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Reports: “Friends” star Matthew Perry dies at age 54


“Friends” star Matthew Perry died at age 54 in an apparent drowning at his Los Angeles home Saturday, according to reports. CBS New York’s Dick Brennan looks back at the actor’s life and career. Read more: https://cbsloc.al/45TlKm9

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Pilgrim Passing Through 2023.10.29 - 11:44 am

Each day in the USA alone, approximately 160 people per state, die each day.

That comes to approximately 8,000 people die each day in the USA

That comes to approximately 3,000,000 die each year in the USA

Approximately 180,000 people die every day world wide,

that comes to approximately 66,000,000 world-wide die each year!

Most had no idea that this day would be their very last day on earth.

What about you dear reader….What if you were to die before the end of this week…Where would you be spending eternity?

Please….think about this.

"It is appointed unto men once to die, and after this the judgment" ~ Hebrews 9:27 ~

Seek the Lord and His forgiveness today while you still have the breath of life in you. lest you perish in your sins and come unto the great judgment.

The Bible tells us that God will not turn away His ear from a truly repentant sinner:

"Seek ye the LORD while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near,

Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and He will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon."

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, repent of your sins, turn from the world and the sinful ways of the world and follow Him is the message of the Bible.

To do otherwise and to continue in your worldly ways will surely bring you at last to eternal ruin and damnation.

Old or young, rich or poor, prince or pauper, death awaits everyone unless Jesus comes first.

It is my hope that some reading this sobering message will turn unto the Lord even this day.

Time is running out for everyone…….


milad ayatynia 2023.10.29 - 12:02 pm

These stars never die. They live forever through the characters they brought to life. Long live Matthew Perry.

Dave Larson 2023.10.29 - 1:23 pm

You misspelled FIENDS
Hated that cringe,bourgeoisie, pap
Each episode should have come with a free case of Brawndo ®
I guess this is my only opportunity to be non-anti-semitic this year.. I PREFERRED SEINFELD

sgtslaughter21 2023.10.29 - 1:37 pm


sgtslaughter21 2023.10.29 - 1:37 pm

"perfectly safe and effective"

sgtslaughter21 2023.10.29 - 1:40 pm

No mention at all of him being fully vaccinated nor cardiac arrest..media omits the facts .. misinformation at its finest they'd rather remind everyone he used to do drugs but they used him to push their own untested poison on the public

Missydcole Melissa Christensen 2023.10.29 - 1:55 pm

He was an alcoholic did he die of liver disease or cirrhosis? No, he died of heart failure and what is related to heart failure? Covid 19 vaccine that was pushed down upon us. Now cover the story on his vaccine views.

Sansa Ella 2023.10.29 - 1:56 pm


Lxce 2023.10.29 - 2:35 pm

I only started watching friends a few years ago and immediately got hooked I loved how they were so funny and energetic…when I found out that Matthew had passed away I was shocked at the news such a beloved actor we will miss you…rest in peace you sweet soul

No Data Stored 2023.10.29 - 3:43 pm

We needed a special with the characters

SantaMonica, CA 2023.10.29 - 3:53 pm

He looks like 70

BranDaGenius 2023.10.29 - 4:01 pm

This is sad bruh. He drowned himself that’s crazy. Long live Matthew Perry. We will always love you forever Chandler. Friends is always my favorite tv show. We’re praying for you and the family and friends and also the Friends Cast 🙏🏽🙏🏽🕊🕊😭😭.

Hollywood13 2023.10.29 - 4:05 pm


Jay 2023.10.29 - 4:32 pm

Chandelor say something funny

G Green 2023.10.29 - 5:28 pm

Your telling me he couldn’t swim?

Paulette Holman 2023.10.29 - 8:31 pm

He completed his 'assignment,' maybe not the way he wanted to. Goodnight Mat.

Wizard Fate 2023.10.29 - 9:24 pm

He can afford to pay for his addiction why can’t he be happy, continue being an addicted , traveling the world and consider to have a partner then die in his 80th. Over doses at 54 with all he has kinda wasted for his hard work

Clayton Coon 2023.10.30 - 1:51 am

I wonder if he felt like his life was always stuck in second gear, and that hasn't been his day or week or month or even his year.

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