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Ahsoka REVIEW. Woman suck at playing men.


#FormerNetworkExec #CallMeChato #ahsoka
This girl-boss thing has gotten tiresome.

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Motsognir 2023.08.24 - 4:07 am

Ahsoka = An inferior replacement for Shaak Ti. So much so that Ahsoka doesn't even keep her proper head bits. I don't think it's a small gripe to say that the montral and lekku of Ahsoka in the live action version is too small, because the first togruta we got was Shaak Ti. While Shaak wasn't doing lots of fancy plasma fencing in the prequel films, she nevertheless literally showed us what an adult woman of her species was supposed to look like.

In the animation material where Ahsoka originated, and in Rebels where she was continued, we literally see her montral and lekku grow with age, with both TCW and Rebels depicting her with the full fledged version.
…so why is Rosario wearing a crappy costume piece that in no way looks like it's actually an organic part of her body? It just looks like a sci-fi durag.
In usual fashion, Disney tells us this was chosen because of the impracticality of stunt choreography while wearing the proper Shaak Ti montral/lekku. Which is absolutely hilarious to even suggest in today's world. Because CGI.
And what do we all know about Disney's relationship with VFX folks? They work them like sweat shops so bad that most VFX companies refuse to work with Disney. So it's obvious that these shows are really cut rate productions; they can't afford all the CGI they need, so they had to prioritize what was essential, then work around the other limitations.

Obviously if Disney hadn't pissed off everyone working on CGI today, they could've had two headpieces; a green one for stunt scenes where the head bits are filled in during post production, and a physical one for tame scenes to seal the look. That's rather commonplace in much of filmmaking for at least 20 years now.

At the end of the day, I'm not really fond of Ahsoka. I watched TCW for the first time earlier this year, I've yet to actually watch Rebels, but nevertheless, I felt that Anakin didn't need an apprentice, and that Ahsoka's part in the stories could've been handed to other Jedi so we could've seen their deeds during the Clone Wars. I'd much rather have had more screentime with Shaak than Ahsoka.

Coolio Star Stache 2023.08.24 - 4:09 am

I get that Ahsoka has changed and matured since the Clone Wars, but this version is just so flat and boring compared to young Ahsoka. Sabine in this show has more personality compared to this Ahsoka, but I can't care either way. I'm actually kinda interested in the not-Jedi, but I already know they chances of them being actual characters and not cardboard cutouts are slim. I'm here just to see live action Anakin and Ahsoka flashbacks.

And no, them being woman isn't the problem, but it does kinda feel like even Ahsoka has fallen to the "strong female character" archetype.

Still better than Book of Boba Fett, though. That was a REAL shit show

Gary Smith 2023.08.24 - 4:11 am

You're amusing. I don't care about the show at all.

Catahoula Cadre 2023.08.24 - 4:14 am

People are so used to female characters with what resembles a myriad of mental health issues written in as “interesting characterization” that when healthy, well adjusted, intelligent, women are portrayed some people see it as boring. I see it as refreshing. Too many crazy women around me. These women portrayed are like military women, pilots, professionals. What women and men should aspire to be. You know, boys can look up to women, too, learn life lessons from intelligence women. This is what real women are like.

ironwolfF1 2023.08.24 - 4:18 am

Ah, Star Wars Rebels, great show in it's day. Waitaminute…..where are all the important male characters from SWR??? ( some of whom happen to be Jedi… )

Oh, okay…so Ahsoka is just another KK SW taco-fest. PASS.

Well, given Kennedy's current status at Disney / Lucas, it looks like Filloni has bent his knee to the wrong Sith Lord.

Shkotay D 2023.08.24 - 4:21 am

Going by the comments, I am pretty sure 90% of the people saying something never watched the shows.

She wasnt the best, but she did good for the role.

milcoll73 2023.08.24 - 4:25 am

i was going to make a comment about star wars potential and what post return of the jedi star wars shouldve been, but you pretty much said it all.
instead all we ever get are rehashes of a scavenger hunt.

ErikTheRed 2023.08.24 - 4:27 am

The characters felt forced (no pun intended). I always think back to Sigourney Weaver in Alien(s). One of my all-time favorite characters, Ripley is a badass woman lead. It can’t be that hard to write another one in a sci-fi universe.

HarvestStore 2023.08.24 - 4:29 am

Great video.

Brian McGuinness 2023.08.24 - 4:34 am

Michelle Forbes did a good job of projecting gravitas. She was creepy as Helena Cain in the Galactica remake.

Capital City Goofball 2023.08.24 - 5:03 am

THRAWN wasn't overpowered in the books. He had no powers except a keen intellect for strategy and patience. He was and is probably the greatest EU bad guy ever, extremely rich character that would have leapt to the big screen in 2015 except I think JJ didn't want to pay royalties to Timothy Zahn. Now we have him repurposed for Rebels and now Ashoka. Smh.

