新しいユニトロボはティーレックスとヘラクレス!?最強にかっこいい生物同士が合体したらど〜なる?「ユニトロボ ティーレックスヘラクレス」紹介!【ユニトロボーン】【バンマニ!】【バンダイ公式】 by MOEPP 2024.08.02 2024.08.02
終末のワルキューレII後編 The Buddha’s teachings are based on the teachings of Zerofuku by MOEPP 2024.06.15 2024.06.15
終末のワルキューレII後編| Hajun unleashed her strength slashed down with all her might cuttin Buddha in half by MOEPP 2023.07.21 2023.07.21
終末のワルキューレII後編| Poseidon went crazy when Kojiro cut off his left arm as soon as he got on the field by MOEPP 2023.07.20 2023.07.20
終末のワルキューレII後編| Kojiro using a tempest of attacks Musashi’s move cross slices Poseidon in four by MOEPP 2023.07.19 2023.07.19
終末のワルキューレII後編| Thor screams rushes to swing a blow that sends Lü Bu’s head flying into the stands by MOEPP 2023.07.18 2023.07.18
終末のワルキューレII後編| Shiva released a ban on the finishing move that made Raiden’s head fall to the ground by MOEPP 2023.07.17 2023.07.17
終末のワルキューレII後編| Raiden used tremendous power to crush Shiva’s arm making him scream in pain by MOEPP 2023.07.17 2023.07.17
終末のワルキューレII後編| Jack played dirty and stabbed Heracles’s heart with his hand and broke his soul by MOEPP 2023.07.16 2023.07.16
終末のワルキューレII後編| Jack threw thousands of knives and cut off a Heracles arm that fell on the roof by MOEPP 2023.07.16 2023.07.16