ジョジョ-Giorno puts Diavolo in an endless loop when Diavolo can never reach his destiny by MOEPP 2023.01.27 2023.01.27
ジョジョ-Polnareff is no longer afraid of Diavolo's Time Skip when he has ''Arrow'' in his hand by MOEPP 2023.01.26 2023.01.26
ジョジョ-Bucciarati is helpless and can't do anything about Abbacchio's death by MOEPP 2023.01.24 2023.01.24
ジョジョ-ポルナレフがひどい悪夢に見舞われたとき、花京院はポルナレフを優しく世話します|Polnareff gently care for Kakyoin when he have nightmare by MOEPP 2023.01.23 2023.01.23