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Star Wars Theory is ARROGANT – A Call to Be Better


This is a call for Star Wars Theory to do better and to be the Star Wars channel that we know he can be. This is my critique of Star Wars Theory, but I don’t want any hate shown towards him. Keep it constructive everyone.

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Star wars theory, Star wars theory exposed, Star wars theory is a crybaby, Star wars theory is a toxic man-child, Star wars theory is bad, Star wars theory is a manchild, is Star wars theory natural, is Star wars theory a manchild, Star wars theory toxic, turf nation Star wars theory, Star wars theory turf nation, why star wars theory is toxic, why star wars theory is bad, disney star wars is bad, disney star wars is trash, disney star wars is garbage, the fandom initiative, the sequels are better than the prequels, the prequels are better than the sequels, Star wars theory, Star wars theory exposed, Star wars theory is a crybaby, Star wars theory is a toxic man-child, Star wars theory is bad, Star wars theory is a manchild, is Star wars theory natural, is Star wars theory a manchild, Star wars theory toxic, turf nation Star wars theory, Star wars theory turf nation, why star wars theory is toxic, why star wars theory is bad, disney star wars is bad, disney star wars is trash, disney star wars is garbage, the fandom initiative, the sequels are better than the prequels, the prequels are better than the sequels,

TurfNation TurfNation TurfNation TurfNation TurfNation TurfNation

Star Wars Theory is ARROGANT – A Call to Be Better

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TurfNation 2023.06.15 - 4:30 pm

What are your thoughts on Star Wars Theory? Remember to keep it civil and constructive!

Dookieman 2023.07.21 - 8:56 pm

He’s very much misguided. Like an impressionable but innocent kid among people of questionable character. He says he’s glad people can like the sequels when he just doesn’t but straight up alienates sequel fans. He’s more wholesome and that’s the appeal but tends to be go back on his own words and lashes out in very volatile and childish ways

Nathaniel Sarkissian 2023.07.24 - 3:21 pm

Why do you care so much about what someone else does on their channel?

Happy Pills 2023.07.25 - 12:41 am

this you rn 👉😭😥

TripleX2600 2023.07.25 - 6:06 am

I use to to like Star Wars Theory but I feel like he let his channel and his fan movie get to his head.

CamoLive 2023.07.25 - 3:02 pm

L take

Mad Mike Follower 69 2023.07.26 - 12:08 am

“Tell me you’re jealous without telling me your jealous of Star Wars theory”

He is very neutral & too much of what he’s said is taken seriously.

There’s a reason he’s on top

Lefa 2023.07.26 - 2:40 pm

damn you suck dude

Star Wars documented 2023.07.27 - 6:13 am

Honestly, I really like his content, and have spoken to him through life streams, personally, I always liked him. You also said in your video that lots of young people like the sequels. Unfortunately I don’t believe this is true as I am a young person and I don’t like the sequels and I have a pretty large friend group and they don’t like them either. also, we were definitely the sequels target audience. I’m sure there are many individuals who do but I haven’t encountered too many myself. overall we have to look at Star Wars theory’s actions through the lens of utilitarianism. If the amount of good theory is done for for the world outweighs the amount of bad then theoretically, he should be right, however, unfortunately, we will never have access to the statistics so my point remains mute. Either way I’m interested to hear what you have to say about my comment. Also, I’d like to know what you think on what personality traits you believe coincide with different types of Star Wars fans. Just a question that has been weighing on my mind recently. Sorry for how long this message turned out. I didn’t mean it to be this long. Have a nice day!

Star Wars documented 2023.07.27 - 6:17 am

I enjoy Star Wars theories content, because it is thorough, because he covers the prequel‘s which are my favorites. Because he does comics which I have trouble getting my hands on. Because I appreciate the charity work he does. And because he covers a wide variety of topics that being theories, lore, and news.

Hoztov Entertainment 2023.07.27 - 8:42 pm

I appreciate your forgiving nature and positive vibe. It's truly honorable. However… I'm sorry, but I don't think there's any redeeming this guy. He's had chance after chance after chance and he continues to be toxic, hypocritical, and arrogant. I would love to be wrong but, I just don't see hope for this guy. At least not any time soon. I always try my best to see the good in people and believe that they can change, but I've done that for so long to the point where I know that some people are just beyond reasoning.

JackRabbit 1920 2023.07.29 - 4:30 pm

Theory’s situation with JJ is a lot like the situation with Trump and The January 6th. Theory might be a narcissist.

FEBURARY 2023.07.29 - 5:57 pm

You lost a lot of credibility when you started crying about his Starwars Celebration Parody video.

Fend-dres 101 afs 2023.07.31 - 2:14 am

You cant blame a fandom being toxic over a certain group of people when the majority of the contribution comes from Disney themselves due to making trash content. If a company puts bad content out there, people have the right to protest and state their opinions. Not everything is gonna be positivity when Disney keeps shifting Star Wars into a direction many people detest. I don't let people dictate my opinions so if you see a fandom being "toxic" or simply just calling out the bullshit of the content produced, just ignore it. Yes SWT has a big influence, but honestly, you as an individual should have the brain capacity to think for yourselves, and if people shift their mentality due to the "hate' around the fandom, that's their fault, cant really blame Theory for that.

