

sam bob 2023.05.26 - 7:36 pm

They keep saying Galaxy I think they mean solar system

Soliloquy_Solitude 2023.05.27 - 9:54 pm

You caught my attention earlier this afternoon with "the dead zone". I decided to go a little deeper with this submission.
I'm not regretful or disappointed! I'm roughly an hour and a half in and enjoying myself!
Jackal the Emporer… might that be you? The voice is familiar and similar and some of your references sound like someone who's been lightly influenced by Sar'nt Popp…

ZdraZgonZ KPOP Lover 2023.05.27 - 10:28 pm

at 28:04 he said at one point I'll climb you like a tree

damn that was deep

Soliloquy_Solitude 2023.05.27 - 11:16 pm

Alright fucker! Admirals Kleiner & Popp! Yeah, you're one of the initiated…😏

M.T.F guard 2023.05.28 - 10:22 pm

I kinda want to see a chapter 25 and onwards

chaos seed 3 2023.06.01 - 3:26 pm


mr Williams 2023.06.01 - 6:26 pm

Will it be a second call to arm like a 2nd book

Leonid 2023.06.06 - 12:27 pm

After first hour, i am sure the accident waa an misunderstanding

Time:Line 2023.06.23 - 12:27 am

It was a good reading, but the story itself was meh at best. The ending really just kind of killed it for me. Can't we just have stories that end, you know.

Ace Fire 2023.07.04 - 11:57 am

Don't eat food don't drink water don't drink soda Don't drink don't ingest anyting before you go up into space did I make you sicker before you come back down to a planet drink a lot of water or spend six months hospital as some people NASA found out.

Frank Smedley 2023.07.11 - 4:57 am

Hello Sin.
If I may, being a Marine Veteran, I would like to address a few comments towards your story. First… Marines do a lot of 'Guard' duty, yes. But, if you look at the operational history of Marines, from inception to modern day, you will find that Marines are ALWAYS the first into combat in nearly Every theater of warfare. This is because, unlike the other services, Marines are ready to deploy with minimum to no 'lead time'. Look at the Gulf War (the first). It took the Army nearly 6 months to 'forward deploy' itself before the deployed forces could move up to begin combat.
The Marines were already there, and working to secure the area for the follow-on forces to arrive (like the Army). The Marines were SO FEARED by the Enemy, that several additional Divisions… Divisions, NOT battalions, were moved up to support a beach landing defense. This was entirely due to the Marines' history of such landings, and how successful they were, even against hotly contested beach defenses.
Now, I don't have a problem with the Powered Armor. I DO have a 'problem' with the heavy weapons that armor uses. Do you have ANY concept of just how heavy .50 Cal ammo is?? The more weight you have on the suits, the more it slows them down. There are several 'fixes' to this 'problem'. First, deploy ammo carrying robots to follow the troops to resupply their 'onboard' ammo supplies.
A better 'fix' to the problem, given the Tech you are specifying, is to replace gunpowder charged ammo entirely, and go with a 'rail gun' design. The 'copper jacketed' rounds would easily be grabbed by electromagnetic fields and moved down the barrel of the rifle at ever-increasing speed due to multiple magnetic rings in series. A 'rifle' slightly longer than a 'standard' battle rifle, given powerful enough electromagnets, and about 30 or 40 such 'Accelerator Rings', exit the muzzle of the weapon at speeds exceeding Mach 3 (3 times the speed of sound, or 1,029 meters per second, or 3,376 feet per second), or better.
Such a weapon would have comparatively 'light' ammo loads, since only the 'round' is being moved, and there is no need to carry any gunpowder, or 'brass' casings. This reduces the .50 Cal round to just the 'bullet', which amounts to around 1/5th the weight of a 'standard' .50 Cal 'round'. Going the Rail Gun route lets your soldiers carry 5 times as much ammo and increases overall lethality almost exponentially.
I could easily 'see' the first units armed with such a weapon, and later 'updated' with one that increases the speed to Mach 5 or so. A .50 Caliber round moving at Mach 3 would easily have the kinetic impact of several 40 mm grenades, all focused into a relatively 'tiny' area of the target. Hydrostatic shock alone of the impact would probably kill the alien 'Sif'.
Please note that at no point do I 'downplay' the Army in my comments above. Unlike you did in the story so far. For mass firepower, the Army excels in bringing such firepower to the Enemy. Be it Infantry massed assaults, or Heavy Armor such as tanks. But, for small unit, highly mobile offense and defense (up to including battalion sized units), you would have to deploy Special Operations units to do better than the Marine Corps.
It is widely known that the first thing any President asks when told of a problem overseas, is to ask: "Where is the nearest Marine Expeditionary Unit?" This is because, as badly funded as they are, Marines can deploy anywhere in the world in under 72 hours. Either by ship or aircraft. The Army, however, needs at least 1 to 2 months to be ready to deploy, and at least a week to get to any theater of action. This is in no way a 'the Marines are better' type of comment. Just cold, hard, fact.
So, your comments on the Marine Corps are taken by this Marine badly. And before you discount my Service, please note that I, and every Marine is trained as a Rifleman first, THEN receives additional training. In my own case, I was trained in Mortars (60 and 81 mm), and had additional training in most of the weapons available to NATO forces. Before exiting the Corps (honorably), I spent over a year at Quantico, VA, as an Enlisted Weapons Instructor for Officers (meaning, I trained cadets from Annapolis, both Navy and Marine, in the use of all sorts of weapons).
I also have been reading (and writing) Sci-Fi for around 5 DECADES. So, my knowledge base is quite large, and I have a very good basis in Physics, Chemistry, Astrophysics, etc. A 'stable' base of knowledge to be able to understand the underlying principles of any technology that appears in my writings, and to be able to understand not only the benefits, but the faults and underlying sciences of any Tech I may use in such writings, or to be able to understand those factors in stories I read.
So, please… back off on the 'I hate Marines' crap and write decent Sci-Fi.