PenumbranWolf 2023.08.24 - 5:07 am

My issue with this show is I don't understand Filoni's obsession with shoehorning his fan fiction into the cinema. Clone Wars was good. I haven't seen Rebels or Bad Batch. I don't know if I will dedicate the time. I am a fan of the real lore, not this Disney era glorified fan fic, and Filoni's fixation with Ashoka makes me uncomfortable.

The_Flyattractor 2023.08.24 - 5:08 am

Speaking of "Screaming Harpies" Has anyone else noticed how much Women seem to ROAR in TV and Movies of late? They seem to do it a lot? Or is it just me?

Brokenspeaker 2023.08.24 - 5:14 am

It was kinda boring. It’s lucky there ain’t much else on right now. It does not have the suck you in thing the Favreau stuff has.

Jim Halpert 2023.08.24 - 5:23 am

I love your candor sir, you are a gem.

Mark Bender 2023.08.24 - 5:25 am

I enjoyed your review. Not planning to watch this show.

dfailsthemost 2023.08.24 - 5:36 am

Clone Wars was great. Always have to give Filoni that.

Circular 2023.08.24 - 5:39 am

It’s so weird when grown guys are super into Ahsoka

Aethgeir 2023.08.24 - 5:41 am

I just don't care about this character. She was a side kick to one of the worst characters in Star Wars.

kenneth83DK 2023.08.24 - 5:51 am

I still can't get over the sad attempt the prod. Put into the lazy anime art muriel they thought was acceptable for a multi lvl memorial building.
And I'm saying it now the Rez fella who's missing is the sith fella in the mask.

Cameron MacDonald 2023.08.24 - 5:57 am

I'll come back to this later, as I have only finished episode one. I have seen Clone Wars and Rebels; and because of clone wars, it's my opinion that Dave Filoni made Star Wars cool again. Ahsoka and Ventress are two of my favorite characters. BUT…I don't remember Sabine being force sensitive – she brought the Dark Saber back and tried to learn to use it but in the end gave it to Bo Katan, which started a whole mess with Bo not winning it in combat, etc. etc. Since when were X-wing engines pink? Is there something wrong with the colour of my TV? I thought so at first when "the Jedi" weren't "Jedi" and had orange light sabers. Since when did the Sith have orange light sabers. Ok, they didn't say they were Sith, and one was a former Jedi, so maybe bonded with his kyber crystal to make it orange and taught his apprentice to do the same…BUT, I did make the mistake of watching "Rurouni no Kenshin: The Legend Ends" just before ep. 1 of Ahsoka, and it made the light saber dueling seem really slow and clunky, kinda like the show so far.😞

Zackary Levi 2023.08.24 - 6:14 am

Clone Wars was a gem, a lot of talented people behind it. When Disney acquisition went through and they put out Rebels as the replacement, it was obvious then that the IP was never going to be same again.

MMA mundo 2023.08.24 - 6:36 am

This series is so good you dont understand ahaoka or you sont understatand nothing

Jerome Isaacs 2023.08.24 - 6:42 am

She Survived the Lightsaber through the Chest because She is a Strong Wahman 😂

Lorn Roberts 2023.08.24 - 6:48 am

The last season of Mando was the end for me. I'd like the show to do well, but I'm not investing my time in it until I know it's worthwhile. To be frank the trailers looked like a girl power show. I've seen enough of that – especially from Star Wars.

Brian Gressett 2023.08.24 - 6:49 am

This is a trash review. Glad I'm not subscribed.

Bert439 2023.08.24 - 6:51 am

Disney Star Wars continues to make the Empire the good guys!
New Republic is a joke.

jason chotard 2023.08.24 - 7:07 am

Really? I live in Alberta, and I have never heard that colloquialism; maybe it's a Calgary thing.

Gags 2023.08.24 - 7:12 am

Sabine on the speeder was cringe. I was like is this Star Trek with Chris Pine? So far I really do not like her role. I don't get Hera as a 'General' either as she don't feel like she has any importance at all and the costume just seems incorrect for the role. So far Baylan and Shin have actually been my favorite part of the show. Baylan seems like a badass and Shin's role seems okay as the evil sidekick. They are 'good enough' considering the history of what Disney has done to Star Wars.
So far its a 6/10… Nothing great. Its slow moving, too slow. Lots of time just wasted to add on to the run time. The feel of the show is just odd. I cant say it feel like StarWars.

T. Stephen 2023.08.24 - 7:26 am

Is it worth watching though? All I saw in the trailer was girl boss after girl boss _ the token white male villain

Art J 2023.08.24 - 7:42 am

Spot on

jimbo 577 2023.08.24 - 7:46 am

I kinda found this latest 2 Star Wars Spin very average. I much preferred Ahsoka as an animated character. Therefore I was so excited for this show. I thought the new casted actress was lacking emotion and substance making the entire show boring and lacking excitement. Don't think I will bother with the rest unless its free to download and watch. Def not gonna pay for embarrassingly Bad StarWars Ha .. 4/10

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