ThatDeviousClub 2023.07.31 - 7:43 am

I love seeing the triggered SWT fans in the comments xD

wmfthehorseman 2023.08.01 - 2:08 pm

I actually enjoy Theory's channel and the work he does. Sometimes it's frustrating to deal with the vitriol with which he attacks certain things. And I do find him to be overly critical over some of the post-Disney stuff….although I understand where it stems from. To me he's one of those fans who's made such a significant part if his life be about Star Wars that his sensitivity on the matter often makes him say things that "draw a line in the sand" as far as some of the fandom perceive.

That is my biggest criticism of the way he puts his thoughts out there, but at the end of the day it's his opinion and he has right to it. But arrogant? Not at all. Does he cater to a certain subset of fans, sure…am I one of those fans? Mostly yeah…but that isn't to say I agree with everything he says…especially over the Obi-Wan series which I thought was fantastic. I felt he nitpicked a lot, especially about Reva…not taking into account the fact that they needed to highlight her to that extent in order to establish the degree to which the Dark Side's control over someone, though strong, isn't without frailty from the inner conflict…unless of course you're Palpatine who is All-In….Anakin…for all he did…never quite was…at least not for too long…and Reva even less, as the show showed. With limited time, a series needs to be able to give you something known you can identify with, something fresh to renew the character pool, something borrowed from basic storytelling (i.e. the exiled warrior brought back) and something and just enough of a look under hood of the characters and events to bind it all together. No easy task.

In the end I feel he is very demanding of the franchise because he puts so much of his love into it and maybe wants a return on it that he is more satisfied with. But I don't doubt how much he cares about Star Wars, not for a minute and feel he does a lot more good than he does harm, to be honest.

At the end of the day, the fandom needs to stop putting so much effort into finding points to diverge so drastically on and create sub-communities that are at each other's "throats (lol)" and find enough common ground to build upon and make it flourish again.
Anyone can "shit-post" these days…try offering a creative take or stance on something you love about SW and see how people will appreciate that a lot more.

If you need further proof of how whack things have gotten…realize that we are discussing the stance of someone who makes videos (and movies) talking about movies and how he feels about them…rather than discussing the the movies themselves…objectively LOL

BurningFlamesofDivineDragon 2023.08.04 - 4:22 am

Just like Emperor Palpatine Theory's overconfidence became his weakness. Also, might I recommend supporting Star Wars fan films that use their own original characters? As I find these ones to be more fascinating than Star Wars Theory's Darth Vader fan film. I hope that one day SWT can make a Star Wars project that use's his own OCs and not the ones owned by LF and Disney.

M567dk 2023.08.05 - 10:22 pm

I think amongst the other people who complain about the status of Star Wars theory is the most sane one of them. I mean he is not that bad compared with the others.

FeedingFrenzy91 2023.08.06 - 3:55 am

4:12 What about bad story telling?

FeedingFrenzy91 2023.08.06 - 4:35 am

16:19 But Disney did the same thing on a greater scale (number wise anyway) turf I don't see you calling them out for completely removing most of the EU when they made the sequels.

FeedingFrenzy91 2023.08.06 - 4:41 am

15:58 Actually, George Lucas sold it not because of the fans but because he wanted to spend more time with his family and especially his relatively new daughter. (At least based off what I read).

Darth Dude 2023.08.08 - 7:55 am

"Movies, TV Shows, Gaming, Star Wars, Epic Videos, occasionally porn, Life advice.

If you've come here just to hate then YOU'VE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE. I call out toxic communities/fandoms, so if you feel there's someone out there who's bringing a bad vibe, then let me know;)"

I'd love to call out this comment section, @TurfNation , it drips with toxicity. Please do a video about it! 😊

Nerd Universe 2023.08.11 - 6:53 pm

He is the biggest Star Wars Channel for a reason. Majority of this fandom agrees with Theories opinions.

I'm Old Greg 2023.08.15 - 4:59 am

I was taking you seriously until you went to the woke politics. Your channel is exactly what is wrong with modern entertainment. Everything has been about identity politics and "inclusivity", not entertainment. The hate train is justified.

blackavenue 2023.08.16 - 1:44 am

I feel like he got worse when he started being around denofnerds that’s when he became insufferable to me, sucks bc I rlly used to love his old videos back in high school

Gonzalo Navas 2023.08.16 - 10:00 pm

So here is where the sequel trilogy lovers hide…

Theory doesnt owe you or young audiences jackshit.

Andy OC 2023.08.16 - 10:07 pm

Your channel is political as well by commenting on the political position adopted by other Youtubers?? You try to call to be better, when you are the same. Weak.

Vadam's Vengeance 2023.08.17 - 6:11 pm

this guy sucks

MrBoBoTom 2023.08.17 - 7:56 pm

I'm glad they didn't blow up coruscant and I disagree it would have "more emotional impact". I mean, it would, but still be completely apathtetic as to the story, which itself treats the Prequels like a cancer, and it would mostly just annoy me.

So yea, I agree with him on that.

mr. rager 2023.08.19 - 2:39 am

Jesus Christ, the guy is super chill. Just like you feel like you gotta fight to keep SW relevant no matter how bad it is managed, most fans feels like they gotta fight to defend it's legacy since it's been tarnished by people who couldnt care at all about Luke Skywalker and George Lucas's fantastic universe. We may have different standard, we may react different to the content but at the end of the day most people just want peace and good shows and movies.

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