Frank Smedley 2023.07.11 - 5:51 am

Hello Sin.
Another idea as to the 'rail gun' proposal. A 20 mm grenade, instead of a .50 caliber round. Yes, this makes the 'ammo' and weapon itself heavier, in compensation, there is no need to keep the 'standard' sized 20 mm grenade. One could easily double the length and double or even triple the explosive charge inside each 'round'. Since the round is 'fired' using electromagnets, there would be no need for 'brass', or a powder charge to launch the projectile, since this is taken care of by the series of electromagnets that accelerate the round down the barrel.
Since the weapon is so large and cumbersome, such a weapon would be given to a new 'class' of soldier. A Heavy Weapons specialist, who, would be supported by at least two more soldiers, carrying additional ammo as well as their own weapons and gear.
Also, due to the weapon being heavier and the round much heavier, the velocity of the rounds fired would be reduced. Probably to just above Mach 1, and possibly as high as Mach 1.5. This results in penetration of the target, where the delayed fuse, inset into the 'grenade' would cause the round to explode powerfully, inside the Enemy's body.
Thus, the above Heavy Weapon would be, basically, a 'one shot, one kill' type of weapon. Thus reducing the need for massive amounts of ammunition overall.
This heavy weapon should also be able to blow holes in buildings, nearly large enough for a Human to enter, and two such rounds would probably do the trick in any case. In effect, each such heavy weapons round would impact and explode, sort of like a 105 recoilless rifle round, and have a very 'flat' trajectory, and a rate of fire of over 60 rounds a minute.
The 'standard' proposed 'rail gun', using the .50 cal rounds, would have a much higher rate of fire. Possibly as much as 3 to 5 rounds a second, or 120 to 300 rounds a minute.
Since the heavy weapon would tend to be targeted by Enemy plasma based weapons fire, the entire weapon could be 'coated' in multiple layers of ablative materials (probably a combination of ceramics and high temperature polymers) to prevent Enemy fire from exploding the weapon's ammo prematurely.
Just a few ideas.

Frank Smedley 2023.07.11 - 7:19 am

Hello Sin.
Your story, overall, is not 'bad'. But, it does require a LOT of editing and corrections. Your penchant to make the Army primary, at the cost of all other services, is not necessarily a bad decision, but it does remove options for combat that are not seen in the story overall. This factor degrades the story to the point where it is a 'rant' that is perceived as an Army veteran, or perhaps a civilian with Army leanings, telling a tale that lauds the Army over all other services. Even the inclusion of 'boomer' personnel as 'Navy' in the story, does not mitigate the downplaying of other services, or outright scorn of them 'Marines are only good at guard duty'. This is a total fabrication, and outright untrue in real life. History proves this. To intentionally violate History, is to degrade the story to a much lower tier of writing. And that is not even mentioning the badly written and spoken accounts and battle reports given in the tale.
I DO NOT say this as a Marine Veteran. I say this as a published writer. Someone that has met readers of his stories decades later, and gotten comments like: "Hey, You're the guy! I read your story, and it affected me. It changed how I look at things, and it is still memorable years and years later". THIS is the mark of a true writer, and a good story.
I am afraid that your tale will be forgotten nearly as soon as one finishes listening to it, due to the many errors, and total 'slant' of the protagonist forces.
This tale had so much potential to be far better than it is. Had you known someone like myself when attempting to write this story, that person could and would have pointed out the many errors in tactics, strategy, physics, and even personal outlooks and foibles.
This could have been a far better novel. As it stands, though, I would rate it on a scale of one to ten as a three. Barely worth the time to listen to.
Not being mean here… just stating things that any Editor would have told you.

Jacob Smith 2023.07.11 - 10:16 am

All I can say is there is so much damn flak to the Marines. Damn it

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